is there a true Sup Forums film? one that isnt jewish trickery with le catharsis?
Is there a true Sup Forums film? one that isnt jewish trickery with le catharsis?
Triumph of the Will.
The Birth of a Nation
>the remake of this is just another Hollywood-kike production trying to change people's view of history by making it seem like niggers did nothing but nig
>is there a true Sup Forums film?
The Ringer
Riding The Bus With My Sister
I Am Sam
Monica & David
Rain Man
>no mention of Romper Stomper yet
It's literally Sup Forums and Vietnam fucking shits - the movie
You didn't understand The Believer if you think it's a Sup Forums film.
you don't understand Sup Forums if you think the believer isn't a Sup Forums film
American History X with the alternate ending where he shaves his head again after that bongo caps his brother
Except Hando gets his "comeuppance" from Davey at the end of the movie and all the Japanese tourists watch as he dies
Reddit: the movie should be to your liking.
you didnt understand my post if you think thats not exactly my point
is there really an alternate ending?
That movie is anti-capitalist you mong.
No it has a hidden message: the jews are the aliens.
Schindler's list in reverse.
>a harrowing story of a man who gains the trust of free Jews and forces them to work in his factories.
this right here, nuke the jews.
so it is anti jewish