Does season 1 completely suck?

Does season 1 completely suck?


completely sucks deez nuts nigga yooooooo


the pilot was pretty good, the Q character is great.

The first season wasn't as good as the middle seasons, but it was better than the last couple seasons after DS9 started

Episode 25 is one of the best of the whole series i think

Better question: Why is Hoshi best girl?

please don't post my waifu, thanks

I want to taste Hoshi's and T'Pol's sweat after being stuck in the decon room with them

This one?

Because non asian girls look like men.
Seriously thank god for multiculturalism; I'm so glad I don't have to settle for an orc.

Are you ready to serve your Empress?

the real question is what do her feet look like

>Jungle gym duel with two soccermoms

Jesus Christ

The first season is a bit rough, but still a few good episodes here and there. Series improves once Riker gets his beard.

user focusing on the important issues

Seriously though does anyone have any pics of Linda Parks feet

I'd fuck her right in the pussy if you know what i'm saying.


Also, you posted the season 2 crew. Which I also didn't think sucked.

The idea for her character was great. The show really didn't use Hoshi all that well, though.

Season 1 is pleb filter.

This. S 1 and 2 being bad is an old meme


Someone posted her early childhood and apparently she was a 'hardcore AzN biatch!" in school unlike the rest of them.

No wonder she loved playing Empress Hoshi, sleeping her way to Godhood.

>it's decon chamber scene where Tripp / Connor gets a boner

What's wrong with being an hardcore [Asian] [woman]? And can we watch the language please lads

I can at least see the point with season two, since the writer's strike derailed things.

Baaaaack to tumblr

the pilot is some of the preachiest, hammiest shit i've ever seen. it's like a parody of Trek

>mirror universe Hoshi

Yes fucking please

That's Empress Hoshi to you.


has tepal ever shown her tits? I remember seeing some pics of them but they looked shooped

Bloated and fake. She ruined her lips and chest and body by going full semi-anorexic bimbo.

I can't find but MAYBE two pre-augmentation T'Pol / Jolene Blalock pics, here's 1 of 2 (potentially au naturale).


2 of 2

What's she look like now? Full on Joan Rivers status?

Q's a faggot and one of the worst characters among a cast of terrible characters.

It's obvious Q is flaming gay and wants Jean-Luc to fuck him up the ass. When the stiff (har, har), proper Captain Picard refuses, Q throws a hissy fit and does the, "Well, fine! I'm going to put you in an impossible situation where you're fucked."

During the "ordeal," (the real ordeal is with the audience watching this tiresome drivel), Q offers to save Picard's ass if Picard would pump Q's ass. Picard always says "No" and, just when the the dilemma is about to climax, Q does the, "Oh, Jean-Luc! You know you're too cute for me to allow you to die. Snap! There. Everything is back to normal and it's as if this entire episode, errr, incident, never occurred. Toodle-loo! And if you ever get tired of diddling your ex-girlfriend's son, give me a call. Till next the writers don't have an idea for a story and don't care about character development!"

The End.

ST:TNG sucks ass. Even Voyager might be better than TNG.

>Q's... one of the worst characters
Stopped reading there. I hope this is bait

You be the judge of that user..

You don't cast the hook with 30 dead worms attached to the end and expect these fish to eat it.

I think you are projecting your own home sexual fantasies onto Q. You wish you had Jean luc Picard fucking you up the ass with his legendary dick.

>Malcolm higher than Quark, Seven, Ezri

I thought Malcolm was a little dry for my taste but if you say so.

Yeah I didn't make that chart, there are some glaring errors. Lwaxana being low tier; Ezri not being god-tier; Worf and Odo being God tier; Archer and Geordi not being above Jake and Pulaski, etc

Barclay down, Paris, B'Elanna, and Chekov up.

jesus christ i would give up a testicle to fuck that

I'd play Constance Goodheart for Tom any day of the week.

Am i not allowed to be a star wars fan if i spelled it wrong? Fuck off faggot, I like the show just like you do.

If you can't even come close to spelling the name of a main character who is listed in the opening credits of every episode and whose name follows a common Vulcan/Romulan pattern, you are a """""""""""""""fan"""""""""""""", not a fan
Back to your MCU threads

Oh hush, Star Trek is love.

I read this post in a country girl's smirky accent.

Whatever fantasy you prefer sugah

A very good list and hierarchy. I only disagree with two things. I love Garak but he is not God tier. He is bro tier. Remember, he was used to help the character of Bashir grow. Crusher, two levels up to atleast mid tier. Hot MILF red-head was fine as fuck for her time.

>Crewman QT is dead IRL

I am the sad

not even sure how it's spelled but i'm pretty damn sure tupal is close. stop being so fucking autistic not everyone memorizes the spelling of every characters name. You don't get to kick me out of the star wars fan club because I can't spell a fucking name fuck off. Also i would lick tupal's sweaty asshole if she let me.

Put Troi in shit tier. Her episodes were all terrible.

fuck you fuckers! my thread is way better. Sup Forums is truly austist

>Reg Barclay above Sulu and Geordi


False flag. I'm the one who made the ENT thread and you aren't me
Fuck off trying to start some kind of fight here

What if he is you, but the you created by a transporter accident?

I hate season 1. the writing and the acting sucks. And it's way to cheesy.

TNG only got good when roddenberry died and riker grew the beard

Always got a major whore vibe from this actress.

Wasn't it great?

If that's true it must have been one of those split personality accidents from TOS because I would never go into another thread just to complain about its existence

So he's the Mirror Universe (You)?

you are correct sir!

bump for the real star trek thread


Thank you Bajoran terrorism



Not bad at all.

Holy shit is this the real Jonathan Fakes? I haven't seen you in ages

Conspiracy was good

Yes. And so do seasons 2 through 7.

That is one hideously mutilated navel.

I never really left. I've just been using an older folder that has different and random file names.