Other than Fronk, season 2 was pretty weak. Could have done without all the Ninja Turtle Foot Clan shit.
Other than Fronk, season 2 was pretty weak. Could have done without all the Ninja Turtle Foot Clan shit
the Foot Clan is a parody of the Hand
The Foot Clan from TMNT was named after The Hand, and the original creators claim to have drawn a lot of inspiration for TMNT from Daredevil.
The Hand are a fine concept but the execution in this season was just shit.
They were written by the same people. The chemical that blinds Matt Murdock and gives him his hyper sensitivity drips down into the sewer and turns the turtles humanoid.
Where the fuck were these ninjas when new York was getting nuked to hell by aliens. Got fucking black widow and Hawkeye who are just ordinary people holding it down while these niggas were just chilling at Chinatown fair or some shit
Why is Daredevil so weak in the Netflix series? He gets his ass totally kicked if he's fighting ninjas. He even lets Fisk beat up on him.
He pretty much beats everyone he's ever met. Also Fisk is stronk
Did you see how much Fisk was benching? He was putting up 500 like it was nothing.
Exactly,thank you user.
Wait, that was the 'incident' the realtor talked about when they were buying the office?
How did I not make that Marvel connection.
It has been said that everybody in New York refers to the Chitauri Invasion as 'The Incident'
S1 even makes vague references to the Avengers too.
DOn't they mention "the flag guy"
Are you fucking serious user ? They talk about the Battle of New York and about "aliens raining down from the sky" a billion times.
Also the Russians mention Thor and his hammer
In Jessica Jones yes. Jessica refers to Steve as that as a sort of snide remark
During Season 1 I was thinking "this lawyer storyline is fine but get back to the Daredevil shit already"
And during Season 2 I was thinking "Enough of this boring ninja shit. Get back to the Frank Castle trial already"
Oh yeah. She seems like she'd be a america hating commie liberal
I only remember them saying something like, "fire raining down from the sky" and them always being vague with, "The Incident" and never "The events of Marvel's The Avengers, directed by Joss Whedon™ Buy now on DVD and Blu Ray©"
In my defense, I usually have to remind myself that Daredevil is Marvel and not DC, so the Avengers aren't on my mind at all when I watch Daredevil.
DD is getting his ass torn into because he literally fights like 20 guys at one time. He gets thrown around like a rag doll by Fisk because Fisk is a walking mountain of muscle covered in a fat blanket
All while enjoying the freedom and priviledge to get plowed by a well endowed black man without the fear of getting punished that many people have fought and died for.
If that's not irony then I don't know what is kek
This comment made me laugh more than it should have, especially
>"while these niggas were just chilling at Chinatown fair or some shit"
Fucking kek
I wish they wouldn't even reference the movies at all if they are under some queer licensing agreement which means they can't use any of the characters names.
>The incident
>Guys use hammers and fall out of the sky now
>The flag guy
The last two episodes of Frank's plotline were a million times worse than the goofy ninja shit.
>the bad guys are generic Eastern Martial Artists
>the bad guys are generic European Soldiers for Hire
>the bad guys are generic "le evil government conspiracy"
If a genie gave me one wish, after wishing for more wishes, I'd ban all three of these storylines from ever being used in fiction ever again.
They're Marvel owned shows. They can use the names but they're trying to make it less in your face, but it's achieving the opposite.
Bullshit. Elektra was fantastic. Her story arc was shit, but the actress/character were on point.
no go away
>hating based ninjas
They really do need to improve their choreography though. Some of the fights look like absolute ass
More like they need to dial the action back and focus on character more. S1 had a nice balance, but in S2 they went all out and it got pretty sloppy and boring. I'd rather have a few awesome action scenes than a ton of mediocre ones.
Between the epic ex girlfriend sidequest and the amazing newspaper lady mission, I forgot this was a superhero show about a blind man that kicks people's asses. The whole season 2 was absolute filler used to pad out time between Muh Family man scenes.
Foggy even mentions 'Captain America' in one of the final episodes of S1
It sound stupid. Just say Thor or Hulk or Cap. When they try and be all vague and coy about it its just corny and dumb.
These shows and movies take place in the same universe. Its safe to say that the average person watching Daredevil has seen at least a few MCU movies. They don't have to be so damn tiptoey around making direct references.
Fewer action scenes that have better choreography? Yeah I can deal with that. Wouldn't mind if they cut down to 10 or 11 episodes either. Someitmes they felt like there was a lot of fluff
This was the best fight in the series and it was Season 2
I feel the same way too but I think what they fear is that the moment they're more forthcoming with that, then the shows will stay in "shadow" of the movies and that any conflict in these shows, whether against God knows how many remaining Hydra cells (no matter how many times they supposedly defeat them) remain, to some war against ninjas, will just have people go, "we'll just send in the Avengers" especially if the conflict is grave enough.
Just my take on it though, I do wish that the TV shows have a bit more impact on the movies as opposed to the other way around
Yes. Less scenes that are better coreographed. When you don't have to shit out a ton of mini fights with 5+ people every episode I think you can get a lot more creative.
It was okay. It felt very self indulgent. It was clearly S2s version of the S1 hallway fight. That fight was great in S1 because it was completely unexpected. This was a clear reaction to that so didn't feel as original.
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