Was he the best Dracula?

Was he the best Dracula?

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No doubt best Vlad

I've never seen that movie. Is it worth watching?


Bela Lugosi was so good at Dracula it ruined his life

The original book had gypsies as Dracula's spies and servants.

No wonder he lost.

he's best DARAADOOLA

MFW this movie originally contemplated full nudes and they changed it.
we could have belluci and lucy :|
Imagine being jonathan harker..

his decrepit dracula was too cartoony, his victorian dress dracula was GOAT



Glad this board isn't totally full of plebs.

Also based christopher lee in the hammer dracula movies.


This one



No. The book is one of my favourites, dripping with menace and dread. The film is a disgrace.

>his victorian dress dracula was GOAT

No, it was Willy Wonka.


>tfw Gary is tied up in his trailer and you get to be old Dracula all day.

that fag hair tho


might as well ask me who the best barney dinosaur suit guy was. i never really got into barney.

Nigger loving blood sucking dick shit.

This sinner of the meadow

The movie has a lot of good things... if you watch a lot of movies. If you care about book/movie sanctity, it'll piss you off. But I don't so the worst thing in it is Keanu's acting. And he takes a backseat for much for the film.

This and only this

I just wish he did more sequels like Karloff did with Frankenstein, or Chaney Jr. with The Wolf Man. He was going to get typecasted anyways, I really wish he had the foresight to just bank on that role while he could instead of only just opting to reprise in that Abbott and Costello crossover of all things. A Dracula trilogy on the same caliber as the first three Frankenstein movies would've been GOAT.

don't understand. Why did he have old lady hair?

>Sinner of the meadow

Holy kek

so what are the worth while ones to watch? only ever seen the keanu one.

I thought that was Paul Saltine in the thumbnail

I would say Kinski, even though i haven't seen Herzog's Nosferatu

Oldman was okay but looked really stupid.

Movie was mostly crap with some decent production design.
>Turning Dracula into a love story

This, he did the switch from charming host to menacing master so well.