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>goat puts into sequence hundreds of events that all lead to seeing this fine ass bitch's ass, and you hate him

fag detected

EVERY FUCKING DAY i get back to the farmstead after a hard day hunting rabbits in the woods and this fucker is just staring at me with this fucking look on his face

I don't think you understood this movie.


very nice movie

Post delicious young witch.

goat general?

Baa baa

why does she have a goat

>them ayylien eyes
>that slightly open mouth
>that bloodied chest
why am i so turned on right now

>tfw you suddenly understand: MissAlice is a vvitch

Youre just mad that he fucked thomasin

Post goats

>dick status: MUH

Fack off kevin
no need for it

post her butt
i find i have a sudden craving for it


>hate goats

>hating the best part of the movie


supposedly the goat's mom died and someone gave alice the goat to babysit for a few days. but who knows what really hapened, he's supposedly in a farm or petting zoo now.

Which movie will be the next horror/thriller masterpiece? Why so many GOAT horror films coming out lately?


post the ass


Dost like to live deliciously

I don't remember a donkey

>fucking it up this bad

Unfortunately none of them is better than an 8/10

How many 9/10 movies do you think come out every year.

>tfw amerifat can't speak english

I'll take 1 ticket for the Vitch, please. :^)

Rotten Tomatoes disagrees with you both, and I tend to value the opinions of professional film critics over random internet low-lives. Nice try, boys.

Who was phone?

In this century, with luck, one per year. With luck

would gladly sell my soul to this gormless fucker in exchange for a delicious lifestyle and a qt witch gf with a sexy butt

How many movies does Marvel release each year?

The witch is the best of these, It follows was especially dumb

Meant for

I disagree. They are all very different film. Why are they compared together? They each achieve what they wanted to do.

meh the witch is a 8/10. I haven't watch a horror movie such immersive since rec1.

Actually, It Follows is better than The VVitch

I want to watch the VVitch, but I'm too scared.

wat do

Not embracing based smug GOATs.


oh no im not disagreeing
i just thought it was funny
you know

Grow balls, fagboy

That's not very nice, user.


You need to be over 18 years old to browse this site.

Goat was chill. It's all religious ppl fault.

Who here /likestolivedeliciously/?

sell your soul to Black Phillip you plebeian

A more important criterion is that you should have more accurate taste. Both are quality films, but any patrician can see that It Follows is a better film than The Witch

>Muh STD
>Muh inner demons
>Muh goat
>Muh room
Just because crits are scared easily doesn't mean those arent horrible

>"I judge the quality of a horror film by how scary it is"
>implying any of these films are minimally close to anything horrible

Horror is the most difficult genre to make a quality film in. Having said that, The Witch is probably the best Horror movie I've seen in the last 15 years


Does the title have anything to do with roman numerals beyond the V V and does it have any significance?

goats are fucking weird

they should have got some weirder goats


What was so patrician about the pool scene? That was the moment It Follows shit itself.



>Being scary and easily scaring scaredy people by cheap tricks and jumpscares are the same thing
>Implying those movies didn't rely on bad cliches and cheap scares
Babadook is literally jumpscare the movie
And It follows is simply a 10 minute scenario forced as a movie

One movie is about religious people in the 17th century and is well acted and super creepy, and the other is about dumb teenagers having sex. Which sounds patrician?

I dont think it has anything to do with roman numberals it has something to do with the origin of the word witch.

Also are you Dwight?

One movie explores the themes of promiscuity, adolescence, and sexually transmitted illness; the other is about an evil goat. Which sounds patrician?


You cant figure out the themes of the witch because youve never read the bible

Making fun of goats eh?
Just sign this book and we'll talk about funny goats.

dont forget the well sized teeth

Actually, I'm a theistic Satanist. I understand everything. I listen to black metal every day, as well.

Well, I'm sure missing a lot by not reading the 'bible' :^)


>It follows is so deep

Baa baa


Did Black Phillip destroy the family to get Thomasin to come to him or did he destroy them because evil and thomasin was just a sweet bonus?

wouldst thou?

>Why do thine eyes linger so upon my frame?


Satan only recruits hot chicks to be witches, so the rest of the family were dead weight

So did the devil rape her?

Just watched the Witch, good flick!



No, she wanted this.

Who made goat magical? Rabbit? What were wrong with twins? Did old witch just ate them? Why they send boy back?

There isn't even a good shot of it. It's pretty much obscured by distance/trees/shadows.



not to mention almost definitely a double

Satan too?
Satan again?
Weren't they the lambs at the end?
Just a prank?

It follows was fine but has no character development whatsoever. In the Witch you get to see a family simultaneously physically and psychologically torn apart. They're about equally entertaining, but the witch far outweighs it follows in terms of artfulness.

>I must implore, what didst thou mean by this?
>Could it be that you wish to live deliciously?

You're meming right? Or do you actually want questions to those answers?

>The VVitch is better than It Follows

Your waifu is a literal 4/10 with signs of fas. Plus, the ass is probably fake

You mean satan can just possess any animal by himself? Without help from witch?

No, i meant rabbit was possessed by witch/satan and then rabbit possessed goat, somehow.

Twins were possessed from the begining? Why they didn't ate them faster?

Shouldst thou continue to speak of my witchfu in such unbecoming fashion, I will see to it that thine residence does not survive the winter
Mind thy tongue
this shit is addictive

There are no signs of fas there, though. Undeveloped epicanthic folds. Clear philtrum. Clear upper lip. Normal nasal bridge. Clearly developed cheek bones.