Tony Stark decides to put a kid with superpower under lockdown because she might be threat for herself and others

>Tony Stark decides to put a kid with superpower under lockdown because she might be threat for herself and others
>Is willing to drag another kid with superpowers he's never met before into a fight with an alleged murderer.

Explain this shit.

writers said it was deliberate in an interview, you're supposed to feel uncomfortable that tony drags in a kid to his family feud

RDJ is in the next spider-man movie, so it'll probably be more addressed there

but in terms of the movie itself, it's because tony has always, always been a hypocrite. in the comics, cartoons, films, even video games, it's a core part of his character

>Tony Stark decides to put a kid with superpower under lockdown because she might be threat for herself and others

that was the excuse, he puts her under lockdown because she's not playing ball.

how old is she supposed to be anyway? she didn't seem that young.


No fucking way

She's a woman. Women are more prone to violence and lashing out than men.

Tony did the right thing by letting Spidey take her place.


well let's see.

Spiderman isn't capable of complete and utter destruction like Scarlet Witch is. did you see how badly she handled Crossbones blowing up? she is the most OP of all heroes and she doesn't know how to control it 100%.

Spidey meanwhile, while capable, isn't on the same level. plus he is the best for tying up the heroes against him, apprehending them without hurting them.

for a DCuck who loves to boast jesus and all these forced pseudo symbolism, I am surprised you didn't understand this. of course, you could be trolling.


Also, when Spiderman appears to be hurt, Tony freaks out, as if realizing that he dragged a teenager into their fight, and tells him to go home.

>Spiderman isn't capable of complete and utter destruction

Stark had no way of knowing that in advance. Not actively blowing up Manhattan on cameras doesn't mean anything.

bitch looks 35

Well, you see, Spider-man needed to be in the movie so they put Spider-man in the movie. It was so fucking rad. 10/10.

Tony was just using spiderman to get to his webbing formula.

Next movie tony flies around spewing his white spunk everywhere. Throws Pepper Pots off a building. Bands Aunt May. Demands to be called Tony-Man.

Peter Parker is genius.
Wanda Maximoff (Or whatever her last name is in the MCU) is psycho slav.

Probably because Wanda killed a bumch of people in Africa twice, and the first time wasn't an accident.

y-you take that back

The is nearly 30....


This will be very interesting indeed.

Wanda's powers are super dangerous and she's clearly incompetent and easily manipulated, it was to protect the public

Tony don't give a fuck about using child soldiers


Then send her back to the X-men

Isn't it kind different since Scarlet Witches powers are like crazy and supernatural while Spiderman's are pretty self contained. I mean Spiderman doesn't go blowing things up like SW.

Wanda "Bomb Wakanda" Maximoff
Wanda "Hotel Rwanda" Maximoff
Wanda "This is a white planet, blacks get off" Maximoff
Wanda "Please jack me off" Maximoff

In all seriousness there's 2 things I can't get my head around,
1) Who in their right mind would EVER be on team cpt? ever? he literaly fucks everything, gets a man paralysed, and tries to stop a greiving iron man from going ham, why? it makes no sense , "muh justice" "muh friend", even if he IS innocent, he went about it the wrong way & the motivations are shit & stupid
2) Scarlet witch & hawkeye, wtf are they playing at? ESPECIALLY scarlet witch, she has literally no reason to do anything she did in that film, "Oh no i'm cooped up in my room", so she proceeds to go & ruin everything for everybody

Wait seriously though, is Witch supposed to be a teenager?

it was Vision that crippled Rhodes but yeah Muh Friend was a bad plot

If tony didnt show up to serbia Zemo really wouldnt have done anything since Cap knew?

Spider-man don't have any magic powers or shit like that. Of course he's less dangerous than Scarlet Witch, you'd have to be dense not to know it even at first.

it was sa poorly executed idea to be fair, since he (cap) didn't agree Bucky being executed without trial (you know rights n' shit), but any motivation is buried in the clusterfuck action of the movie

seriously, what's the deal with americans and fat feminists hags infantilizing women?

"She's a kid", bitch is fine as hell and looked like a milk maiden who already had your son who she feeds with those supple fat tits

zemo just wanted to get to the bunker to get the video

then he could show it to stark whenever he wanted. Tony and stark showing up together right then was just happy coincidence for zemo

steve was going all muh friend but the UN were absolute cunts in this movie, you know they never would have given bucky a fair shot even though he was mind controlled the entire time

>steve: does he get a lawyer?
>lester: *laughs*

plus he wanted to stop the super soldiers

Better question


He routinely pulled off impossible strength feats with his non-masturbation arm. Even going toe to toe with Stark with his Right hands.


>spider sense isn't a magical power

Pretty sure he was pumped full of the Russian version of Cap's drug.

he's an off brand super soldier nigga
ersatz steve with a bionic arm

Does not dying from having radioactive body fluids count as a magic power?

Also follow up


I know he is strong and trained to fight and has an impregnable suit of armor with wicked kitty claws but during that chase scene how was he running so fast?

They were moving at Captain America super soldier speeds on foot and he was keeping pace.

Wakandas evolved to be fast so they could outrun lions and shit.

>Stark, you have 36 hours to bring in Captain America and Co.
>no problem, I'll spend most of that precious time flying between countries, convincing a teenager to join my team and making him use equipment that he's never used before in a battle of international importance
Spider-Man was such a shoehorned in character, Christ
Why didn't they move his scenes near the beginning of the movie?

Oh fuck off what.

Super niggers is the explanation?

We're going with Super niggers?

>spidermans primary weapon is a ranged non-lethal web


I doubt it. There's nothing suggesting she's anything other than her actress' age.

Arnim Zola experimented on him in First Avenger.

>making him use equipment that he's never used before
All he did was give Peter a spandex suit and nicer-looking goggles.

Spider-Sense never fed a hungry child.

Which also begs the question
Did he make the suit in a few hours or did he already have a spider suit already made on the off chance his team would splinter and he would be forced to recruit a teenager?

I'm going with super niggers. I have no idea since I'd never heard of the Black Panther before this movie came out.


Delete this and keep quiet.

-A friend

What a fool he was. Antman's quips are formidable indeed.

Neither has Tony Stark

the black panther has to eat some magic wakandan herb and form a pact withs ome panther god that gives him captain america level strength/reflexes etc

to be fair she could probably kill Tony a lot faster than spider could.

>"Go home, kid!"
>they're in Germany

Nice job, Stark.

In the comics Wanda is pretty much unstable in the sense that she doesn't realize she can rewrite reality; I mean she thought she had kids for a long time that were fake and when she found out oh boy did that go wrong. She even got rid of the x-gene with a single word for most of the mutants thus killing plenty fo them. Wanda might want to do missions and all that but honestly if she fuck up on them then it becomes a very very bad fuck up

Putting Wanda on lock down is a PR move.
Bringing Peter out was because he was stronger than Bucky and Cap, but more so because Tony knew he would hold back against a kid, just like he did with Quicksilver.

He most likely paid for a return ticket and they're at an airport kek

I thought spiderman was supposed to be in his 20's and not some high school kid

Wasn't the lizard supposed to be his high school professor or something?

You know when I first started reading Spider-Man he was very much a high school kid.
In other comics he was married to MJ and getting a mutant baby.

She's in her 20s but she's viewed as younger (according to the writers) because of her frailty and uncertainty and having no family.

Her room looks like a teenage girl's for the same reason Tony makes that hologram thing and Cap has old shit. It reminds her of her old life and happier times. Also she has had no normal life since her parents died.

As much as they sold the movie as this political debate of two groups the writers lean pretty hard towards one of the sides and really couldn't write tony reasonable.

The Nazi version, but yes.
He only survived the fall from the trains because of the serum injections that happened in the POW camp Cap saved him from.

Cap is protective of her, just like in the comics.

I think they're setting up for Tony to be a father figure for Spidey, which I kinda like


I like how Spiderman had no idea what the fuck was going on, but was just excited to be there

They needed his strength and web to take Cap and Bucky (and Falcon) in alive. Vision was still watching Wanda when Tony had recruited Peter, so they weren't expecting Vision to come with them. And I just posted in reply to someone else that Cap took it easy on Quicksilver in AoU, asking him to stay down because he didn't want to have to beat the shit out of him. Tony was probably going young on purpose so Cap would pull his punches.

yes but it's cap, a war vet who probably heard the foulest army jokes and witnessed concentration camps and murdered men

he should be slapping that big fat ass and caressing that cute hair like a protective daddy

"she's a kid" pfff

>I think they're setting up for Tony to be a father figure for Spidey, which I kinda like

That is exactly what happened i nthe comics.

Tony stark was a science mentor, father figure, and moral guide for a fairly long spider man sotry arc.

Cap should also have interesting opinions on gay and black people

I dunno if you want to go that way though.
The idea that someone as virtuous as captain america exist is comforting.
Especially if he is originally from a different era.

Neat. Wonder how much he'll be in Homecoming.

Spider-sense isn't at all dangerous for anyone, come on man.

It was good chemistry for a while.

he is stern and he is a sweet super-virtuous man

he heard all the dirtiest jokes but he should go "language" depending on the moment

Big time typecast failure. The actress didn't give me the vibe of teen pussy at all, she was more like an adult woman with confidence issue, and being told what to do by the robot butler.

they call her a kid multiple times in the movie.

Looks like my grandma.

>You know when I first started reading Spider-Man he was very much a high school kid.

are you 60?

or do you mean Ultimate Peter Parker?

That's racist.

She's really beautiful though, I don't really care how old she's supposed to be. I imagined her to be in her early twenties though.

>you can only read comics when they first come out
No user, I'm in my early twenties and I still started off reading old Stan Lee stuff.
Magical, isn't it?


That just means she got the role by offering sex to the director, it had nothing to do with her skills or acting.

I also don't care if you thought she was a bad actress. I thought she was just fine. I don't get your saltyness, but wtv man.

>implying the director is the one who ultimately decides who's cast.
top kek

Yo ho ho he took a bite of heart-shaped herb

>I thought she was fine
Your quads are indisputable.

Russia version of drug makes you dead in month, so it was another drug.

> Pic explains her powers pretty damn well.

Chaos Magic is fiendishly hard to control, (and only two other beings in the universe use it and they are both evil assholes) because it connects to emotions instead of knowledge, and her being unaware of it means it is affected by her subconscious.

She could have easily stopped the Cbone bomb if she used a greater degree of her powers, but she is scared to do that because she fears she can't control it.

Where the hell was Nick Fury during the shitstorm that happened in Civil War?

Would having another black main actor been too much for Sup Forums and triggered all the racists? Probably.

Disney finally realized Jackson isn't a good actor

out being underground super spy shaft/alonzo on the streets somewhere else

>Yo ho ho he took a bite of heart-shaped herb

That and the panther god powers him up in some stories. Gods are real in the marvel universe, after all.

Still better than Hitler Stark from comic Civil War

I love that Tony gets sentimental about an American kid dying in Slavokia, but then puts another kid in harms way.

I don't remember how Winter Soldier ended, but he might have been in hiding, "faking" his death to stay undercover.

Most importantly though, having Nick Furry in this film would've been problematic in my opinion. I have the feeling he wouldn't want the Avengers to be controlled by any government, especially since he basically created them. Also I'm not sure, but I think he's kind of the"boss" of Black Widow, so she would also be on Cap's side. That would leave one team fairly unballanced. That's how I saw it anyways.


>nigger steals a high tech suit of armor
>does not have an arc reactor to power it
>does not have an on board AI to handle it's numerous complex functions

Explain this shit.

Guns. Lots of guns.

>how badly she handled Crossbones blowing up
You mean lifting him into the air away from more casualties and the biological weapon? Yeah, that was such a bad move.

>he does it for free