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i mean, we gotta discuss it sooner ot later
You see, Mr. OP and I feel that the BONUS SITUATION has never been on an.. EQUITABLE level.
Why don't they just freeze him?
Hey has anyone ever told you you look like death? (laughter intensifies)
You know I'd rather be eatin' somethin' else, but for now, I'll stick to the food. >:^D
He was the only character who wasn't incompetent
Well, you'll get what you're contracted for like everybody else.
How are the BONUS features on the blu-ray?
Kane and Ripley were both capable people, they were simply in over their head.
>can I finish my coffee?
Risked her life for a cat
*smacks lips*
we finna be bonus?? nomsayin
Let me tell you this: if I went through something like that, I'm not sure I'd be able to handle the stress and trauma without a cat to pet.
Ayyy nice trips homie, lemme smash da fuck outta dat like button
>4 1/2 men
>2 women
Who was getting who's sloppy seconds?
It contains an old Ridley-only commentary track from the late 90s, which gives a few different insights. The new thing that I got out of it is that you can see a grip's silhouette as Ripley is escaping. As for the rest, it's nothing I haven't seen before.
My (blu-ray) version also lacks the excellent "Alien:Behind the Scenes" documentary, which really shows you what a good production/creative process they had. You can youtube it, it's about two hours. There was some strife and people got on each other's nerves sometimes (happens in any production), but they had every person in the right place at the right time to make a great work of art.
-O'Bannon sleeps on Shusett's couch and and they put a dark, serious spin on Dark Star. Eventually they get it basically right, and post Star-Wars, everyone wants to try another sci-fi picture.
Ridley takes to the project very seriously, and boards the whole thing /by hand/, producing many dozens, maybe hundreds of shot-drawings. On the strength of this proof-of-vision, funding is doubled.
Mary Selway puts together a great ensemble cast. Whoops, Kane's gone diabetic, but John Hurt is free that day, so all is well in the end.
Check out this crazy cat Giger, someone call this fuck, just look at this shit, he can do it. Whoops, he's free too, make us a monster plx holy shit great FUND IT
We need some REALLY REALLY LANKY FUCK to get in the suit whoops Bolaji is free COOL film him for like 10 seconds GREAT Now the stuntmen
We need some oysters and fish and shit for the guts GREAT nottingham lace, now some lasers oops The Who aren't using their lasers today, we can use them! :D
Okay let's bleed on Veronica, hehehe
*smacks lips*
Is it safe to say the movie would have been over if he'd just roasted the fuck out of the alien while it attacked Lambert?
I feel like I watched it. Thanks fampai
>implying you wouldn't save Jonesy
One more tidbit: Scott's sons Jake and Luke were body doubles on the space jockey set and one or two other sets, to increase the sense of scale.
They were joined in this body-double job by another boy, the son of cinemaphotographer Derek Vanlint, whose name I have never been able to track down. Would also be interested in the identity of "sillhouette grip-man", if it's even forensically possible to determine that one.
That fucking cat was the only character that ever came face to face with an alien and then went back to a normal life after.
He's the fucking captain, he has first pick (protip: it's Ripley)
Perpetually cücked by Dallas, puts bag on Lambert's head
Gets Lambert on the many, many occasions Kane doesn't want her
Drinks himself to sleep reading Space Playboy
No dick
There was a whole angle about the crew screwing that was in the script that got cut out of the movie
Has anyone here read the novelization? If so is it any good?
I wish to point out that Morse survived the events of Alien^3, having actually clapped eyes on an alien. The life of the cynical, (atheistic?) Morse continued much as it had been up to that point - imprisonment - although he did (secondary canon) write an account of his experiences which was suppressed. The title, "Space Beast" is probably a nod to the original working title of the Alien script, which was "Star Beast".
Your coherence is slipping.
Alien: The Official Movie Novelization by Alan Dean Foster, like the film came out in 1979, I got it as a present for Christmas that year, Alien was the first R rated film I had ever seen
The story is a bit different, some things added, some things not included, Foster wrote it based on an early draft of the screenplay, so it is different, even so it stands on it's own as a novel
I still have it but haven't read it for a while, I remember that you occasionally see the story from the Alien's point of view, his rape of Lambert and preferring the females to the males
If you wan to listen to it;
Top fucking kek
>The original concept for the alien eggs looked too much like a vagina for some of the production heads, and Giger was asked to change them, which he was won't to do.
>He did change them, however, and instead of using a single vaginal looking opening, he used two vaginal openings, in the shape of a cross.
Double check your math - Lambert was a male to female trans.
>"So I tooked the eggs, and added uh, two vagina"
You read that in HR Geiger's voice