When will they learn?

Am I honestly supposed to believe this four foot tall Karate Chop is some sort of tough guy?

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying you could take him in a fight

Just cause you're a fat guy doesn't mean you'll win against someone small

I could stand on this pussy

You could try and you would fail

indonesians are hard as fuck and you're a fucking faggot for thinking you could take this guy in anything other than a posturing competition

Is that the Metallica guitarist?

Hello Chopsticks

In a fight to the death (no rules) between the world champion fly lightweight against an average unranked heavyweight, my money would be on the fatty every day.

>four foot
I'd throw this bitch throw a window if he started any of his flip shit

You'd throw a window at him damn

And you'd be right. Weight is THE single biggest factor in deciding who wins a fight. It's the reason classes exist in the first place

>says the people who have never been in a fight before

I'm cold as ice m8

>weight doesn't matter in a fight
Nice try Satan. Why don't you take your pasty ass down the gym and ask to fight a weight class above you

booty-bothered manlet detected

Thanks for proving what I said

>says something retarded
>gets called out
>i-i'm right
Top kek faggot I bet you never threw a punch in your life. Keep living the dream as an internet warrior defending manlet chinks :^)

Fun fact, this guy was the equivalent of a swat team leader in Indonesia before he became an actor. He's hard as fuck for Indonesians who in general like you said are hard as fuck anyways


pick one and only one

yeah this guy looks like a bitch I bet I could kick his ass. I'm on the chunky side but on the other hand back in '08 I kicked the ass of the town bully because he though charizard was better than squirtal. fuck you Randy

>muh acrobatics and choregraphies
life isn't a shaw brothers film mate. just because you did a few years at a mc dojo doesn't mean you can beat a guy 200 lbs heavier than you.

>being 200lbs heavier than someone in the first place

Kek you'd have a heart attack after your first swing



Lesnar is around 280 lbs, so by your logic he'd be fighting someone only 80 lbs

Chopsticks up there probably weighs that

I've seen big guys get fucked up by guys half their weight.

If you're really good at fighting, you can make up for your lack of mass.

You gotta atleast be tall tho, no manlets.

And your point?

That was the UFC without weight classes, pleb.
Specifically UFC 8, David vs Goliath.

Ya you're still not making any point. A big guy can lose a fight if he curls up in the foetal position and refuses to fight back? Fuck me mate what a shocker.
There's men in my local fucking pub more experienced at fighting then those cucks and I drink in a pub full of pussies

That was after 13 minutes of Varelans chasing Ruas around the ring while not checking leg kicks.

Stay pleb, pleb.

>goes on and on about how big guys dominate every small guy no matter what in a fight
>gets shown a fight where a big guy is beaten by a small dude

Most people in this thread would get tired just watching this guy flip around the place.

>I'll call him a pleb, that will show him!
>Doesn't refute a single thing
Get new insults.
Right the hundreds of fights where the smaller guy gets fucked up beyond recognition are erased by this one fight. Great logic there.

Why did the UFC introduce weight classes?

>heavyweight vs super heavyweight
>the same as fly lightweight against heavyweight
k den

M8, technical knockouts by crippling the legs is a thing. You kick their legs and despite what you might think, this fucking hurts, alot, its easier to land these hits against much larger opponents because they cant block that low reliably, keep doing this and it causes serious harm to the point where you cant even stand. He didnt just fall over there, he was disabled, notice how hes putting his hands up like something is wrong, hes been disabled by being kicked in the legs for 13 minutes and is in extreme pain to the point where he cant fight.

>only manlets can kick legs


And all you've proven is your delusional.
You don't automagically win fights by being a big guy, especially if you're this pleb.

We can? Thanks mom!

You can actually smell the manlet through the screen
>3 foot men are tough too!
>I can fight on the inside!
>Weight doesn't matter!
>2 inches is enough for any girl!

>manlet on suicide watch
It's ok mini-me I'm sure you're a real tough guy

I have literally nothing to lose if you want to keep thinking you're tough guys cuz muh height.

What height are you m8?

No keep arguing. Why do you have large collections of victorious moments in manlet history?

Nah not really, those are just the ones I remember because I'm not a fightpleb.

tj pls

go back to stuffing bananas up your ass

>not a fightpleb
Bear in mind here you're making a passionate case against weight being critical in fighting

Show me the fights where the big guys win then, pleb.

Preferable the ones where they don't stick their fingers in eachother's assholes and call it a "technique"

>my ninja skills will defeat this far bigger and stronger man
>why are both my legs broken

Mate come on. Why are fighters seperated into weight classes

>I wouldn't be afraid of Danny Trejo cuz I'm taller
>I look better than Humphrey Bogart cuz I'm taller, I even look better with a fedora

I'd say more muscle weight, as in a 90kg. muscle monster will win against a 150kg. fattie.

>talking about fighting
>out of the blue manlet starts talking about getting fingered up the ass
I'm starting to see what you have against bigger guys. Was it your dad? Your brother?

Has Sup Forums ever had an official/unofficial fight club?
A place where anons from all the boards can beat each other out after signing a waiver?
I think it would be a great idea if we managed to keep it anonymous.

You shouldn't be afraid of Danny Trejo because he's sixty years old. You look a lot better then Bogart because he's a skeleton

Because McCain threw a hissyfit about the UFC.

I have literally showed you two pro fights that did not have weight classes.

>he doesn't know what an oil check is
So pleb.

>I wouldn't be afraid of prime Danny Trejo cuz I'm taller
>I look better than prime Humphrey Bogart cuz I'm taller, I even look better with a fedora

>it's a manlets respond to bait thread
>300 replies incoming

Ya two out of hundreds. Come on little man we both know how the vast VAST majority of those fights ended. Tank fucking Abbott was wrecking shit in UFC for years with fuck all fucking ability because of his weight

That's because Tank Abbott is a bad motherfucker who probably got his skills fighting people in biker bars.

I'm mainly arguing that these guys are plebs and have no idea what they're talking about.

>Charizard was better than squirtal

Fuck you Charizard is better than Squirtle. come and fight me

>daddy only did it when we were wrestling
>i-i'm not gay
>just because i came doesn't mean i liked it


gawddamn ruas is monster. first ever UFC fighter to really bring Vale Tudo into the ring

no it's not. we have weight classes because it matters when they're equally skilled. keep thinking those big macs are keeping you in fighting shape though.


Someone arguing weight is massive in a fight is correct. If the Irish meme fought GSP liked they had planned he'd be thrown around the fucking ring. In fact look at what moving up did to his punching power. He's hitting real men now

>child molestation
Normie bantz are fucking cringeworthy.

Greco-roman wrestling is for gays and failed pro athletes.

A one hundred twenty pound Judo expert fights a three hundred pound bar room brawler. You have to bet your life on the outcome. Who do you back and why

To a certain extent, sure.

But Varelans vs Ruas proved that technique can overcome size. This is consistently proven by people not understanding leg kicks whenever I post that gif.

>gets fingered up the ass
>n-normies are disgusting
Don't worry bro I'm sure you're so strong now no-one could ever do it again :^)

Back2reddit, pleb. I'm sure you'd get many upvotes for calling me gay even though you're the biggest faggot here.

This is from a time in the UFC when no-one was consistently leg kicking. Re-run that fight with todays training and you'll get the opposite result 9/10 times, if not more

UFC is now dominated by wrestlers and LNPs that's why majoriity of the fights end in decision. Really wish they'd implement Yellow Cards more for inactivity and put knowledgeable judges at the table. Its a snorefest seeing a guy liedown on his opponent and tap the face for points

>g-go to r-reddit
Holy shit you're a salty little thing aren't you? Guess you're still just butthurt :^)

>Weight is THE single biggest factor in deciding who wins a fight. It's the reason classes exist in the first place
No, weight is the single biggest factor between comparably trained athletes.

For random nobodies, it goes
in that order, all important but none of them is going to make you win on its own especially not just being big and heavy

No one in this thread is in the UFC.
No one in this thread could beat Yayan Ruhian in a fight.

>deciding to fight on the ground with a Gracie

Great idea there Lance!

Only someone who's never been in a fight would think that.

You reek of 30+ years and working a shitty desk job. Next thing I know you're going to be defending Rousey. pls go.

If I weigh a hundred pounds and attack a two hundred pound man I'm going to get my fucking head kicked in no matter how fit I am

When competitive fighting sports classify their fighters in weight, their weight is made of pure explosive muscle, your weak lard asses won't stand a chance against any professional lightweight.

>toughest guy in the world is some fat polish plumber

Unlucky pal. Wrong on all counts. Though I suppose having flashbacks of your ass being plundered is probably hurting your critical thinking

t. five foot three "street fighter"

did you not just watch? a little chinaman beat a 250-pound body builder. not a random fat guy, 250 pounds of muscle. a 150 pound gracie did the same. another 160-pound ish gracie beat a guy that weighs 450 pounds. bigger than any random fat guy you'll see and also much more athletic.

so i'd give a 120 pound expert a shot, though wouldn't bet on it. any average sized man though, say at least 150 pounds, i'd take the more skilled one every time.

>ass being plundered
This is the first time you said anything worthwhile. Good work.

Forgive me for assuming, I usually only see bantz that lame from guys who are desperately trying to hang on to relevance.

I would batter that midget into a coma

The question didn't state you have to bet your life on it but you can bitch out with a shit load of weasel words. You telling me you would bet your life on a 120 pound Judo expert defeating a 300 pound bruiser?

sure buddy, you'll knock him out hitting him with your beer belly

wtf do you think a "fit" 100 pound man would look like? we're talking about weight classes, not midgets

>it's a pseudo/fit/ thread

>Five feet tall
>Sub 180 pounds
I'd fucking dance on his head

Does it matter? Keep the ratio. If I'm 180 and attack Brock Lesnar I'll get broken in half

When will they learn?

>agile as fuck
>fast as fuck
>professional martial artist
of course you would

Do you really think that a tall obese man without any muscle mass or athletic capacity because he spends all day in front of the pc could stand a chance against any professional fighter? Are you really this stupid? Do you tell yourself this kind of lies to make you feel better about being a walking whale?

>its a everyone pretends to be a fighting expert because theyve watched a couple of ufc fights episode

They fought without gloves back then at UFC?

>old man
>thinks he's a ninja