No difference in quality between Sup Forums and Sup Forums

>no difference in quality between Sup Forums and Sup Forums


Sup Forums is better at making memes.

the forced spammed memes work because you have help from literal redditors

Sup Forums is the worst board on this site.

And yet here you are

superheroes Sup Forums tier threads GoT and unfunny memespam what more do you want famalams

dumb frogposter


at least you can get an actual discussion going on Sup Forums

here it's nothing but meme

>frogposting tripfag

>its an user gets triggered by frogs and image.jpg filenames episode


Sup Forums is better at memes, but is too normie
on Sup Forums you have 500 comment threats of obscure PS1 jrpgs

>he's not a frogposter

Nah, you can't there's always that one shitter who will spam any kind of discussion with calling you and others shills

>Go to Sup Forums
>Read someone opinon
>Get cancer

>Go to Sup Forums
>Read someones opinion
>Laugh, because he is making a funny shitpost

>go to Sup Forums
>read someones opinion
>can't read any opinions because it's just frogs, footfags and banes

Go back to your children's board

Actually, I'd argue that Sup Forums is, with the literal shitposters and gore.

>a significant decrease in quality from r/movies to Sup Forums

>go on Sup Forums
>have a good time with people who can discuss television and film while simultaneously not taking themselves too seriously
>go on Sup Forums
>catch autism from a bunch of neckbeard manchildren that think video games are the be all and end all of entertainment

Sup Forums is a shithole because the game industry is currently a shithole.



dont forget cunnyfags


Sup Forumstards care way way way way way way too much about videogames, they'll probably think that's a good thing too.

I remember when Sup Forums was good
Sup Forums was always shit though

Both are complete shit, but Sup Forums is at least entertaining with how bad it is, Sup Forums is just plain awful.

Sup Forums was always shit tho, even during TORtanic

im a Sup Forumsirgin

wont argue with you on that one

fuck early access
fuck dlc
fuck pre order bonuses
fuck ubisoft

when was Sup Forums ever good.

Sup Forums has fun shitposting
Sup Forums takes shitposting very seriously

You can't spell Sup Forums without Sup Forums

Hey now, at least they continue with heroes of might and magic, instead of other companies like Konami not doing sequels for mystical ninja or doing international releases. Or Rare telling you to fuck off with asking for Conker or Banjo


Before the memes.

Before the dark times.

I was in Sup Forums since 08 or so and can't imagine it was ever good.

>I remember when Sup Forums was good

Admitting being a fucking video game playing child.
Thinks his option is valid.

>at least you can get an actual discussion going on Sup Forums

Not if any kind of platform exclusivity is even tangentially involved.

At least Ubisoft hasn't gone full WE WUZ yet.

The "progressive" shit in Syndicate still bugs me, though.

Worst board here is /s4s/

Correct, /vg/ does come close, and Sup Forums, their faggotry makes /lgbt/ blush

I play video games. Some are good and some are shit, just like some films are good and some films are shit. My life, however, does not revolve round either of these two forms of media and over zealous Sup Forumsirgins whose life revolves around video games are just too autistic to have a conversation with. At least I can come to Sup Forums and have some form of rational discussion amid the memes.

>tfw spamming endless bait on both boards
>tfw evading bans

dumb frogposter

>3 day bans for posting legit actresses
>non capeshit, GoT, zombieshit, sjw, eceleb, Sup Forumsbait, or maymay of the month threads die with no replies


I don't even know which board I'm on sometimes.
>go on Sup Forums
>someone makes a bf1 thread saying "what are some movies about ww1" shitpost
>go on Sup Forums
>someone makes a seagal thread saying "what are some games that let me snatch people's birthdays" shitpost

hello autist

Sup Forums produces better memes

But the worst boards are a toss up between
>Sup Forums

OP is wrong, Sup Forums is objectively worse than Sup Forums


>Devil Pepe literally has tits on his head

People who hate posting Pepe are newfags pretending to be oldfags,

Pepe has been a Sup Forums meme since like 2007, but you retards think it originated from Reddit.


dumb frogposter

I read that in Yoda's voice