Jon Turkgaryen edition
Eternal /got/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
>promise me, Nedoglu
Lord Umber was pretty cool.
the jeffersons
Finally. We turks are being represented in the show. About time
First for Cleganebowl GET HYPE
Rory McCann was in Belfast for filming
>bran thinks people can hear him
>bran tries to convince Aerys to not be crazy
>bran's whispers drive Aerys crazy
Reminder that the writers are hacks.
When will we see Lyanna
>promise me, Ned
>It's a dick in a box episode.
1. Oberyn vs. Mountain
2. Jaime vs Ned
3. Hound vs Mountain season 1
4. Hound vs Beric
5. Khal Drogo vs Mago
6. Bronn vs Vardis
7. Jorah vs Qotho
8. Jon vs Karl Tanner
9. Jorah pit fights
10. Yoren vs Goldcloaks
If R+L=J is true I swear I'll drop the show harder than a hot potato.
Why make a new thread when the last one isn't even close to falling off page 10?
I honestly don't believe this. Why would you go all the way to Turkey to cast Lyanna? Better to find someone straight out from drama school.
Who /Caloreesi/ here?
It's been true since the 90's you faggot. You won't be missed.
Oh no, I'll miss you. A bloo bloo bloo.
wew lads
I don't think you know how castimg works
Is Jaime a targaryen?
Looks Mexican
Has anyone purchased a GoT sword replica? Any pictures, ratings or reviews?
dual wield
Nah, this theory was always stupid.
She may be pudging out, but she's still sexy. And way out of the league of even the least ugly Sup Forums autismal.
Do they have some kind of bet going to see who cram the most "who are you?" questions into one episode?
arya is best gurl
>mfw R+L=D
>mfw all those tumblr tears
Bronn is Dayne confirmed
They also went to Israel to find the Red Priestess of Meereen. Ania Buckstein
> If R+L=J is true I swear I'll drop the show harder than a hot potato.
Why? It obviously is. Is the mountain of evidence not enough. Also why does it matter? If we as an audience find out what changes? If a character in the story finds out, what happens? Jon or anyone else for that matter won't know. and even if he does how can he prove it?
Was Jon's cloak supposed to be important. Didn't he wear it since he was a recruit?
>3 dragons
>3 riders
>3 targs
I don't think it's that stupid.
Here is a silver king slayer and a gold king slayer, which did you throw in the fountain?
Dual wielding existing in GoT confirmed.
Why tho?
>Melly losing faith in the Lord of Light
>Starts to feel cold and needs a blanket to keep warm
>Jon is revived by the Lord of Light
>Jon can no longer feel cold
Episode 1: 2/10 horseshit
Episode 2: legitimate good 7-8/10 entertainment
Episode 3: 4-5/10 bullshit filler setup-episode where nothing happened.
I suppose I can bear it if the alternate back and forth, but godDAMN something better fucking happen next week.
So much for her having "zero nudity contract" or whatever bullshit /got/ had claimed
I hate this. But GRRM is exactly the kind of faggot who would find this funny.
get. fucking. hype.
Three dragons to lift Daenerys' fat ass up
thats season 1 mountain
This is bait.
Good Night Sweet Prince
And that means that one should be Jaime? You sure Theon won't be a Targ, too? Everyone's a Secret Targaryen because I read it on Reddit.
Can't see shit, even if it's not a body double. And even if you see her face and all the rest, you can bet your fat ass it'll be CGI from here on out.
Oh god I fucking kek'd hard
Nah, a chubby body double. CGI would cost too much to cover up all the rolls.
looks like another set up episode unfortunately - reintroducing the vale and sansa going to other places and talking
Dayne confirmed shit chatter
At least Bran can get hype when he goes back in time
Why is the show putting so much emphasis on what happened at the tower of joy? The only real thing I can see changing the plot is if Jon is a targaryen, then he might be able to fuck with Dragons. But seriously he doesn't seem to give a fuck about anything at the moment. I feel like the show is meandering too much on bullshit for a story that's supposed to be concluding soon.
>Bran greensees unsupervised
>Bran sees a vision of uncle Benjen letting Lyanna and Rhaegar go
>Bran knew that Benjen was the only person who had the power to stop Robert's Rebellion and the demise of his family
>Bran wargs into Wylis to try and stop Lyanna and Rhaegar
>Bran(Wylis) screams HOLD THE DOOR, HOLD THE DOOR
>"I'm sorry Wylis" Benjen whispers as he drew his sword
>gets smacked in the head with the hilt of his sword
>Bran is smacked through time and is thrown from across the room
>Lands beside Hodor who is looking at him
>Bran gives a knowing look and starts to respect BR's rules and finally learn
God, that is just awful.
Jon vs. White Walker was better than most of those tbqh.
Let's say the rebellion never happened and Jon was born and legitimized as a Targaryen heir, what name do you guys think he would have?
fucking JUSTICE
you're an idiot
to stick it to the bookfags
Why are you getting so defensive about it it's not reddit blame GRRM's shitty writing if you want but there is evidence there that tyrion or the twins could be targs.
>Critics Consensus: The most solid episode of season six so far, "Oathbreaker" boasts no shocking reveals or breathless cliffhangers, just strong forward-moving storytelling.
>The most solid episode of season six so far
What the fuck am I reading?
RT seems completely fucking worthless outside of movie reviews.
And if next week is more of the same, jdimsa.
Jon Targaryen.
He's named after Connington, Ned passed it of as Jon Aryn
Did Lyanna ever loved Robert? Did she even liked him? All the characters act as if she never liked Robert, except for Robert himself who seems to believe he was her true love.
scamper off roach
>Why are you getting so defensive about it
I can't believe it took you so little time to give up on your obvious bait, if you're going to bother then apply yourself.
Well they're right, it's the first time something happen in S6
Maekar II
no u r
>outside of movie reviews
>called his father a cunt
>called him a kinslayer to his face
>told him I wouldn't kiss his hand
>said fuck oaths and swearing fealty
>gave him a GOOD KID who knows Winterfell better than he ever will
>gave him a fucking wolf's head that's nowhere near the size of a Direwolf's
>he thinks I'm on his side
>and now he's gonna send his army out of Winterfell
The absolute madman
That has never been used outside of Cersei.
its ok user - you were born without the normie gene.
You faggots betrayed the One True King.
Pray to the old gods for forgiveness, hes returning soon to be our true lord and savior!
Something something roach something tyrion bug smash story something
SS: kelly c. verse hamburger
>Stannis "Things look dire, better put my heir on a pyre!" Baratheon
>Stannis "Bring your daughter to the slaughter!" Baratheon
>Stannis "Twenty good men? My line must end." Baratheon
>Stannis "Bad lookout? Let's have a cookout!" Baratheon
>Stannis "Army covered in ice? Shireen must pay the Iron Price." Baratheon
>Stannis "Guards abandoned post so now my heir is toast." Baratheon
>Stannis "When my army no longer advances, it's time to rekindle my chances" Baratheon
>Stannis "When the winter grows colder, Shireen's gonna smoulder." Baratheon
>Stannis "Davos won't find it funny, but I burned his favourite cunny" Baratheon
>Stannis "Stuck in a blizzard? Show them you're a BBQ wizard." Baratheon
>Stannis "Too much snow? To the flames she must go." Baratheon
>Stannis "The rightful king will return but first his daughter must burn" Baratheon
>Stannis "Set an Heir Ablaze, and the Results Will Amaze" Baratheon
>Stannis "For these events to transpire, kill my daughter with fire" Baratheon
>Stannis "It's a Sin for Most, But I Love a Good Roast" Baratheon
>Stannis "Two feet of snow? Up in smoke must she go" Baratheon
>Stannis "Fuck the books, tonight my daughter cooks" Baratheon
>Stannis "Daughter into charcoal is certainly the goal." Baratheon
>Stannis "Got a daughter? Mine's hotter." Baratheon
>Stannis "Morale will break without Venison steak." Baratheon
>Stannis "Goodbye My Heiress, Hello Weather Fairest" Baratheon
>Stannis "She Loves to Read Books, Let's See How Well She Cooks" Baratheon
>Stannis "When The Weather Becomes Breezy, Cooking My Daughter Becomes Easy" Baratheon
>Stannis "I Know Less from Fewer, and I'm the Best Barbecuer" Baratheon
>Stannis "To Make the Snow Mild, We Must Burn My Only Child" Baratheon
>Stannis "R'hllor Has a Hunger, and They're Tastier When They're Younger" Baratheon
>Stannis "Let's Gather Some Sticks, She'll Not See Season Six" Baratheon
>Stannis "Hold Her Tighter, I'll Get a Lighter" Baratheon
hes not with the starks senpai
The black chick who's lusted after by dicklessworm had cgi'd titties in her nude scene.