Will they ever do anything risky or ambitious?

Will they ever do anything risky or ambitious?

inhumans might be risky

Talking tree and space racoon weren't ambitious enough for ya?

Isn't making big budget movies out of comics no one has ever heard of risky?

Everyone said GotG and Ant-Man were gonna bomb. Now people are saying Doctor Strange will bomb.

Isn't the whole MCU pretty ambitious? The shit they're doing, the connections between movies and TV shows and everything...

Fingers still crossed for this though. I demand mindfuck scenery porn.

GotG was kinda ambitious. Doctor Strange is their ambitious/risky movie.

Civil War is risky

Dr. Strange is risky

Ant Man was risky

GotG was risky

The Avengers was risky

Why would they, you retard?
>have a working formula to print money
>fuck with it for muh artistic integrity

Didn't Inhumans get recently canned?

dr strange is risky cuz itll star bendydick cuminmyass

They all follow the same quip-filled formula

Ant Man is the worst offender

From what Cucumbersnatch and the director have said, it seems like it is gonna be weird as fuck

Guardians of the Galaxy wasn't risky


I think OP meant inviting more complex themes into the plotlines.

MCU films are pretty much copy paste comic stories with some modernization and minor alterations here and there.

I'd say the tv series have been pretty risky since everyone and their mother was keen with Marvel movies being fun romps.

But as others said the fact that they made an interconnected film universe was pretty risky especially when you realize they took fresh outta jail RDJ to star as fucking Iron Man who's only claim to fame was
>Being a fucking drunk
>Being in a fun 2d beat 'em up in the 90s
>Having a bitching theme song for a shitty cartoon

Cause people are starting to realize its the same thing, and how bland they are. Even some hardcore comic fans friends of mine are getting tired of it

>Civil War is risky
>Dr. Strange is risky
>Ant Man was risky
>GotG was risky
>The Avengers was risky
Kill yourself if you unironically believe that
All of those movies were guaranteed to make money and those who weren't (Antman and GotG) could rely solely on the Marvelâ„¢ brand and be fine you know. EXACTLY LIKE THEY DID

Marvel is literally for cowards

MCU fans are holocaust deniers

The cinematic universe concept was risky, so they'll always have that going for them. Otherwise I expect them to keep sticking as close to middle-of-the-road mediocrity as possible, producing enjoyable, if ultimately forgettable films.

Doctor Strange is gonna be their risky film

t. mad DCuck

>MCU fans are holocaust deniers
But user, everybody knows that red-pilled people prefer Zack Snyder's visionary pop-art magnus opus Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice over any of that silly Marvel stuff.

No, Their drama is fucking comparable to Mudasir and Salman squabble

>Dr. Strange is risky
>Ant Man was risky
>GotG was risky

Go back 10 years.
Who the hell would have watched this.

No. Why fix what isn't broke? They have the formula to make hundreds of millions, there's literally no reason for them not to milk it until it's dry

Well that might be coming sooner than they think.

>holocaust deniers
Go fuck yourself

Go back 10 years, who the hell would have watched fucking Iron Man?

People literally said that shit about Iron Man and Captain America

shut the fuck up and kill yourself already

>could rely on the brand that they've established
>marvel is too successful for anything they do to be considered risky.

Wow, it's almost as if they've built up a reputation for putting out entertaining material.

Ok? You just admitted that anything they do that could be considered risky won't be because of brand recognition.

Thus they literally cannot do what the OP asks because of that same brand recognition.

If that's the case then there's literally nothing to talk about.



How the fuck did Iron Man get so popular?

Its why I say a lot of Marvels movies are risky. They are using literal who's.

serious question no trolling.

Has Marvel ever done / adapted a serious comic book movie? Like a movie that makes you think or has deep profound symbolisms. Not like the usual popcorn flick.

its been 8 fucking years already

You are a coward, and a dishonest one at that, but that's Sup Forums material, so I'll give you another chance to dazzle us all with your cutting wit and deftly executed verbal riposts without rejoinder.

Spiderman 2


Civil War

Now fuck off

>b-but quips-

Fuck off, seriously

>How the fuck did Iron Man get so popular?

Iron Man didn't, RDJ did.

The only one that comes close is maybe Winter Solider and Civil War. The rest have been pretty standard.

Serious question no trolling.

Has there ever been any movie based on a COMIC BOOK that meets those criteria, made by any studio, ever?

>inb4 muh BvS
>inb4 muh capekino

Comic book movies don't do that. They're about comic books.

Nothing is risky anymore.
The cinematic universe they've made is the most ambitious thing capeshit has ever done. It succeeded too.

The entireity of the MCU has been risky. Just because they're huge successes now doesn't mean it wasn't a pipe dream 10 years ago. They pioneered their own way of doing things and perfected it.

Winter Soldier was more of a political thriller than a comic movie. Fury in the SUV scene was incredible, same with the Cap v Bucky fight.

>Winter Soldier and Civil War

oh fucking please. never was for a second that I was in a deep thinking in those 2 movies. its a generic popcorn flick

I wouldn't call CW deep, not even if I was a manlet.


GotG is very overratedly risky. Like true risky would have been if it was a bum drunk Star Lord who pisses on his ship and has a bunch of shitty allies who hate each other a lot like Watchmen.

What they did was they made the green girl hot, the tree guy cute, the raccoon quippy, put in a TON of widely accepted music from the Boomer generation so older people could connect.

Its like they took a premise that could have been edgy and used easily achievable ways to make it smoothed down for a general audience.

WB made GotG and features Joker torturing for fun and everyone acting "real" with griminess and darkness. So no shit when it only grosses half of what GotG did if that happens.

Mature themes =/= deep or profound symbolism

Lurk more faggot

making billions of fucking dollarydoos is ambitious

I feel that gotg would've been a GOAT 90s movie if it was done back then. Not really relevant to 10 years ago like you said but the 90s housed some weird shit that was marketed to the blockbuster going public so it would've blended right in.

And how did RDJ get so popular?

Dude was a fucking disgrace. What did RDJ have that GL Reynolds and Cavill fid not?

Nigga you asked if they have made any deep films and I said those COME CLOSE. Of fucking course they aren't, but for the MCU they are.

the first Iron Man was pretty risky imo

Plen detected.

Rewatch them when you are 25 you underage

Daredevil was a risk and it paid off.

that's quite sad if those 2 are the closest that MCU has for a deep movie. everything's a fucking cash grab nowadays, like TFA where its a safe movie

Launching connected TV shows when the movies were that big isn't ambitious at all.

The MCU was too big to fail by the time AoS was released, so they're (still) pumping out as many shows as they can before the fever cools.

Still hasn't happened yet, which is a testament to how 'safe' Marvel keeps there movies and the consistency of them.

>Already making excuses for SQUAD

I could see that but I just have the feeling like Dr. Strange will just be Quippy Magicpants Sherlock Holmes (the Robert Downey version), they will make a bunch of jokes at the weird characters to keep it light, throw in some 1960's music and ironic 70's touches and then rip off Inception for the edgy teens.

How is no one mentioning Deadpool, that movie was basically set up for failure.

Holy shit, some honesty. Thank you, bro.

Marvel has always cornered the market on lighter-toned comic flicks whereas DC has always tried to explore mature and profound themes.

>Civil War not deep for MCU
Nigga people have been debating like fucking crazy with it political and ideological themes. They're basic as fuck but to says Civil War isn't got some deep themes for MCU then you're just ignorant

Pretty much.

Same for Iron Man

Well they just want to play it safe.

Yea I can tell by the billion civil war is about to make my retard friend

GOTG was the only risky one. And they took away all risk by making it about quips and nostalgic music,

Everything else there is safe as shit.

Lovable cartoon characters? Yeah, Spongebob and My Little Pony is super risky too.

>Marvel Studios

>WB made GotG and features Joker torturing for fun and everyone acting "real" with griminess and darkness. So no shit when it only grosses half of what GotG did if that happens.
No way that's right. The Guardians are only anti-heroes individually, not outright villains. The Marvel equivalent of Suicide Skwad will be Thunderbolts.

>Civil War

entertainment =/= risk you retard

Civil War wasn't deep, at all. It was a giant toy commercial with quips every 2 seconds

Spider-Man 2 might be the only serious one there, but it wasn't part of the MCU. Kickass is a parody comic not connected to Marvel save semantics

>Comeback flick for well-known actor
>story runs parallel with his life
>comic book movie from Marvel, the studio that brought you the very successful Spider-Man series
>Big budget

It definitely wasn't set up for failure nor was it risky in the least. Quit kidding yourselves.

my wife who's a fucking huge normie got tired of MCU. Hell she had a huge crush on Thor and after the disaster of Thor 2 she didn't want to see anymore MCU flicks

I am really just trying to say that Suicide Squad is exactly like what GotG would look like as an edgy movie. Not really making fun of DisMarvel because I really think DisMarvel's way is the way to go for mass appeal and WB is making another big mistake.

Actually this is the most risky, especially doing nothing at all to make Punisher a funny or rootable character but just a complete angel of death. He ended up being so badass we all wanted a show of him anyway. :)

Ech fine you got me there, forgot it was tied up in the X-men bullshit

Exactly. Marvel can go dark but light heartedness is a better fit for them. It makes sense. It would be nice for darker and serious themes

>muh formula
They may have formulaic plot structure, but the individual movies are pretty different. The differences between movies like Thor 2, Ant-Man, GotG, and Winter Soldier are pretty big. I don't know that they're any more formulaic than any other successful action movie or action-comedy.

Is Iron Man as a series more a repeat of the same idea than the Alien franchise is? Are Winter Soldier and Civil War more or less similar than Die Hard and Die hard 2?

The solo movie sequels do a good job of changing enough and the different character series alone are different enough from each other that I don't understand this formula meme. When someone just means macguffin->quip->beat the bad guy is the formula, then that's just talking about most action movies. When someone tries to use the 'Marvel formula' to mean all the movies are exactly the same, that just doesn't match what you see in the MCU.

nigga everything that has RDJ in it is safe

Nope. Doesn't count. Civil War is a kids movie. Ignore the literally hundreds of threads over the last two weeks were people insist one side or the other was obviously right. Didn't happen.

There wasn't even any Jesus imagery.

The fact that he can play Tony Stark as basically his own personality and sell it. RDJ is a phenomenal actor and incredibly charismatic. He had me in his corner 5 minutes into Iron Man.

That being said, he's not Tony Stark. Not really. RDJ essentially made Tony Stark be him and it works based solely on the tremendous likability he has as a celebrity. He's quick, he's witty, and he's flawed, and that makes him infinitely relatable.

He's a better, more seasoned actor than either Cavill or Reynolds, and it shows any time he's on the screen.

>It was a giant toy commercial with quips every 2 seconds
I don't understand why you would bother to write something that completely invalidates any point you might have been trying to make.

Does your mom count?

>there wasn't even jesus imagery
Confirmed didn't see the film

dude RDJ is Tony Stark - the drunk Demon in the Bottle Tony Stark

>he had me in his corner 5 minutes into Iron Man

Oh you mean the only good part of the movie? lmao

Getting nominated for an Oscar for Tropic Thunder.

>winter soldier

the quippiest, most mind-numbing action-filled film Marvel has ever produced is 'serious' to you?

It's FOX, not marvel studios. When people talk about "marvel" they are talking about marvel studios who is own by Disney.

Good writing

>the quippiest
0/10 weak af bait

It was a generic space adventure movie that was set in continuity with the most wildly successful blockbuster franchise of it's era. The idea that it was "risky" and offbeat was very much a calculated part of it's marketing campaign. I honestly cannot understand why people treat this movie like it was Eraserhead or something. It was as generic a story as they come. And don't give me the "oh but they weren't super popular characters" bullshit. Believe it or not, there was a time when MOST MOVIES were based on original characters and premises.

>winter soldier

This guy thinks Winter Soldier is quippier than AoU.

The entire concept of the MCU was ambitious and risky. As was Guardians of the Galaxy and Civil War and even Winter Soldier and Iron Man 3 to a degree.

>winter soldier
Yeah you didn't see it.

Exactly, the MCU has been built upon risks one after another.

It really, really was. So many fucking one-liners and 'camaraderie.' A supremely awful movie, and you're a supremely awful mouthbreather if you honestly believe otherwise

>Superheroes fight each other in a manner akin to a kid banging 2 toys together
>Lots of quips and "fun"
>No status quo changes, everybody dies and is friends at the end

Definition of safe
