Talons of Weng-Chiang Edition
Is it a classic? Is the rat rubbish? Is Li H'sen Chang Gareth's favorite character?
Previous autism:
Talons of Weng-Chiang Edition
Is it a classic? Is the rat rubbish? Is Li H'sen Chang Gareth's favorite character?
Previous autism:
Good for you.
I dunno, I thought you were considered a (young) adult when you hit 18 and a teenager is 15-18.
only on reddit. it's a bit controversial here. on facepunch im an average user. i contribute quite frequently to an open source game, they like me there at least
Where's the best place to get Doctor Who toys?
>they like me there at least
I doubt that very much.
In a fucking shop.
supertux f_am
check it out
its an open-source mario clone with a level editor
im even in the credits
thats my greatest achievement in life so far (besides martha's crooked teeth), which is really sad considering how obscure it is
He literally posted once. Stop being an insecure cunt. You're probably 30+ so if you're a struggling loser love-wise you deserve to be mocked here
Probably off Amazon/ebay, the MSRPs seem a bit steep to me. There are probably specialty sites too.
>“Lord up in of this time bitch” is a rather delightful Sup Forums meme that spawned when Wilding, a tripcode user, attempted to make a “Lord of time up in this bitch” macro, using the shot of 11 shrugging in Rosanna Calvierri’s throne.
>However, he failed to some extent. Due to the column layout, the text could easily be read from left to right, thus producing the phrase “lord up in of this time bitch”, which is nonsense but seems to almost make sense in a timey-wimey sort of way.
>As a result, the phrase tends to show up in nearly every Sup Forums Doctor Who thread in both text and revamped image-macro form. This is an example of the latter, based on the original layout but using a different frame from a different episode.
So, I need a pastebin or an info dump or something.
I've watched Who ever since Eccleston, but I've never been a part of the fandom (I've just plain and simply never stumbled onto a forum for it or anything). What's the general opinions on things? How are the doctors/series rated? What's the deal with Moffat?
piss poor bait mate
try harder
Ten is the best Doctor, and Capaldi is too old. Series 2, 7 and 9 are shit. Moffat is Satan and he must go. That's a quick summary.
Eccleston = GOAT
10 a Shit
S2 a Shit
Capaldi = GOAT
NuWho a Shit
Doctor Who a Shit
Moffat Out
Moffat Stay Please
Doctor Who Is Dead
Generally Tennant is the favorite, mostly because of sex appeal/shipping, but all the Docs are fairly well liked. Moffat has been writing since the start, showrunning since 2010, and a certain segment of people have hated him since... about 2010, for various reasons.
I forgot that despite being obviously piss poor bait at least one retard would fall for it
this is melanon
Please point out what is bait about that post apart from "asks for a response".
>What's the general opinions on things? How are the doctors/series rated? What's the deal with Moffat?
you don't want to know. Fandom's taste is absolutely horrible. Just watch stuff on your own, it's what I wish I had done.
GOAT story. Was my favourite once, possibly still is.
it's obviously total shite specifically designed to get people to waste their time answering it
Nobody on Earth would post this seriously.
"Hello, I;m a stranger and new to fandom but can you tell me all about the last 11 years of Doctor Who, please, I can't be bothered googling anything?"
Fuck off obsesed-with-melanon-user.
but that IS him
Wanting to conform in a community by quickly absorbing the popular opinions is a perfectly credible motivation. You can't really work out a lot of those things by Googling especially when every place you go will have a different answer.
fuck off melanon! You are not as clever as you think.
>tfw I liked every episode when I first watched NuWho
>now I hate everything
/who/ is full of hardcore Moffatfags and RTD haters. I can understand the Moffags part because presumably anyone who hates Moffat isn't still hanging around the fandom after 6 years, but I don't know why people are so down on RTD. I blame Americans who got into the show with series 5.
people who really hate moffat show up during on-season
And people thought Matt Smith looked like shit and about to kill himself.
>Fear Her at the bottom of the list
This meme needs to die. Yes it's bad, but anyone who thinks Fear Her is anywhere near as unwatchable as The Twin Dilemma or Time and the Rani needs to fuck offerino. The worst of Classic Who is objectively way worse than the worst of NuWho.
I don't really understand RTD hate either, obviously everyone's got their preference but without him Who would just have limped on a few more years in books and audios before final death. Surely that outweighs a few Slitheen and overwrought Tennant scenes?
Hello again, Cats.
I don't even hate RTD. I hate his fucking fanbase who hates Moffat too where it's fucking obvious he's much better than RTD.
Muh Moffat is a sexist
Muh Moffat is a homophobe
Muh Moffat is transpose
Muh Moffat's female characters are all the same
Jesus fucking Christ. I'm just sick of it
I want someone to post this picture on Twitter on #DWSR and anything RTD/Tennant fags related with the following caption:
Is that supposed to be a picture of melanon? Where is it from?
Well the sexist/homophobe thing is ridiculous - if anything, he tries too hard to be inclusive and it comes out really forced and awkward - but he does seem to like a certain female-villain archetype with Kovarian, Karabraxos etc.
No idea, I thought it was a Rich Evans meme from outer Sup Forums.
Yes but they don't care. Same with muh Osgood is an insult to Tumblr.
I agree with the female villains but just look at Missy, she's completely different from these.
I think everyone here likes S1.
S2-4 though can get pretty decisive.
Divisive, you mean. Decisive would be the opposite.
oh yeah. oops.
the wiki is all you need senpai
wrong page senpai
>dat trigger warning
Russel T. Davies, the showrunner for the 9th and 10th Doctors.
Rub That Dick
What if Jack is returning?
>mfw based 12, Bill and Jack in the TARDIS
>Based 12
>Based Bill
>Based Jack
You're right there
Fuck off you RTD faggot. You're the worst.
She is literally The Guardian personified
Me again Thanks, these look like exactly what I needed to start.
Is this trolling? Or do I just disagree with the fan opinions? I've rewatched everything from Rose to Donna a few times. Eccleston's stuff sometimes came off to me as needlessly gritty sci-fi, but Tennat's stuff was usually solid. My memeory of Smiff is lacking, but I just remember getting lost in the plot. Capaldri has been solid so far (on average).
Do tell?
Come to think of it. I think my biggest problem with Who so far is that it often builds up to shit but hasn't delivered since Rose came back with Donna. Where's the doctor becoming a vengeful god? Where's the doctor and River doing shit?
Oh, and one big thing I want to get off my chest, was I the only one that thought this? In the episode where Clara was throwing the TARDIS keys into lava. I was fully expecting the Doctor to turn around, click his fingers, open the door and fucking leave her there and let the River adventures begin. I was so fucking pissed when that didn't happen.
You missed the point of the scene imo
12 is shit mainly for this reason. He was totally cucked by Clara. His character is paradoxical and inconsistent.
Jack improves any TARDIS team.
>wanting the Doctor to leave Clara to die a horrible lava death
Yeah, I think you were the only one. Don't get me wrong, I think he forgave her a little too easily but killing her would have just been fucked up.
>and let the River adventures begin
Phil Phord (into the dalek writer) has just conphirmed he's writing for series 10 on Twitter
The Doctor already knew what she was going to do and let her play out her little fantasy power trip in order to get it out of her system. His caring for her was unconditional, and making her realise what she had become and what she was willing to do would hopefully be a powerful enough lesson for him to not need to give her any more aggro
>You missed the point of the scene imo
I get the point of the scene - it was to show how much of a shit Clara gives.
>Yeah, I think you were the only one. Don't get me wrong, I think he forgave her a little too easily but killing her would have just been fucked up.
But she totally fucking deserved it. If it wasn't a drug-induced dream sequence, Clara would've completely fucking intentionally, ended The Doctor right there. Killing countless, just because she wants her boyfriend back. That's pathetic.
le cuck meme
>Where's the doctor becoming a vengeful god?
I mean that's not going to happen because it's fucking silly. Every time the possibility has been raised, it has been flatly rejected, for very obvious reasons.
>Where's the doctor and River doing shit?
River being the actual companion for a run of episodes would mean her upgrading from semi-regular character to full lead. The problem with this is that the show requires new people to be the companion, in order to keep artificially generating public interest. River has always been a character whose adventures are mostly off-screen for this reason, although Capaldi's last Christmas special goes some way towards filling the hole this creates and basically resolves her story.
>I was fully expecting the Doctor to turn around, click his fingers, open the door and fucking leave her there and let the River adventures begin. I was so fucking pissed when that didn't happen.
Stop being such a muppet. "Lol we're going to build up Clala all season and then get rid of her in the first 10 minutes of the finale", do you have any concept of how television works?
said no such things
>If it wasn't a drug-induced dream sequence, Clara would've completely fucking intentionally, ended The Doctor right there. Killing countless, just because she wants her boyfriend back. That's pathetic.
Doesn't matter though. The Doctor wouldn't have left his worst enemy behind to die if he could just drop them back on their home planet and have them be no further threat. It's not in his character.
That is a CLEAR HINT if not a CONFIRMATION that Phil is returning for Series 10.
>It's not in his character.
Shit, you've got me.
you're drunk mate
How phucking dare you!!! Phuck off and die.
>Killing countless
Careful, when you prioritise the survival of the Doctor because of the hypothetical people he has yet to save, you become morally equivalent to the Teselecta from Let's Kill Hitler. The Doctor himself would never agree, having wilfully sacrificed himself on various occasions.
Anyway. The Doctor felt responsible for what he had turned Clara into. The taste for his level of manipulative power that he had been recklessly encouraging in her for all of that series, combined with her controlling tendencies, was a recipe for disaster when faced with the meaningless sudden death of a loved one.
Also not only had she effectively been his friend for over 900 years at this point, accompanying him at a crucial stage in his life, but he was very sentimentally attached to her and this was pushed further in series 9. A different Doctor might very easily have fucked her off at that point, but 12 is an extreme sort of person.
You betrayed me. You betrayed my trust, you betrayed our friendship, you betrayed everything that I've ever stood for. YOU LET ME DOWN!
>Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?
Is there a more GOAT ine?
It was an okay ine.
>May 9th
>Still no S9 OST News
Is /Who/ looking forward to the highly anticipated Sleep No More sequel?
>implying it will ever happen after how poorly SNM was received
Personally I could rewatch SNM over In the Forest of the Night/Kill the Moon. SNM isn't as terrible as some make out it was.
I enjoyed it on first viewing but it got worse for me the more I thought about it imo,
Gattiss should have been erased instead of Gareth.
Go to bed Gargar.
Is Gatiss the worst regular writer on Who
Currently yes.
What's the closest anime equivalent of Doctor Who?
Wake up /who/.
Dunno, I'm only really familiar with the most popular ones (DBZ, Death Note, Fullmetal, One Punch Man etc). There's probably something out there, though, enough of them have time travel and/or sassy British protagonists.
I don't really watch anime, but the closest thing I can think of is Gantz, which is pretty fucking far from Doctor Who. You got "monster of the week" kind of alien invasions and that's pretty much where the similarities end. It's full of over the top gore, sex, giant tits and a big black ball that makes puns and sends a bunch of confused teenagers out to get killed by aliens.
Worse than Steve Thompson?
Literally the "literally who?" of Who. Plus he didn't even write for series 9.
Time travel animu:
Steins;Gate: Faction Paradox tier time war never and there are only like five time lines for the show which is kinda annoying. It's also a bit kiddy and full of memes (think Tenth Doctor tier)
Erased. It's kinda a bit like Moffat's story in the Decalogs (Consequences)
Haven't bothered watching any other time travel animes and there aren't that many of them.
There are lots of good scifi books though:
Hyperion features time travel as a background: think Miles Lawrence.
Firefall by Watts: I would best describe this book as Evangelion (Anime) + Interference (Lawrence Miles) + Vampire Science (Kate Orman and Blum)
Short stories:
The Nine Billion Names of God - "the stars are all going out" aesthetics
Super-Toys Last All Summer Long - Forest of the Dead/Silence in the Library
I can't help but wonder if some of the Who lore is based on a bit of Vance:
>"I am a magician indeed, with knowledge of every spell yet devised, the sleight of runes, incantations, designs, exorcisms, talismans. I am Master Mathematician, the first since Phandaal, yet I can do nothing to your brain without destroying your intelligence, your personality, your soul—for I am no god. A god may will things to existence; I must rely on magic, the spells which vibrate and twist space."
>He learned the secret of renewed youth, many spells of the ancients, and a strange abstract lore that Pandelume termed "Mathematics."
>/who/ is dead