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*Farts enthusiastically.*
FUCK OFF with the fart jokes. We all know it's shit, so why keep spamming?
What's the point of Jamie defending his actions by claiming the city would be set on fire when his fucking dad literally does that anyways when sacking the city?
Hell, it sounds more like revisionist history. Maybe the "Mad King" intended to trap the 10,000 traitors in a burning inferno if it turned out Tywin was a lying snake, which he was.
Citizens die both ways, but if the fire spread at least it would hit the traitor Lannisters too.
I'm not clicking that shit nigger
"I wish you luck in the wars to come... Now it begins"
What did he mean with this?
What is going on with the crazy increase in quips and lame jokes this season? HBO are going Marvel on us
Foh yuuh.
>fuck off man
It's a woman.
Did anyone else burst out laughing when they zoomed in on their faces
(breaks wind)
Reminder that Dorne is white
I don't know if I like this show or I'm simply watching it similar to you can't turn your eyes away from an incoming train-wreck.
The previous seasons were so comfy and the story kept me wonderfully intrigued. Who's going to make the next powerplay, who's going to get fucked, can they turn it around?
Now its like, Stannis and likely Bolton will die but what other characters will give a fuck. It won't affect the meta-narrative enough to be dramatic like the Red Wedding because you knew the War of the Five Kings ended with the North's defeat.
I'm just waiting for Cleganebowl and probably stop watching after then.
Why can't Sup Forums enjoy anything?
Yeah, it was so gratuitous and gory. I loved it. Mostly because it felt like such blatant fanservice, considering how hated Olly was
I was googling for retarded theories and found myself on r/asoiaf. Apparently the top post or some shit is Rickonfags in denial and writing blogs about it. top fucking kek.
of coarse
Aerys pls
i wanted dayne cutting people in half with dawn ;(
Because its current year and people still think shitting on everything makes you patrician
>He was well deserving of the title The Sword of the Morning
>he dual wields
>What's the point of Jamie defending his actions by claiming the city would be set on fire when his fucking dad literally does that anyways when sacking the city?
King's Landing would have burned to the ground. We're talking deaths in the hundreds of thousands. And killing Tywin wouldn't have prevented the actions of Tywin's army. Killing Aerys would and did prevent the burning.
Calling it now, there isn't going to be a single episode this season without a cock quip in it
> being this much of a hotass
Doesn't help that D&D are spoonfeeding us "clues" of what's going to happen
>Hey Ramsay, what if Jon attacks winterfell with an army of wildlings?
>Jon you better clean up as much garbage as you can!
The Red Wedding is where it all came crashing down, because thats when they noticed they could get those YOUTUBE REACTIONS now its all about that shock value
>Why can't Sup Forums enjoy anything?
Because the fight was seriously stupid.
Yeah, at least they all attacked together and not one after another but dual wielding in a medieval setting is idiotic or better, dual wielding in general is idiotic.
Also he's The Sword of the Morning not The Swords of the Morning
Has Preston finally killed himself ?
*Farts gloriously*
Guessing a percentage, how much of the citizen population died to Tywin sacking the city?
wait a fucking minute. He clearly has shorts on here just after everyone leaves the room, yet in the next episode he is naked
Is continuity seriously that hard to adhere to?
>"You're a small guy"
What did he mean by this?
tbph famalam they're somewhat right.
The coreography was good, and dual wielding had its narrative sense as a medium to show Dayne god tier swordsmanship.
I liked the fight, but it wouldve been better if he used a two handed sword.
> Live a peaceful, hardworking life on the farm with my father and mother
> About to enjoy my evening meal after a long day of sweat and toil.
> Suddenly bands of thieves, rapists and murders invade the village and murder my entire family and everyone I ever knew
> Only survivor, run to the protection of the Night's Watch.
> They give me new purpose, train so one day I might take vengeance on my parent's murderers.
> One day they attack the wall in force, I'm ready to take down as many of these fucks before I die.
> Kill some archer bitch, the Lord Commander starts crying like a girl in the middle of battle
> ???
> He's gone to treat with their "king", maybe we can trick them
> They are all coming through to our land, what the fuck
> Fuck this Lord Commander
> Stab him
> Turns out the local mage rezzed him
> First time this has ever happened in history and its the guy I murdered
> Why does he look sad because I'm fucking furious at him in a noose just kill me already
>We don't murder little girls in Dorne
Chance to make dick quips > continuity
It's D&D magic phamalam
(Farts) S....S'cuse me guv...
i took it as thats how good he is. that he can dual wield and he can still win. cant strain the Dayne
He tried uploading the latest episode twice but it has been taken down because some copyright claims
>in the books
>howland reed is a frog spear-wielding manlet that was getting bullied by 3 commoners and had to be saved by a girl at the harrenhal tournament
>in the show
>howland reed wields a long sword and is eddard stark's right hand man at the tower of joy, being the first guy to charge at the best swordsman in westeros
I think its just a cloth they lay over him.
When he stands up it just slides down. (off screen (or maybe on screen))
Its just a cloth covering his bollocks I think instead of shorts
I think it was very insensitive of them to imply that you can't be a god with a small pecker. I am a wielder of small pecker myself, and that was very offensive. (farts)
He is the sword dumbass. He is the sword of the morning and he wields swords its just a nickname u faggot and theres a real easy way to not live here anymore
>mfw R+L=J is confirmed to be true
in the book he also saves Neds life at the TOJ so it's quite possible that his getting bullied vas a ruse
>fighting a group of 6
>with a single sword
not plausible and they would have to resort to either the "attack one at a time" or "pass up clear opportunity to easily stab this guy in an exposed flank or back" tropes
D&D are going against the books so much I don't really care anymore, but the fight still looked stupid to me personally
i always imagined he was the 7th man and sniped dayne with magic while the real men were getting rekt
When they reveal that Jon is half Targ, how much exposition will they require to explain the significance of this with respect to the rebellion?
Because I'd be shocked if people remember what Robert Baratheon said about Rhaegar raping Lyanna Stark
Honestly the fight was fine. The dual wielding was over the top, but it didnt really detract from the choreography. One of the most spectacular fights in the series tbqh. My biggest issue with the tower of joy sequence was the absence of Hightower and the wasted oppertunity for more dialogue.
to be fair thats what happened in the end anyway always double tap
Thats why its a two handed sword, he has reach on them, they cant just rush in without him cutting them down.
You are fucking stupid, doubling his swords does not make it any more doable. No one on battlefields dual wielded historically, and it was limited to 1v1 duals with an offhand sidearm and not a full length weapon.
It's like with that season finale that ended with Sam on the ground, less than 3 or 4 feet from a white walker that was looking directly at him then magically next season he was running away and they were hundreds of feet behind him.
it's implied that he did something dishonourable, like throwing a frog or something
Comfiest videos on youtube
Significantly fewer than 500,000.
at least this bitch was as bitter about the episode as i was
seeand this particular scene is not described in detail so how can it be against the books u dumb cunt?
Fucking hell.
>absence of Hightower and the wasted oppertunity for more dialogue
>tfw no
“I looked for you on the Trident,” Ned said to them.
“We were not there,” Ser Gerold answered.
“Woe to the Usurper if we had been,” said Ser Oswell.
“When King's Landing fell, Ser Jaime slew your king with a golden sword, and I wondered where you were.”
“Far away,” Ser Gerold said, “or Aerys would yet sit the Iron Throne, and our false brother would burn in seven hells.”
“I came down on Storm's End to lift the siege,” Ned told them, and the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne dipped their banners, and all their knights bent the knee to pledge us fealty. I was certain you would be among them.”
“Our knees do not bend easily,” said Ser Arthur Dayne.
“Ser Willem Darry is fled to Dragonstone, with your queen and Prince Viserys. I thought you might have sailed with him.”
“Ser Willem is a good man and true,” said Ser Oswell.
“But not of the Kingsguard,” Ser Gerold pointed out. “The Kingsguard does not flee.”
“Then or now,” said Ser Arthur. He donned his helm.
“We swore a vow,” explained old Ser Gerold.
Ned’s wraiths moved up beside him, with shadow swords in hand. They were seven against three.
“And now it begins,” said Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. He unsheathed Dawn and held it with both hands. The blade was pale as milkglass, alive with light.
“No,” Ned said with sadness in his voice. “Now it ends.”
muh friend simulator
Want to fuck blond normie
Why do you watch this if it triggers you so much? Are you just that autistic? Who the fuck cares how other people experience the show.
Fuck off Pajeet.
is there any mirror ?
Thanks butthurt showplebs.
Episode 3 was alright but I had two issues.
The duel swordsman was kinda cheesy. Thats not how duel swords work at all. The show is generally fairly grounded, but that just seems silly.
The Smalljon betrayal seemed like an asspull. They needed another villain, so they killed off the most loyal Stark bannerman off screen so his son could be evil.
This full dialogue would've been clunky and out of place on the show
I do wish they'd include a few more lines from it though
They couldve used the majority of that dialogue. Hell you could easily cut most of that stupid Tyrion drinkinggame scene in favor of this.
>Arthur wielded the greatsword called Dawn as part of his office as Sword of the Morning, carrying it slung across his back.
Oh yeah and some unimportant dialogue was cut for time/dramatic tension.
no idea
its the creator viralling his video here idiot
"Are they gonna turn into white walkers?"
Oh God that triggered me.
>“I came down on Storm's End to lift the siege,” Ned told them, and the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne dipped their banners, and all their knights bent the knee to pledge us fealty. I was certain you would be among them.”
>“Our knees do not bend easily,” said Ser Arthur Dayne.
>“Ser Willem Darry is fled to Dragonstone, with your queen and Prince Viserys. I thought you might have sailed with him.”
>“Ser Willem is a good man and true,” said Ser Oswell.
>“But not of the Kingsguard,”
Basically remove this and its good to go.
Who said this triggers me? I enjoy watching it and laughing at normies.
No it's not and you know it
at least they could make Cersei or Danny rip ass but NOOOO.
>tfw small pecker is canon
Normies fucking love Tyrion's le witty jokes. Every fucking time.
>there was actually a fucking fart joke in the last episode
>same episode as fucking tower of joy
Somebody please stop D&D. Please.
Pardon my idiocy, but what was the deal with that white powder Arya was putting in that jar? Is it just generic 'learning to make poisons' shit or did I miss something.
>A man, a man and a man walk into a bar
Okay, I chortled