what the fuck were they thinking?
What the fuck were they thinking?
maybe im just a fag but how can anyone watch this childish crap beyond the age of 10?
>No based Jim JL movie
Couldn't they have hired a director of photography?
>inb4 you're a fag
i ask myself the same question user
We basically are manchilds.
At least i admit it
that black guy must feel really stupid since hes the only one who has to spread out his arms while running
>trying to catch a plane
>tony shows up
>he brought friends
>crash the party with all survivors
>BIG GUY helps you escape
Barring Wanda bs, why didnt Iron Man alone just hover over them super high then shoot a rocket powered electric net to instantly catch everyone instead of running to punch Caps shield specifically and do nothing else it seems.
he's gonna get ya
Electrocuting Cap has worked so well in the past.
Nets would be shit against Ant-Man.
Shit, Hawkeye would probably just arrow one out of the sky.
How come Wanda gets barred and is called bs? She's got telepathy, that's her shtick right now.
Do Falcon's wings even conduct electricity? If not, then wing-shield all day.
By not taking everything so seriously.
ok, but it's just a dumb, enjoyable capeshit film.
Everyone talking how Spiderman was awesome but for me Falcon was BTFO everyone.
I'm wondering how any CRITICS can watch this childish crap and give it a high score.
If I want a cartoon I'll just go re-watch Zootopia or How to Train Your Dragon, at least those have a consistent look and come across as more of art and less of a cold, cheap, flatly-shot, corporate product.
I agree
BvS was so much better than Civil War and I don't get how critics panned it
this explains why you shitpost on Sup Forums and your opinions are dismissed.