why are you so dumb
It was meh
Deadpool is Fox.
Because you touch urself at nights lmao
xmen is also fox
>career suicide to criticize disney
Almost makes OP worth being born just for this moment.
>paying critics
if you're a Jew
>This might be the end of X-Men Quicksilver
pls let the critic reviews be wrong about Apocalypse
still capeshit
No more
Now i wish Strange will turn to be rotten and Squad turn to be fresh so it will turn to draw
The Marvel Studios fandom is full of generic cunts who try to seem quirky and unique by identifying heavily with a slightly offbeat fandom such as the Marvel Cinematic Universe "But wait, that's actually incredibly mainstream and not offbeat at all!" you say. And you're right. But actual offbeat things don't give as much 'nerd' cred, and these things have more creative value than reality TV so people on Tumblr can make posts such as "Why are all girls nowadays such idiots who watch Jersey Shore? I'm very unique because I like nerdy intelligent stuff like Iron Man 3, and I like quirky men like Tom Hiddleston and Mark Ruffalo teehee, look at this repeating gif of 0.5 seconds of Loki doing a thing with his face and a theory about how all the Marvel movies are connected and Thanos is going to collect all the Infinity Gems except in the movies none of them are really "gems" at all and here is some fanart of all the Avengers gender swapped and with less sexist costumes and they all have the exact same fucking face with that bulbous red nose also did you know that I am a girl who likes superheroes I know it's hard to believe but it is true I AM AN AVENGERS look at this gif of Tony Stark raising his eyebrow, anyway The Avengers is sexist because Black Widow's costume is too tight and unrealistic for a special agent so here is a redesign of her in figure hiding combat fatigues because I am progressive. Does anyone else think that Hulk and Iron Man would make a good couple? TEE HEE I LOVE GAYS BECAUSE I AM SO TOTALLY NOT HOMOPHOBIC EVEN THOUGH I TREAT GAYS AS AN AMUSING NOVELTY Rocket Racoon for president!"
Simply put, you have a low cinematic IQ, or some sort of Stockholm Syndrome, from overexposure to bland, safe, PC and soulless mass-produced blockbusters, which has conditioned you into accepting the absolute lowest common denominator standards in filmmaking, writing and cinematography as somehow acceptable, when you should in fact feel nothing but contempt or disgust for any Kevin Feige-conceived product.
Even strictly in the field of capeshit entertainment, where the bar has always been pretty low, since they're primarly a children media, the level of genuine quality and creative abilities (which comes from studios giving freedom to an auteur with a strong personality and vision towards the material) has kept dropping since the 90's.
When Raimi's Darkman/Spider-Man, Del Toro's Blade 2/Hellboy, Burton's Batman 2 or Bird's The Incredibles offered innovative and playful set pieces, meaningful and relevant themes, each with a very distinct, appropriate tone and truly cinematic aesthetics (simply compare the lighting or editing to today's equivalents), none of these qualities are to be found in Civil War or any of the previous MCU entries. This is why Edgar Wright got fired from Ant-Man. This is why Feige keeps hiring visionless point-and-shoot directors who come from TV or comedy, colorblind cinematographers and art/set design teams who seem to be in love with grey, sterile hangars for some unexplainable reason. Action scenes are now being conceived by CGI teams months before the movie begins shooting and all follow the exact same formula.
Even as a child, I couldn't imagine being dazzled or amused by those turds, as they're utterly devoid of any charm, colors, magic or imagination.
its basically the western equivalent shonen
Still Marvel comic properties
Add mine
no. mine. quads
If you mean why do they have higher RT scores, it's because they paid for them.
No one asking why nigger OP cut out user score
holy shit
Should become pasta if it isn't already