Post the objectively best movie posters.

inb4 bladeRUNNER


>mfw part of the sex was real and the actress lost her virginity in that movie

That's pretty fucked up. Bet she had some issues.

I wish a little bit that you were Koz.


Nah, she told the story about that years later, and she enjoyed that. I did'n believed at first but you can see they're fucking for real in some parts. she was barely 18 tho.

This guy is full of shit.

Nope faggot, that was news more than 10 years ago, watch the movie and pay attention to the sex scene when she's on top.

I don't. I just miss the fucker.

>tfw Koz and Bleu will never come back

>stan will never lead a crusade against the plebs

I-it doesn't have to be official, r-right?


nah but the official is hard to top imo

and completely unfappable. the guy is repulsive even by asian male standards

Jean-Jacques Annaud must've been going for some kind of award in cuckery


Still a chink, but better than the average

based Debbie

Why don't you post a source then, liar? I'll wait.

Now that's A E S T H E T I C

Because I read that years ago about an interview and don't remember, and because I really don't give a fuck if you believe or not.


Also one of my favorite movies.


Everything in Akira was perfect except the story and their stupid fucking faces.

I don't believe you. Not only do I not believe you, but I looked myself and there's not a single shred of anything that corroborates what you are saying. Fuck off.



i didn't mean ugly. it's his creepy mannequin face and blank affect. there's just something instantly off about him in a way that asian males often are. he's gross as fuck and it's a disgusting, degenerate movie made by and for cuck pedophiles.

however, If the lead was someone like Hiroyuki Sanada it'd be more tolerable.




Whatever m8, I told you which scene was



Ew not aesthetic.



Why are foreign movie posters so odd? I'm guessing this is Fatal Attraction? Which country is this from?

You baiting? These are Polish posters. The most superior on the planet.

Objectively best in the *parody poster category

*The Breakfast Club



Uhhhhh, they are definitely strange, I'll give you that..






Well that was interesting.

Fantastic film btw


Two seconds on wikipedia and it looks like the director said it was unsimulated sex, but the actress said he just did that for publicity and it somewhat ruined ber career and mired her in controversy for years.

> not posting the best poster of all time

