LITERALLY almost the greatest movie ever
LITERALLY almost the greatest movie ever
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>its a dumbfuck who doesnt understand the brilliance and thematic appropriateness of the third act episode
Watch it a few weeks ago and I was blown away. I'm still surprised how a movie can be so good, when the plot synopsis sounds like a cheap scy-fy original film.
It would be, if you consider the fact that flying a spaceship to fix the sun if literally impossible and just stupid
Whut duh fuk iz dis firefly
It was great until the obviously producer forced murder slasher part started. Ending was good tho
"Sunshine", for those too lazy to use Google image search.
Its thematically relevant and I don't mind it but it is still a tad tonally off.
Its not the movie destroying mistake people make it out to be but it still feels a bit out of place
u r a fag
>tfw liked space cowboys
You're a pathetic contrary cunt for even defending it. Now go prep the bull for mommy.
What about red planet you fuck face
>producer forced
you dont know danny boyle I presume.
Watch 28 days later
Moon was great tho.
This movie might as well have been pure fantasy
Same, and while I don't prefer the Soderbergh Solaris, it's really fucking comfy.
this poster gets slightly closer every time i see it but there are still 2 or 3 unredeemable mistakes and i seriously don't get why they're allowed.
i guess it is kinda the point as a good troll image. 9/10, gets me every time
Red Planet isn't on there for the same reason Cat-Women of the Moon or Flight to Mars isn't
>letting Benedict Wong drive a spaceship
>dat score
>patrician Space Cowboys
>plebs 2001
>Normies Interstellar
JUST fuck my chart up
Any and all of Kubrick's works are pleb filters. Why do you think 2001 is always on some top 100 list made by 'SUCH A NRRD XD' Gamergirls?
28 days later original script had a complete blood transfusion to fix zombie virus.
Boyle is a hack.
pleb filter would mean plebs DONT like it/
reverse-pleb-filter then idfk
>all of Kubrick is for plebs
Come on now. Just statistically that's wrong. Almost every one of his movies was a flop and they at least require a tiny bit some thought. Sit a pleb in front of 2001 or Barry Lyndon and it has the same effect as NyQuil
heh yeah, why do movies even need a third act anyway?
my harem animes certainly don't!
It started out good, but then became a generic , down to the crazy, deformed villain.
>generic slasher
>gravity as lowest common denominator
I know the image was designed to bait but this is probably the most non sense pic ive seen in 8 years here.
Yeah because all movies, especially slow paced philosophical movies, need to have some completely out of left field fucking murder and action in their final third because why the fuck else would I watch this
Remember how citizen Kane ended in a fucking gun fight
image created by "patrician" hipster faggot
are you implying Gravity is clever beyond muh 15 minute continuous shots?
>literally just Look at how pretty it is:The movie
>not LCD
>>>/YouTube comments section/
could have just had one of the crew lose their shit and do all the shit Pinbacker did
nope, let's have Space Freddy whose somehow alive after sitting in a dead space station for months
post yfw this scene
they could have just had the survivor be a normal looking guy, bring him on board and he sabotages and kills people without looking like a comic book character
how bout too young to remember Sunshine.
mostly Sup Forums consists of early 20 somethings
What the fuck are you on about? Sunshine came out in 2007 as is generally liked on Sup Forums.
maybe one day we have mirrors that perfectly reflect light
i only watch sci fis that have good effects
anything old gets dropped immediately
anyone else?
not even baiting here, gravity is probably the most overrated movie (flick) in film history.
its a 3.5/10 at best.
A huge part of any space film IS the visuals but still
the ending is great because of how much mad it produces
Isn't this the intro to Mass Effect 2?
>movie (flick) in film history
So is it aflick, a movie or a film? Get your facts straight.
No, it isn't.
So which one of these should I watch if I liked Sunshine?
Saw Interstellar but thought it was eh, don't believe watching Gravity outside of a cinema makes sense and I've heard all about how reddit The Martian is. Is Moon really worth seeing? Completely new to spaceshit but I really loved the atmosphere in Sunshine.
I'm literally losing my mind. I saw this movie like seven years ago and now I wanted to watch it again with a friedn. I told them that "it's a great sci-fi movie with George Clooney and they're going to the Sun". I was 100% sure that Clooney was in it. 100 fucking %.
I know he was in some other scifis, but FUCK.
Now, I've been to /x/ like a couple times and heard about all that "alternative reality" bullshit and whatnot.
I was so goddamn sure it was George. I could see it in my head before we watched the movie and I still do.
Solaris (2002)
you're thinking of Solaris you utter faggot
>its an user watched sunshine and the solaris remake and integrated the experiences episode
Solaris, both versions (and both have things to appreciate)
>everybody says the ending turns into a slasher movie
>bad guy kills one MAYBE two people
About as much of a slashe rmovie as the end of The Revenant.
>mfw Sunshine was only released in 461 theatres so nobody saw it and it made very little money
I saw it twice when living in Australia
I understood what it meant to be 2 metres away from the Sun
Moon is pretty good, but it feels more like an indie movie than the other spaceshit you mention. Most of it is one guy into a room talking to a clone of himself.
themes dont save cliches
>mfw no one knows about sunshine amd then the very next year danny boyle wins for literally his worst fucking movie
wtf i hate fucking everyone now
how do you know?
weren't it 7 years?
>space station
every time this movie is mentioned some faggot storms in and declares it "unrealistic" without further explanation like we are just supposed to accept that he is an astrophysicist incapable of ignoring the glaring inaccuracies in this movie.
It is pretty unrealistic though.
Why u hatin on Slumdog Millionaire bro? It's pretty great senpai. 172h on the other hand was disappointing shit.
bro this is 100%
I saw an analysis that said the killer was the devil and the astronauts were gods saving the earth so they literally had to go through the devil to do so
Where does Silent Running go?
Probably under a new category called Hippies
Moon is fantastic, but there isn't that much "space" stuff to it. Most of the film takes place inside the moon base.
Just throwing this in since nobody has mentioned it.
I mean it's not amazing, but if you're looking for more spaceshit you can do worse.
This, the way she crawled from ocean to land as symbolism to birth was just genius, I don't think anyone but me got it though.
>The Right Stuff
I will fuck you with a rake.
>famous walk that every movie ever pays homage to/copies
>not normie
How did the Icarus 1 stop so close to the sun's surface? How did it achieve the angular speed to stay in orbit that close. This bothered me so much. Also gravity in the ship. Wat.
>inb4 shut ur brain off
What about Planetes?
this is only one small step above apollo 18
>this is a real post
Damn spot on actually
Expected a troll
Anyone ever watched supernova?
James was /fit/ then ;_;
I found out about thanks to a thread on here.
planetes is fucking amazing, holy shit I loved the fuck out of that series
Why don't you just fucking watch these films yourself and find out you stupid cunt.
>dat ending
There's something weirdly arousing about how she always looks like she's on the verge of tears.
Had some of the creepiest death scenes of any space movie I've ever seen.
>Sinking into the infinite depths of Europa's oceans as darkness overwhelms you
>Floating away from the spaceship as your oxygen slowly depletes
Spoopy shit
it wasn't out of left field
the mystery of what happened to the first ship was a core part of the story
just want to say that The right Stuff is a fucking fantastic Space movie and its severely underrated
>based evans
>cillian murphy
>the one brown guy
>mark strong is the villain
>boyle directing a limited release
>dat score
>dem visuals
pretty good movie senpai
switch 2001 with solaris and mission to mars with space cowboy and that's spot on for me
Mah nigguh
>Arrive home
>Watch new Civilization VI trailer
>Hear the Surface of the Sun
>;_; Reminisce about Sunshine
>come to Sup Forums
and, well, here it is.
Thats alex garland who wrote it, and yes he is a hack - he wrote and directed ex machina.
> taking ten posts to derail the thread