Is he a "good" or "bad" guy?
Is he a "good" or "bad" guy?
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Neither he is THE guy
The high sparrow's death will be so sweet. Sweeter than joffery's death for sure.
Religion is always a bad guy.
he is a faggot
He's the religious version of Bernie Sanders.
I've never hate a fictitious character more.
that is an extremely smug doggo
i'm talking pepe levels of smugness
>I'm to stupid to find an answer by myself episode
Don't have enough information to tell yet if he's honest or just playing the game
The only good guy
He is sort of a good guy. Of all the characters he has been against, every one of them was guilty of what he accused them of.
as an atheist "aka right" then he's a bad guy.
Religion is for fucking sheep, religion keeps trying to ban homosexuals, transgenders and bernie sanders.
Religion is also the reason black people are opressed and people are shooting up schools.
without religion the world would be at least 100x better, ya'know.
No slut shaming
No violence
just love
he's THE guy
High Sparrow more like High faggot. I can't believe he's allowed to spout his shit episode after episode.
Of course he's a bad guy. He is running a cult full of zealots.
Him being killed and his retarded cult dismantled will be just as satisfying as seeing ollie hang like a little bitch.
Considering the time period he's in, he's a good guy. All the nobility is debauched and corrupt and starting to deteriorate the morals of all the common people.
He only seems severe because of how bad things have gotten without any kind of moral compass for decades.
He's not a good guy... He's not a bad guy... He's THE guy
Fuck off christfag
I know right? Seriously, a bunch of zealouts and stupid christians, I can't wait for him to fucking DIE!!
He's Howland Reed.
>post your yfw when they take over
he kinda pisses me off and I'm not sure why
He's literally ISIS tier.
high septon would have been dead a while ago is the tommen wasnt a pussy
It's the fact that he's a backwards ass christfag. Seriously, I'm glad D&D are willing to write a religious bad guy.
It's about time these people are portrayed as the nutjobs they are in popular media
He's just an asshole looking for an excuse to be an asshole.
Lawful Neutral.
But does he want to be THE Queen?
Bad guy
He is using the word of god to be the judgement. It is not his job to judge.
All religion needs to fucking die, but islam, mainly muslims, have been opressed by evil christians for centuries.
muslims can learn to drop thier backward values and start practicing things like casual sex, and learn how to be openminded.
Christians can't, christians are just retarded breeders, and their "monogamoy" has been tearing the world apart since they landed in africa.
Well on one hand he's Bernie so that would make him a good guy
But on the other hand he's a religious zealot and hasn't been involved in any cock jokes so bad guy
I guess he's a ~grey~ character
>2000 years of progress thanks to religion
>70 years of secularism ruins everything
Stop trying to legitimize mental disorders.The only reason why the national associate of psychiatrists removed it from the list is because the LGBT community threw a big fit, not because of science.
In short they said:
>Fuck science that doesn't agree with my life style.
No that petyr 'greater awordsman than arthur dayne' baelish
He is Arya, think about it.
He's directing a cult of religious zealots that enforce their will with pain.
He thinks the gods that he believes in knows best for everyone.
He will punish anyone for what he considers sin.
He does not respect royalty while he resides within the kingdom.
yes, he's a bad guy, and also a criminal.
No he is just sick of a society where nobles are perceived as superior to all.
This is all leading up to a democracy which is his end game
> years of progress thanks to religion
Get a load of this delusional christfaggot, religion hasn't done shit
> years of secularism ruins everything
yeah, sounds fucking awful, go back to worshiping your dead zombie on a stick.
Joffrey would never have stood for this cunt, Tommen is such a little bitch.
Because we are connected to the Lannister family and now no longer really consider them 'bad guys' (despite them starting the whole fiasco of the show in the first place), so naturally we root for them in this situation.
However, even if he's bullshit and really just a manipulative power-hungry cult leader, he is actually better for the country as a whole and the royal family is totally getting what's coming to them. Yes, they're dogmatic and anti-progressive in the modern US and UK point of view, but the long term benefits of it outweighs that. If we compare it to a real society, it's one step closer to a country ruled by the people.
My brother is gay and he even knows that he's more of a good guy.
He's the Bern guy.
>>I'm a retarded christfag who can't argue, so I'll just accuse you of posting bait.
Pray harder troglodyte
>>post your yfw when they take over
>post your your face when when they take over
>I can't make rational arguments so I must type in caps
Stop being such a fag
I honestly think he's absolutely right with what he says. The atonement is what the ethically depraved aristocrats of King's landing deserve.
Then again I always been drawn to stuff like monks, asceticism and so forth.
He is opposite of liberal so I'm pretty sure he's a good guy
>>A religious skydaddy fanatic
>>criticizing someone on rationality
uh huh, keep flailing away, idiot.
Honestly it seems that he is something more dangerous than a good or bad guy he is a true believer. He is a zealot, but it is not like the world he is in is equally shit. From the perspective of the other characters who are all royal nobles he is the devil but to common man he can give some hope.
Tbf he got the queen and the gay knight as hostages.
You atheist fags haven't got the fucking ball bags to go up to a Muslim and tell them to fucking die and burn with Allah in hell because you know they'd cut your ugly, fat neckbearded head off.
But you attack Christians who are passive and peaceful people because you know they ignore your shit.
Now go put a bra on and dance around on tinychat for old Turkish men you faggot.
Their history shows that they've always been violent towards authority so yes, he's a "bad guy" in that sense. But maybe a "good guy" since he's lining himself up against the ruling elite.
Sparrows are kind of like Cathars in some circumstances.
this. he's totally sincere and what the kingdom needs. I'm rooting for him every scene
>calls people with differning opinons bigot
>showing intolerance toward those holding different opinions
Destroy religion! Because only your way of thinking is the correct way!
>religion is evil because mommy made me go to church
Well he is supposed to care a lot about the common people of the realm, which you saw glimpses of in the last season. He may have some (for us) backward believes but this whole sparrow movement is a reaction to the insane brutality and oppression the common people faced, especially in the riverlands.
That has changed this season or they don't bother to show it any more. I don't know if he has any more ambitions than the power he currently has, but I'm pretty sure he won't give away any of the power he recently obtained without a fight.
In any case Cersei is a retarded lunatic, even the more clever and sane show version, who is getting everything she deserves from the high sparrow. Margaery is innocent but everyone, including the sparrow, was tricked into suspecting her of some nasty stuff, so I wouldn't condemn him for that.
nice bait
That's low level mate. Only get sardines with that.
he lives in a world where actual supernatural shit happens on a regular basis, so any authority he derives from his religion has way more legitimacy than in our world
He wants a communist theocracy. He is using the power the Queen Regent gave him precisely how he should within the rules and customs of the land. He's making both a mockery of the nobility and the ridiculous laws that bind the people. Combine what he's done in a year, with one of the longest winters ever, then the entire system collapses into theocratic communes where the rule of the Gods is the rule of law. Since people always wish to be organized and part of a hierarchy, they will choose the theocratic one over the Monarchy because the Monarchy is obviously inept, corrupt, and incapable.
All things said he's Lawful Neutral. He's seeking a balance and he's done it through legal and, for the period and place, ethical means.
ITT buttmad backwards religious tards
You're just mad because atheist get the following
1.pussy, can't have sex before marriage christcucks
2.respect, don't need rules written in a book, we got our own
3.culture, everyone in hollywood is an atheist, and hollywood is art+pussy+money capital of the world.
Deal with it Xitians.
3. culture, everyone in Hollywood is a Jewish Zionist, and hollywood is schlock+pussy+money capital of the world
Fixed that for you.
He's not playing THE game, he's playing his own game with his own rules.
The brothel scene explains everything that he intends to happen. Now you might not agree with what the brothel is and does, but what is done within is ordered, peaceful, and ensures some level of safety (and profitability)
The religious police show up and cause chaos and injury to everyone they can. Where do you think those patrons will go? Into alleys and hidden rooms where there is no safety, where there is no peace, because what they do is suppressed and stopped by religious nut-jabbers.
A sinful but orderly and peaceful existence, traded for a chaotic and dangerous one that is "pious"
>those things
>anything of importance
choose one
ITT: heathens who need the fear of GOD put into them
He's the thing that frightens Americans most. Somebody with conviction.
You're just as bad as SJWS
not that it matters, at least they're on the right side of history.
unlike you and your dead backwards ass religion
he's an interesting character than can portray an unlooked aspect of many fantasy universes but D&D has turned him into a one dimensional hokeypokey bad guy.
he pisses me off because he's got an absurd plot armor. People act dumb fuck retarded around him and that's just infuriating, which is a shame because he's an interesting character played by a decent actor.
this is bait
There arent many things on this world that could surprise me anymore, but the high amount of theists and christians on fucking Sup Forums bewilders me everytime.
Is the high sparrow=howland reed, eh? huh?
>better for the country as a whole
The whole of westerns does not practice the same religion. He will force them to adopt a religion they don't want. He has shown that he doesn't have a diplomatic bone in his body. He just says some stupid shit then gets his statue ads to attack everybody.
Sounds like we got ourselves s gayer nobunaga
>theistic and conservative societies last thousands of years
>libshit atheist cucks are literally the final fart of dying societies
He's the only character who's true neutral.
What's wrong with wanting to address wealth inequality?
He's literally Satan. His scheming is going to destroy the Seven Kingdoms and turn them into a land where religious zealots rule. Pharisees arose out of this sort of shit. might be right...or wrong...we'll never know until they show the real old Howland Reed
Do you really, REALLY believe that a guy who was close to Eddard Stark, a northener, who believes in wargs and has a greenseer for a son, would believe in the 7 faced god? Really?
He is a extremist relligious...
Where in history did that went right?
lawful neutral - look it up
He is a good guy.
Everything he has said so far is true. Loras, Margaery and Cersei were guilty of what he accused them.
He lives a simple life and helps the poor. He doesn't do anything for his own advancement.
Would you really say Cersei atoned herself, that she saw the error in her ways and became a good Queen Mother?
Why would he be evil?
You don't know! It's all GREY woah he's faking...ah're probably right...
He is also a bond villain.
>He is a extremist relligious...
>Where in history did that went right?
Germany: Charlemagne
France: Louis IX
Spain: Isabella of Castile
They were some of the best rulers of their countries.
The first American settlers were also religious extremists, as far as I know.
>incest is evil
>being gay is evil
That guy may be helping the poor, but he is full of shit.
Uh? Don't you think that what Cersei did is wrong? Cheating on her husband with her brother? And don't you agree that Loras is a degenerate?
Alfred the Great was the greatest King of England. He was extremely religious.
He's fucking awesome. Death to the wicked and the unjust.
Yeah, it's so controversial in today's world to portray religion in a bad light.
gimme dat free munny
Those guys are Kings (and Queen)
I'm talking about when church has too much power.
The high sparrow is no king
Either way he's restarted for thinking the seven exist.
Well it's one thing to say it's wrong to be religious in real life, when there is no real, quantifiable proof that God exists. But in westeros magic most definitely exists, so it's much harder to say definitively that someone is "wrong" do believing in a mystical being
>The high sparrow is no king
Bitch, he has the royal family running scared.
For all intents and purposes, he is the king.
Ser Robert is going to get fucked by the Hound anyway.
Great guy. Im sure D and D hate him like they do with all religious characters, but everyone he has been against has been guilty and has schemed to ruin the kingdom.