Did he ever make a good movie?
Did he ever make a good movie?
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He's going to prison now for offending Erdogan.
rampage wasn't too terrible
Matt Damon is an actor
holy quads confirm
he destroyed video game movies. and for this alone he must be held in the highest regard.
Postal is funny (well, interview scene certainly is).
Rampage was kinda good too, teenage edge 4 lyf.
He looks like he drinks piss.
Postal and Fist of the Reich were both pretty good.
I really like watching Rampage regularly. It's a pretty hilarious movie.
>paintball! paintball YEAH!
Of course he does, he's German.
who's ready for Rampage 3
Fucking Uwe Boll is actually really based.
>tfw your homeland becomes a muslim country
public execution for Postal when?
Alone in the Dark cast Tara Reid as an anthropologist. That takes vision and imagination.
I wish this meme would end. Postal is just another in a long line of terrible, terrible movies Sup Forums lied about to get me to watch.
Should've known it was shit when it was Uwe Boll. Should've known it was shit when it only had an 8% approval rating. Should've known it was shit with three golden raspberries. But fuck me, I listened to Sup Forums.
You faggots owe me 90 minutes of my life back.
>tfw retarded vizards in ze forests never took off
Probably by accident but this
Rampage is decent. There's another with that kid from T2 that isn't awful. Dungeon Siege is great. Unintentionally great, but that's irrelevant. Postal is shit.