I don't get it
I don't get it
that's because you're 14
It was all a dream dumbass
Yeah. Lucky #14 out of 37
When I was younger I wished so bad that I would have their lives when I was 22.
How were you not blown away by the charisma and screen presence of Brian O'Halloran?
I was more blown away by dante's girlfriend, if you know what I mean
Hey come on. When he said he wasn't supposed to be there that day, I legitimately believed him.
She sucked how many dicks?
In a row?
original quippy dialog
Say what you will about Kevin but we don't get movies like this anymore. Nobody's made a statement about our generation and the capabilities are more available now then ever in history. he was like 25 when he made that.
Try not to suck any dick on the way to the parking lot
he just copied Singles and put it in New Jersey
Do you want to make some fuck berserker
It's about finding direction in life and getting your shit together
and in Clerks 2 they're still working at the Quick Stop until it burns down.
No singles was good but clerks was way more raw and the writing was a million times more clever than singles.
It's definitely more raw and to its benefit but you can't deny there are strong influences. Btw I liked Clerks better than Singles.
I would say realty bites bit off of singles more than clerks. Honestly there was never a movie like it when it came out. Like I said Kevin smith is clearly running on fumes but he deserves credit for putting this out.
>I would say realty bites bit off of singles more than clerks.
That too, another movie I really liked. I fully acknowledge it's a chick flick. All three of these movies have very similar themes.
That's because this generation gets nuclear butthurt about even the slightest criticism of them.
one of the only true 10/10
I think its best watched as a teenager though
>be 19 years old
>going to college because parents forcing me to
>want to start working a shitty job with no responsibility
Should I just run away from home?
Working in retail or shops is literally hell.
At least get into security or something.
Even better to just go to college for the freedom and get to fuck around. bonus points if you actually do something worthwhile and thats in demand.
young bloods aint gonna never know hype that was salsa shark in dem trailer