Why was he right about.....everything?

Why was he right about.....everything?

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he always was

No, he was right when he was young and had hair too. Age only brought out the best in him, but he was always that based.

yes. i would give anything to see what he would have to say about the world today. it's been 8 years in june since he died and it feels like the world has changed so much since then.

So much has changed but stayed the same. He was spot on about SJW and Libs way back. Come to think of it he was spot on the :

Overly Macho Men
Soft pussies named Kyle
The English language
Guys who wear their watches inside their wrist
Everything. Everything everything.

he didn't mean everything he said as "i joke but this is real social commentary". a lot of the essays in his books were contradicting. you would need to interview a friend or family member to get a per statement idea of whether he meant what he said or not. he COULD be honest at times, but he was also insanely guarded in his life, and I think that carried over to some degree in guarding his real views during standup/writing. I saw him live once and he threw a guy out for getting drunk and choking the guy behind him. Called him an inbred piece of shit.

his bit about collecting all the "alphas", throwing them in a big arena, and letting them kill each other like the brutes they are was particularly good.

This guy was so naturally funny and articulate. I can't imagine there will ever be someone who reaches his heights ever again.

anyone got the bit where hes like

>its too late, youre all fucked, i just wish i could watch you all get fucked, but ill be dead
