What are your hopes for the upcoming Wheel of Time television series? Which fantasy series are objectively better and deserve adaptations way more than WoT? How will channeling be depicted?
The Wheel of Time
Haven't started the series yet but a friend who's heavy into fantasy said it's way better than GoT. So hopefully they can do the series justice and not fuck it up like that other show.
My hope with WoT though is that it means other networks will be open to a Dune series. I would kill for HBO to pick up Dune after GoT ends.
I just want to see Dumai's Wells and firing cannons through portals directly into the front ranks of enemy formations. If they pull those two scenes off, then everything else can be shit and I won't care.
Man, I would kill for a proper adaptation of Dune. It's my favorite F/SF ever.
I didn't really enjoy Brandon Sanderson's Wheel of Time entries but Moghedien getting dragon'd in the face made me lol.
There are lots of scenes in the Wheel of Time series which I'd like to see done well, including one from the first book where Mat and Rand perform at an inn for room & board under the spectre of the greedy innkeeper who covets their belongings and the darkfriend merchant who recognizes them. I really think with proper cherrypicking a television WoT could be great.
>Which fantasy series are objectively better and deserve adaptations way more than WoT?
The First Law
The Mahabharata.
My only hope is that this pile of shit never gets adapted.
Or better yet, gets adapted and more people find out how shitty it is.
They're making a TV show, a movie and a game.
>The Mahabharata
Rather see Lord of Light desu
Apart from Hindu mythology, they are totally different things. One wouldn't really step on the toes of the other.
Honestly they should just depict channeling as what non-channelers would see when it happens. They see shit being moved around with air but not the "threads" doing it. Then save your money for scenes where someone channeling can see others. I really hope they don't cheap out on effects because I don't want this to turn into cheesy schlock.
It could work too. Dune needs to be told in long format and tv is perfect. First season is the first book then each season after can be two books. Then maybe draw a bit from the prequels.
WoT gets shitty after book 5.
Do the last 3 books get better?
alot better. brandon sanderson is a infinitely better writer than robert jordan. he basically said "fuck this series and its meandering, im going to end it with style"
Good that gives me a lot more reason to slog through the rest of the series.
Point out the strong points of WoT, depending on the answers I might give it a try
it has really unlikeable women
it copies everything from everywhere
it's freemason propaganda
Amazing world building, a lot of really likeable characters, some surprisingly subtle characterization (particularly regarding the relationship between Lan and Rand), a well fleshed out magic system, and weaponized portal magic.
10, 11, and most of 12 were done by Jordan and they were better than 13, which was mostly plotted by Jordan too.
Really inventive use of magic.
There are generally answers to a lot of Frodoesqe questions about why not use magic to do X (although they do sometimes take a while)
It has very excellent progression of the madness of the main character and you can really feel for him.
Women are important, but most are unlikable cunts however the ones who are good and likable (but also cunts because 9/10 characters are either bastards or cunts or crazy) are really memorable and examples of females done right.
Also Harem ending.
bdsm and domination everywhere, braid tugging, plump barmaids
WoT both is and isn't better than GoT.
What they both have in common is dragging on way fucking longer than they ever should have, and WoT suffers more for that than GoT.
after Shannara Chronicles I don't have hopes, I have fears. I think NBC/Universal has the rights so they'll make it watered down TV-14 trash.
You can't do Wheel of Time justice when aiming for a teenage audience.
Yes it's not as gritty as A Song of Ice and Fire but if it were to be film rather than Television, WoT would be rated R and ASoIaF would be NC-17, they'd both warrant TV-MA.
>But A Wheel of Time is tame! There's very little sex in it!
But it has nudity throughout. When novices take their accepted test they're "clad in the light" meaning naked. When Aiel clan chiefs and wise women apprentices do Rhuhedian same thing, they're naked for those trials.
Mat's entire relationship with Tywin was her dressing him up slutty and cutting the clothes off of him and fucking his brains out.
The Battle of Dumai's Wells was so grotesque and horrific that it drove many Asha'man insane and they had to be put down with poison. They trained for it by making rocks explode in mid air using nothing but the power. When Mazrim Taim gave the order "Asha'man... KILL!" we're talking about people being torn to pieces by the Power. Not tame fireballs or arrows, but gory dismemberment and exploding heads.
Even non Asha'man survivors of the battle feared to speak about what they saw on that day.
TV-14 will water it down to shit.
oh and I should say she cut off his clothes with a dagger and fucked him at knifepoint. It was kind of rape, a rape relationship that went on for months.