Hello. My name is John. I get all my political views from comedians like Louis CK and late night TV like The Daily Show.
Hello. My name is John. I get all my political views from comedians like Louis CK and late night TV like The Daily Show
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>inb4 Sup Forumsfags get butthurt.
Well hi John. My name is user.
I don't give a shit about your political views, how about we talk about movies instead?
>It's a poorfag alt right episode
Can I still wear flannel if I'm not a bearded nu-male cuck
I like wearing flannel
pls respond
Having a beard and wearing flannel - that's it - has gotten me laid a number of times.
Never in my life have I gotten laid for being clean shaven or for wearing anything else.
It's a marketplace, if the buyers want beards an flannel I will supply them with beards and flannel. The market isn't saturated because tonnes of betas can't grow beards and are too manlet/fat to look good.
Are hipsters kino humans?
Reminder that only cucks think being alt-right is bad
>memer using buzzwords
Who'd have guessed?
>this is what Sup Forumstards actually believe
I better mimic Sup Forumss opinions I'm definitely not a cuck!
No way!
Hey my name is OP and I care how people live their life
If I wear checker shirt am I numale?
Yes, absolutely you might as well be wearing a World of Warcraft title above your head which reads "Anonymous, Nu-male Cuck" if you wear checker shirts/flannels.
>things I wish would happen because Im a hipster NEET
Hipsters are subhuman Nu male
Hello. My name is John. I get all my political views from retarded websites like Sup Forums and stormfront.
At what point does a person decide the dress like that
makes me chuckle whenever I see this shit
What type of IPA is he drinking Sup Forums?
This is what you sound like, faggot:
>L-Liberals are the real racists, heh.
I've heard there are actually people out there that get there political views from an anime forum
The Reddit guide to Sup Forums: Everything I dont like is Sup Forums
>mfw my new boss is a huge numale
He's fucking textbook definition, long beard, shitty tattoos, that one haircut, and he wears fucking suspenders to top it all off.
Beards look shit on everyone, sorry. Only time they look good is with it's keep short and neat.
>muh evolution and niggers hur dur
>fap to anime hur dur
>pro-life hur dur
>The Sup Forums guide to Sup Forums: Everything I dont like is Reddit
The sad thing is there are tons of people like that in the world, even on Sup Forums
Their unfounded views are based on family guy/jon stewart/2015-man/cuck comedians/memes
or cuck
that looks like some trust worthy information
Search racial gap in SAT scores if you don't believe me, then
Totally and utterly this. There is nothing more pathetic than Sup Forums-tards showing how obsessed they are idea with the idea of black guys fucking their girlfriends.
Not liking today's PC agenda is fine. Obsessing over the idea that black guys will fuck your girlfriend is pathetic.
You guys should take some pointers from the above.
There's nothing inherently wrong with suspenders when actually worn with formal attire but I agree it's a red flag when combined with what else you stated. They are comfortable still
those tests are racially bias
basic math and the english language are white people things
Nice meme you've got there but I've been on Sup Forums since before Reddit was even a thing, you Sup Forumstards actually believe that everyone on Sup Forums has to be racist and conform to that.
This is the real issue here.
>anyone on Sup Forums having a girlfriend
The place is just a whitepride version of r9k only instead of blaming chad on stealing girls as the reason they're kissless virgins, Sup Forums blames black men and refuegees stealing the white wymm who are brainwashed by librul media and jews as the reason they're all virigns.
I miss the time when people on here just called you a newfag over and over instead of calling you a "cuck". It was a simpler and better time.
>>anyone on Sup Forums having a girlfriend
Exactly that's the whole point, they're so terrified of the outside world and of other men intimidating them, it is truly and utterly fucking pathetic. And yes you're exactly right with everything else.
Will these people ever realise that shout "KEK" literally just confirms you are a ball-less sack of shit? If you had any balls, if you had any masculinity whatsoever, if you were actually a masculine person, you would not be terrified of the idea of other men intimidating and humiliating you. You would be confident and assertive and if people tried to cut you down (especially on the internet) you probably wouldn't give a shit.
Obviously "KEK" should be "C.U.C.K."
>shitposters were told to go back to Sup Forums
>crybabies were told to go back to gaia
>newfags were told to lurk moar
It was a golden age.
Well I didn't come out of Sup Forums in those days (I'm talking 2008 which is when I started coming here). But I had a lot of "lurk moar"s, definitely.
I suppose you can understand this extremely aggressive, angry, Sup Forums-brand, right-wingism coming out of Sup Forums, given the type of people that come here. But it's not good. It's not healthy. It's just getting angrier and angrier at the world and basically just reducing your chances of ever having a life.
>beards look shit on everyone except when they look good
There is a lot of overlap between Stormfront and Sup Forums, I had never heard the terms shitskin and libtard used anywhere but on Stormfront prior to Sup Forums, fast forward a couple of years and people now think they are Sup Forums memes.
So it's obvious what happened, a strong influx of people from Stormfront started posting on Sup Forums and a lot of alt-right types latched on.
I don't watch that degenerate, man child faggotry
>niggers are good boys who dindu nuffin
Good goy
>pro life
Code word for anti white.
Keep projecting.
This tbqh famarama
Face it Sup Forumstards, you're time is over.
The white mans time is over. And your time on 4chin is over. Go back to crying about gumblegate.
Here is a suggetion for the alt-right: Maybe start seeing women as PEOPLE, and maybe you will get one, one of these day. Mmmm k?
>the amount of butthurt needed to motivate someone to create this image
>Sup Forums obsessed with being cuck'd by niggers
You do realize that cuck threads on Sup Forums are either b8 or forum sliding, right? Mods have continuously b& a few prolific cuck posters and another was arrested by the FBI (Joshua Goldberg; shocking a kike would be engaged in such degeneracy, I know.) So this notion that Sup Forums is obsessed with miscegenation and cuckholding is pure fiction.
Pretty much this. Just think of the average age of a Sup Forumsdrone is, and how young they would have been in 2008.
>inb4 other people that have have actual opinions that aren't afraid to state them actually discuss them while I take the "high ground" and say I have no opinion at all
Hi user, I am a very smart individual with a cultured view on everything.
Just like you!
Holy shit
A jew posing as an Arab, distributing bomb making information. A literal false flagging kike
Is Sup Forums ever wrong?
>So this notion that Sup Forums is obsessed with miscegenation and cuckholding is pure fiction.
Sup Forums IS obsessed with cuckolding. Anyone who mentions the word "c.u.c.k." is obsessed with cuckolding. It's a disgusting idea and I don't want to think about it. It's fucking abhorrent. The people who continue to think about it and post about it are severely fucked up people.
It's really easy to find the man-children these days
Hey cuck
>use the word cuck non-stop
>not obsessed with cuckolding
Pick one
Pic related is the kind of shit that happens regularly IRL.
Imagine the amount of false-flagging that happens online, where you can frame your opponents as evil Nazis as much as you want, from the comfort of your campus safe-space.
I have no doubt there are people doing this full time. Every time they're caught lying, censoring, harassing or subverting, they have to double down on the smearing of their opponents. This is sometimes done by infiltrating a place that isn't brainwashed and goose-stepping around in Nazi armbands yelling "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW!"
I hope you understand the irony of you posting that
Dude women are just natural drama queens
Late teens or 20s, white, girlfriend-less, socially reclusive, few friends. Keeps to himself. Difficult family life. Probably plays video games.
I'm right aren't I?
Who is this faggot, and why does he have such a punchable face?
Much of Sup Forums is married with kids.
I bet of all the boards, they have the oldest and most married number.
I know right! The amout of butthurt needed to make images like this Lel tears everywhere xD
>describing himself in hopes to find a twin soul on a Nihonese little girl's cartoon imageboard
Sad, sad, sad.
Ten bucks you just looked in the mirror
I'm sure they raise they wife's son to be an angry piece of human garbage like themselves
lol sure and r9k is mostly full of outgoing clubbers who have one night stands every weekend
>they wife's son
I dont know. I dont go on r9k.
So whats with the alt rights crowd of dickless half wits and their massive sense of self importance? Why should I care about their opinions? It seems like none of them have done anything with their lives and largely just complain in the Internet
Why do people project so much?
I bet you think all of tumblr is feminists and sjws.
Sounds like every other large group?
But let me guess, yours is ok because it's the "right" one
>and largely just complain in the Internet
You mean like you just did?
>alt right
I am Laffin
Millenials. They want everyone to hear them ROAR their stupid, uninformed opinions, because they're so special.
That's so unfair; there's so much more to Tumblr, like mental retardation and cuck porn.
I really doubt that the majority or anyone from Sup Forums is married with a family.
I can't tell if Sup Forums has a ton of leftists or if it's just a handful spamming this thread.
>I got laid because of my beard and my shirt
No sorry that's not how it works. Don't give the permavirgins here any hope. You obviously are charming in some way, and / or are also attractive and not an autist. This is all assuming that by gotten laid you mean with someone who isn't a hambeast.
So whats with the progressive left's crowd of dickless half wits and their massive sense of self importance? Why should I care about their opinions? It seems like none of them have done anything with their lives and largely just complain in the Internet
>like you just did
There's a difference, however; we're complaining anonymously (well, as anonymously as the gook who owns this place and sells our data allows), while these guys want to have their shitty opinions on everything attached to their ugly mugs, so they can be internet famous.
The only fame you'll ever get here is as the notorious hacker known as Sup Forums.
"Hi I'm SJW
I think all the black people are horribly mistreated and white people are all racist
I don't actually know any blacks but I've met plenty on TV!
I mean, just look at Dr. Huxtable and the Fresh Prince! Black people are good people too!"
>ou obviously are charming in some way, and / or are also attractive and not an autist.
Obviously a fat neckbeard won't be getting laid in it, but you still gotta wear the sex haver uniform.
I can't believe how accurate that picture is
I can't tell if everyone in this thread is a retard that doesn't understand that politics don't constitute television or film related discussion or if everyone is just trying to get some epikeks by shitposting.
A fat neckbeard wth money can still pay a prostitute.
Nothing to do with Serious Joke Wizards.
>i can't believe how right i am about people i've never met
>Sup Forums poster critizing cuck posting
Irony is wasted on morons like you
>politics don't constitute television
Tell that to the kikes pushing political correct on everything, including television. We're just reacting to it.
You're just shitposting about it.
You realize that other conservatives hate the alt right as much as if not more than the left.
Source: I live with a bunch of Christian conservatives
>I think all the black people are horribly mistreated and white people are all racist
>I don't actually know any blacks but I've met plenty on TV!
Welcome to the american liberal movement...
I think most normal people hate the alt-right.
But I have met them. That's why the picture is right. I know people like this in real life. One of them is my unemployed brother who has largely been booted from family gatherings for his rantings
>implying shitposting is not a form of cultural reaction
How sad is your life, having your wife's boyfriend coming to your house and not being able top properly prep him?