What's your favourite cape film?
What's your favourite cape film?
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Literally the finest Kino
OP you are a sigh of relief that there are still people with taste posting on Sup Forums
Batman v superman analysis thread?
Reposts from last thread, can't quite figure out if there's something more here.
On another note, since a better quality rip is now out, it's a good time to post new pottery pictures. Time to start creating the complete Bible of Snyder imagery.
Either the first Batman or the first Iron Man
Can't believe you plebs didn't notice
What's the meaning behind the pose?
I think the point is that it can be reinterpreted indefinitely, same as myths.
Quality taste
ma nig
Why are DC superhero films the only ones that warrant deep deconstruction/analysis? I have literally never seen Civil War discussion go deeper than a surface level superficial talk about if Cap or Iron Man was right. Did Zack know this would happen?
Initially I made this just to trigger people but I'm starting to think there's some truth to it.
Do you have sauce on the individual posters?