Innocent men are entrapped and baited into "unlawful sexual contact with a minor" when the "minor" was 100% consenting...

>innocent men are entrapped and baited into "unlawful sexual contact with a minor" when the "minor" was 100% consenting and invited them, and doesn't even exist in the first place
>get shamed on national television, get sent to prison, and get put in an online database for the rest of their life that lists their place of residence, vehicle, and place of business

Why is this okay? Seriously, this shit is just unethical. Look:

Other urls found in this thread:


remember that time one dude didn't take the bait and shot himself when they tried to raid his house?

It was Hansen's idea

The topic of sex is never brought up by the baiters.

yes it is. have you seen the show?

They still would've fucked a child if any of it had been real.

>I don't want to be on the news, you feel me?
>Yes, we are filming.

Have you seen it? The predators are the only ones talking about sex. The baiters just go along with it.

how would you know? they never release the full transcripts. you think that's a coincidence?

they could have just said they knew it was Chris Hansen and walked away with no case against them

can anybody link me OH CWAP one, thanks

Literally a meme show

>hey little girl, want to play a game
>with my penis

>she consented, officer

Chris Hansen is the biggest cock blocker in the USA, maybe the biggest cock blocker on the planet.

>it's a conspiracy against pedos

top kek

they always release the transcripts. they are one their webpage.

That would take some wits I'm not sure any of these men have.

All pedos are scum who deserve to be executed, tbqh

the full transcripts are not. look at the court case. they had to drop most of the cases because they were unwilling to provide the transcripts in court.

>Why is this okay

its murrica m8, everything can be transformed into a reality show.

Cashing in on people's fuckups and having them shamed on national television ? briliant

just make sure they are straight white males.

True, I'm wondering what would happen if someone tried that as a defense though.

suicidal projecting ain't good for your blood pressure, pedo

inb4 400 replies

>they had to drop most of the cases
source? because my sources says most were convicted.

it's clear from their webpage they're full.

>just make sure they are straight white males.
Because shows like Cops never existed?
Anyway it's not their fault most pedos are white.

they ask tgem to bring alcohol n condoms

great show. it's popularity was it's biggest and only weakness.

>Going to the house of an explicitly underage girl to have sex
Oh those poor, innocent souls.

Reminder that the FBI tracks all the anti Hanson pedo ragers in these threads. I'm sure you all have CP on your PC's, enjoy Tyrones cock in jail.

Only the ones from the specific sting in Texas where the guy killed himself.

Watch any other episode and look up the names of the offenders. Almost all are either in jail or are registered sexoffenders.

>dumb pedos getting caught in their sick acts

I agree that arresting them back then wasn't the best move though.

Not one single conversation didn't turn into a full on lewd as fuck sex chat with someone they knew was a minor. I hope this new internet show thing that Hansen has coming just puts their name out there for the world to see.

These days that's all you need to fuck someone like that over.

after the pedo mentions possible sexual activity.

>15 years old
What fucking reality are you living in m8? Have you seen 15 year olds these days?

One of those girls was a 15 year old played by a smoking hot 19 year old. I don't think wanting to fuck a total piece of ass really constitutes being pedo scum. There's a huge difference between chatting up a hot girl in her mid teens and jimmying your cock into a screaming 8 year old. The entire basis for the show is crowd pleasing nonsense cashing in on the pedo witch hunt which, for some reason, has been extended to hebephiles over the last few decades. The term 'jailbait' exists for a reason, girls in their mid teens are hot, it's a common fact which everyone knows, but no one talks about. Why else would barely legal just turned 18 schoolgirl babysitter type shit be the biggest porn market? Up until the 80s people openly admitted to this shit, it was only when it became fashionable to hate it that everyone started giving a shit. Look at Brooke Shields, for fuck's sake.

I'm not going to defend some child molesting fuck but don't kid yourself that there isn't a difference between that and wanting to fuck teens. EVERYONE wants to fuck teens, the only difference is that some people admit it, some don't.

>mfw amerifats have christian sharia law
>mfw its LITERALLY illegal to have sex

No wonder you start so many wars rofl

>most pedos are white
Never heard of Islam?

That's legal in a lot of the first world.

Yeah Pedos can marry their victims under Sharia law in Bongistan, how can you measure up Burgers?

I don't blame him. The punishment for even suspected child molestation is so fucking severe and permanent that you might as well save yourself the time and just kill yourself.

bad bait.

I dont know about uks laws, but im sure that atleast they dont have 3% of their population behind bars.

Its not really a debate subject, US justice system is a joke and so is their turn everything into entertainment mentality.

>US is a joke
Fixed that for you. The punchline, of course, is that Americans take people's distaste of them as jealousy because they're too loaded with propaganda to understand that they are literally collectively retarded as a country.

I saw someone suggest that the US be wiped out and given to Canada, once. I'm okay with this idea, Canadians are pretty based.

Canadian cousins, when the fuck are you going to get your shit together and usurp the US? Would get you a big pat on the back from the rest of the world.

>it's an I have no understanding of how the law works episode

shut pedo are the kind of scum

No it did a great thing, because now everybody looking to prey on children over the internet has it in the back of their mind it could be a sting, so not only have they directly arrested dozens of pedo's, they've probably deterred countless more.

>its an user doesnt understand entrapment episode

it's popularity was one of the biggest reasons (maybe the only reason) it ended. it got so famous fewer and fewer people were taking the bait so they just ended it. that's what i'm saying. it's popularity was a double edged sword.


these threads and cops threads are the best Sup Forums has to offer

If the girl is blowing guys, and fucking guys in the 8th grade. she has big milky jugs by the time she is 16. how the fuck is it illegal to have sex with them. they are already fucking, what exactly is being protected.

it's brought up SO many times, don't get me wrong these guys deserve the humiliation they got for being pedo pieces of shit, but I've seen nearly every episode of this show. They show the transcripts on the show often and even on the one's that they are cleared to show it's creepy faux little girl shit like "haha, you might have to bring condoms then lol xD" I understand that the intent is to lure these pieces of shit in but it's a little offputting to say the least

is it really that hard to believe?

easy target, easy conviction, nobody will ever defend them, good for the police departments % conviction rate

>I've seen nearly every episode of this show.

>attempted to arrange a meetup with a child for sex

I'm totally against police entrapment, believe me, but these people aren't exactly innocent to begin with

>Current year of our Lord
>Still persecuting people over their sexual preferences

Seriously, they were born this way. It'll be persecuting someone because he is left handed.

Isn't it bedtime, Europoors?

>Canada Based

kek, okay.

>its a thinly veiled pedo rights thread

So they should be freely allowed to exploit children? I don't get your point.

Flipping through channels late one night to find this cleavage was a great time

only in america could you televise a literal witch-hunt

americans are so fucking reprssed its hilarious. that's why they always start wars. literally no different from mudslimes

15 year old girls with tumblr accounts legit think they understand 'love' completely, 'art' completely, sex 'completely'.. it's strange

And the best preventative measure is a public television witch hunt?

Just to be clear, no one actually thinks that NBC is doing this out of the "goodness of their hearts" and not for money, right?

*never brought up first