How long did it take you to realize you had been tricked and Enterprise was actually great?
Star Trek
Is that Scott Bakula? The shadows make that man look very odd.
Enterprise is half good.
About as long as it's taking Monarch Entertainment to release the Tuvok expansion Pak.
Season 3 is where it got great. So season 3.
Even the first two seasons are better than Voyager though.
Tuvok never does anything but meditate and get his blood boiled by Kes. Hard to structure a DLC around that
>tfw no mirror universe episodes
I really, REALLY wanted to see Mirror Universe Romulans.
>tfw no bro-tier romulans who hang out with people, get drunk as fuck and have great parties
>tfw no bro-tier romulans
But user we already have that
>you will never share a Romulan Ale with T'Rul
>Experience life aboard the starship VOYAGER, as Lt. Commander TUVOK
>Exercise your authority as ship's passive aggressive asshole by feeding misinformation to a tattooed drug user.
>Navigate through a maze of lies as trusted adviser to a uniformed psychopath – Captain Kathryn Janeway, minister of propaganda.
>Use your black Vulcan telepathy to teach a pre-pubescent child how to "reach out and feel 'things' with your mind".
>Dance carefully between objects to evade a professional predator and comedy alien Neelix
They already remade Wrath of Khan, how long before they remake the whale one?
I am a TNG and voyager fan, hated DS9 and the original series. Will I like Enterprise?
ENT is definitely not DS9-like and returns to the classic exploration of TNG and VOY.
That said, the lack of technology sort of makes it similar to TOS so I'm not sure how that would sit with you. No holodecks, no replicators, etc
What a waste of money when we could be getting re-mastered HD DS9 or, yes, even Voyager I would prefer over a remake that doesn't need one.
The visuals are already fine for me with the movies, it's unnecessary.
TNG did Scotty dirty, he didn't deserve that shit
>tfw we will never get all the best Trekfus in HD
Jeez, finally.
I love season 3 of Enterprise. It's exciting and dramatic. That's why when people say "season 3 was the worst part", I'm like wtf are they talking about? Jolene Blalock is an amazing actress. How do you miss all those great moments with her character developing and come to the conclusion it sucks?
>Star Trek Beyond out in 2 months
>Haven't heard shit since the trailer was released and everyone hated it
Bomb incoming?
Would Tuvix have Tuvok's neurological condition or would delaying splitting him until they returned to the Alpha quadrant have saved Tuvok?
Enterprise was great after that shitty Alien 9/11 season and after they gave up on that stupid temporal war plot.
Too bad they didn't it a chance. If TNG got the same treatment it would have been cancelled early on too..
>it's a "this episode didn't even happen" episode
Twilight, wasn't it?
Good stuff but I always hate endings like that. At least Sisko remembers some of the events of The Visitor.
I couldn't agree more.
Season 3 was the best of the show for me and one of the best seasons of Trek, for me. There were only a couple of "enh" ones in there, but for the most part the tension was palpable, there was constant variation of epiosde ideas, the underlying arc was ever-present, Jolene's character became much more real and had a pathos even with her addiction to the Trellium (?), just an all around great season.
Brannon Braga's a real douche when it comes to giving Manny Coto credit where credit is do.
In the Blu-Ray's he has this real subtle "Well, yeah, that was a Manny Coto episode.." vibe. IMO, Braga was tapped of ideas and Manny's Season 3 and then Season 4 executive producer role showed he was the creative force it really needed from the beginning.
Similitude is still one of my all time favorites.
>shitty Alien 9/11 season
Oh you just mean the best part of the entire show? Yeah, that season with the most creative ideas and real tension serialized week to week, how atrocious.
Yeah, Twilight, where Archer has brain bugs that keeps resetting his memory. Earth is blown up by the Xindi weapon. When they destroy the parasites in the present, it destroys them in the past.
>it's a T'Pol x Archer shipping episode
>one week later
>it's a T'Pol x Trip shipping episode
Nice hack job, writers.
>Those creatures, the lizard people, they're around here somewhere. You gotta find them. Be careful. Be careful, they got ray guns.
To ENT's credit it did feature the tastiest looking aliens. Imagine a seared aquatic Xindi steak served over grilled onions. Or whole steamed insectoid Xindi with lemon and butter. Nothing else in any series comes close (though in TOS' defense, I would very much like to try roasted Gorn)
>not having Al show up in the last episode
>Sam leaps home
Why did the Xindi test their weapon on Earth? That test gave Earth a warning and months to prepare.
Why didn't the Xindi blow up the Enterprise? Every time they overpower the Enterprise, they always send over a boarding crew and/or retreat.
The Xindi were stupid. No wonder they lost.
Reptilian space niggers.
They had a Gorn in ENT too ("In a Mirror Darkly").
Moving picture related.
>novel after Endgame
>you knew that Aoochiemoya/Seven shit wouldn't last
Of course. Seven's true OTP is the planet killer.
Thanks Peter David.
I just watched the last episode of TNG, and I got all teary eyed.
When I got netflix a while ago, I decided to watch all of Star Trek from the beginning. My mom was a huge star trek fan, and we would sit and watch it together when I was a kid while my father was doing manly stuff and my sister was off being a cunt.
Watched the original series, and relived the memories, watching it with my mom. Then, I started TNG, and I was loving the cheese factor of the sets and stories. Then it hit its stride, and I remembered the episodes. I even saw a couple episodes that I hadn't seen before.
Then, it came up to the last season, and the episode "All Good Things". I stopped watching for 4 months. I just couldn't watch it, even though I already had, many times before. I knew that once I watched it, I would be done with TNG.
But tonight I finished the series, and that last scene of the bridge crew playing poker together is still as satisfying as ever.
My mom still loves star trek, but getting her motivated to watch something has become harder since the dementia kicked in. Some times I can get her to watch an episode and remain lucid enough to enjoy it, but usually she ends up spacing out midway through. Watching all of TNG on my own just reminded me of the first time I saw it, with my mom, in our old living room with the ratty ass couch, munching on popcorn, we'd watch as everyone else did their own thing. It reminded me of better days.
I apologize for the blog post, but I appreciate you fuckers for being awesome.
If they wanted the ratings to go up, it should have been like this.
OFFICIAL TREK THREAD OP STATS from an unbiased observer:
>TOS image
Quality Discussion: * * * * *
Shitposting----------: * * *
Amount of Tourists: * * *
Durability-------------: * *
>TNG image
Quality Discussion: * *
Shitposting----------: * * * *
Amount of Tourists: * * * * *
Durability-------------: * * * * *
>DS9 image
Quality Discussion: * * * *
Shitposting----------: * * * * *
Amount of Tourists: * *
Durability-------------: * * * * *
>VOY image
Quality Discussion: * * *
Shitposting----------: * *
Amount of Tourists: *
Durability-------------: * * *
>ENT image
Quality Discussion: * * * *
Shitposting----------: *
Amount of Tourists: *
Durability-------------: *
My god it's true
I hope you're taking into account the fact that Voyager images are NOT saved from Imgur, despite occasionally appearing as if they have been.
I've only been coming to Sup Forums"trek-threads" since December 2015 and this seems eminently true.
DS9 threads I always thought were the worst, even though it's possibly my favorite series.
TNG is right except I've never noticed a dip in quality discussion.
In any event, ENT threads lack the amount of speed of posts for obvious reasons, I just don't want reddit shitposter to show up in any thread, same with pretentious douche who will reply to 8 posts for the sake of it.
>Ezriposter also appreciates ENT
How much good taste can one person have?
It was funny to see that guy again after he showed up in both DS9 and Voyager
Did he ever appear in TNG?
Leland Orser is a great B to C lister.
He wasn't in TNG but he was also in DS9 as a member of the "seedy flakey skin race that gets pissed off over being given an entire planet" race.
Oh, and I'm not Ezriposter but I save a lot of his images because I too find her quite pleasing in many ways.
>DS9 threads I always thought were the worst
It's because DS9 threads are always sustained by the angry posters who arrive to insist that DS9 isn't even real Star Trek.
Every single one involves a >>>/reddit/, followed by some ghetto / black references, et al.
It all seems very trollish to me, though.
On a side note, I hope Fuller can hire Manny Coto, a hardcore Trek fan who was the progenitor of Season 4 from Enterprise and the writer of some of Season 3's best, including Similitude.
Not to mention, Jeff Combs deserved to be a mainstay, if only for one season, just for being overall an outstanding performer and cool guy.
His age is starting to show, but he's so great I can't imagine it would affect a character played by him. It's a travesty that we never got the planned S5 with Shran on the main cast
He could play the right role to the hilt, the casting just has to be right. But he's played everything he's been given magnanimously, I wouldn't mind him even as a one-offer.
I would guess, even though it's still a lot of conjecture, if a seasonal anthology is part of the MO on Trek 2017, Fuller will definitely hire a couple of the old hands who the fans loved, if not work them into time specific storylines. I feel like he is more keen on what the core Trek fans want but ultimately he will be playing multiple tunes for multiple people to make the show work and not just for the sake of the Trek franchise but also CBS' streaming service.
>tfw someone posts another trekthread instead of posting in yours and gets a bunch of replies
From which point of view are you expressing this? Because this is the oldest Trek thread up on the board right now
Don't worry my fammy, is dead.
Oh, his age doesn't matter. The man's a goddamn chameleon.
I too am bummed we didn't get to see the adventures of Shran & everyone else. UPN sinking into the goddamn abyss robbed us of one of the best potential things ever.
>Malcolm almost gets his dick ripped off by in heat T'Pol
Did anyone other than Tripp get their knobs wet in the series?
>tfw I actually enjoyed Enterprise
>Hell I enjoyed most of Voyager
>DS9 was good but I skipped a lot of episodes
>TOS is a bit too old and crude for my taste
>TNG was the best
>The JJ films were tripe
Does MU count?
Found my duplicate.
Just don't reveal why I'm here, non-user.
Hmm, that could spawn a debate from someone about previous MU / Time travel episodes so I'm just going to say YES, because I'm too tired.
thnx. if you're still here user what about the writing? I like the interpersonal relationships and the mellow drama of the two mentioned above. Is the character development the same ?
>ywn taste a Vulcan woman's sweat
Why even live
>I like the interpersonal relationships and the mellow drama
But you hate TOS and DS9? Does not compute.
Yes, there is character development (not that user) but it really doesn't show up in full speed until Season 3.
Just be a man and take the dive. Word of advice.
-The Theme song has an evolution: disgust, apathy, mild enjoyment, outright singing before every episode.. as Garak said "It's insidious."
-The first two seasons are hit and miss but in the end they aren't that bad writing wise, it's sort of a mixture of the cast trying to figure out the roles (IMO).
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
> (You)
>Found my duplicate.
>Just don't reveal why I'm here, non-user.
Don't worry the humans will never no the extant of our influence until it's ready
Oh good, the center square is here.
just never got in to it. didn't care about the characters. I tried user I really did.
which is why I never gave enterprise a try. so convince me on it or whatever. its Sup Forums so whatever lol
Friendly reminder Dukat did nothing wrong.
>ywn discuss Vulcan philosophy with T'Pau while massaging her feet
How do you say 'JDIMSA' in Vulcan?
>ywn get a whiff of T'Pol's sweety feet as you take off her boots after a long day of her standing on the bridge
Except for not forcing the DS9 execs to air the spinoff where he, Damar, Kira, Ziyal, and Weyoun-6 have space adventures in his stolen Bird of Prey
*nods approvingly*
>all that pointlessly wasted libido
Develop a better fetish already.
Well, yes, though perhaps a bit younger
No this one.
TOS and DS9 have the best interpersonal relationships, and DS9 has the most character development of all the Treks. It's a shame that you missed out on that.
Enterprise is good, better than Voyager, but it's still in fourth place for me.
TOS has the best banter, in my opinion.
I always found it amusing that TOS ends so many of its episodes with the bridge crew laughing at Spock for almost no reason.
Bones and Spock is my all-time favorite "we annoy the shit out of each other but deep down respect and admire one another regardless of our methods" friendship.
Like facesitting?
>tfw there's yet ANOTHER trekthread posted and it's accumulating replies
>tfw Project Full Circle will never be filmed
Why do you keep roleplaying as me? You didn't create this thread and it's no concern of yours
I'm your transporter duplicate.
Normally the laws of physics prevent the transporter from creating duplicates, but the beam passed through a strange energy field and, well, here I am.
meh, was alright. DS9 was better
>Battlestar Enterprise was actually good
yeah nah
Season 5 Shran is truly a lost gem that we will never get to fully appreciate.
I am posting things that concern the trekthread community anonymously, if you wanted explicit captaincy over this thread you ought to have used a tripcode my friend. I will continue to post whiny tfws ITT so long as it remains in the catalog as the elder trekthread if and when other extraneous trekthreads are posted and you'd better believe some readers may believe you are me, oh yes, prepare for it.
Have you spoken with a therapist about this?
>Battlestar Galactica was bad
Found the pleb
Calm down brah, at least we're not talking SGU
>Scotty grabs the scientists ipad. "COMPUTAH, TURN ROIGHT ON, INNIT ME LOVE? ILL OOK YA ONE M8"
>Kirk and Spock catch an UBER, driver is listening to some heavy DUBSTEP, spock asks him to turn it down, Driver says "NAH YOU CUNT, DIS IS HARDSTYLE, I NEED IT AT FULL VOLUME", spock nerve pinches him while kirk tries to jump into the drivers seat comically.
>"Officwer, cwan you pwoint us to the nucwear wessles?" (Ok, even today with the new cast that would be pretty funny)
>Ohura gets in a twerk off.
Seriously, would you want a "modern" version of the whales? Full of iphone, twitter and facebook references? Maybe a celebrity cameo by miley cyrus or someone?
>Maybe a celebrity cameo by miley cyrus or someone?
Or Eddie Murphy.
Not implying it was m8
Loli/tomboy Dax best Dax.
Much better than "oh, McCoy? Yeah, I fucked him. Oh, Klingon ambassador, him too. Oh, the crystaline entity? MULTIPLE. DICKS."
What do you have against sex?
>Sup Forums
Oh, right, sorry.
Jadzia was thrown in to teach young girls to embrace degeneracy. She was like the failed Beta version of Dax before they could perfect the recipe to Ezri.
Whomever you are, or whatever group of people you are. I give you mad props. You are up there with "FLAOT" in the old minecraft threads.
Rumour was the original FLAOT died, but wrote an algorithm before he did, so his legacy would live on forever.
Nothing wrong with sex, but when every new character they meet got a good DAXING, even older historical figures in the past series, its a little jarring.
>canoncops srs bzness
Looks like we can check that off the bingo board
Star Trek is serious business. Deal with it or find another fandom where the business isn't serious, like Star Wars.
>implying the vitriol over canon isn't worse.
nigga pls. They bought billboards to try and sway them to create more Legacy shit.