"Jim's movie is one of the 20 best movies ever made." -David Fincher
"Jim's movie is one of the 20 best movies ever made." -David Fincher
No shit, only a degenerate wouldn't agree that Aliens is one of the greatest films ever made.
Directors with bad taste general?
>put Avatar on his list of ten favourite films of all time
>likes Mr. Robot, Homeland, House of Cards and other tv dramas
>>repeatedly cast Al Pacino
>>likes Mr. Robot, Homeland, House of Cards and other tv dramas
Those are all good tv shows, what the fuck do you watch, Big Bang Theory?
I don't watch tv dramas, they are a waste of time.
Malick is a big Zoolander fan.
I read somewhere that Joss Whedon's favorite movie is The Matrix. I also remember him saying "I'm too busy making movies to watch movies" or some shit
see It's probably one of the best sci-fi action films ever made
degenerate and proud then, it's shit
>20 best movies ever made
Are you fucking kidding me?
I mean, yeah, the original is obviously a classic but the sequel was merely average.
Homeland is pretty bad, but the other two are good.
>Directors with bad taste general?
Terence Malick loves the shit out of Zoolander for some reason.
>mr robot
>house of cards
Ever think that a lot of the great directors out there aren't as pessimistic and autistic as us and can actually enjoy schlock? Not everyone is a Marlon Brando.
>"Jim's movie is one of the 20 best movies ever made." -David Fincher
And yet it's not even the best Alien movie. Ridley beat him to it years earlier.
I watched Alien and didn't think too much about it. I loved Aliens.
He's right. There's a reason everyone remembers Aliens and not Alien.
Top 20 is too much, but it is pretty much perfect.
Maybe you should have tried not being a fucking degenerate pleb and actually think about the content you consume.
People with taste like Aliens. Hipsters who think they have taste like Alien.
Ridely Scott is overrated and have been making bad movies all his career.
what a hack. I'm sure he prefers wasting his time playing videgames
I just like movies I enjoy. Alien was boring and didn't have any interesting characters. Aliens was a science fiction masterpiece.
Alien is simply a really well made film.
Favourite movie was Anaconda.
>I also remember him saying "I'm too busy making movies to watch movies" or some shit
Fucking cop-out excuse. Like "writers" who say they're too busy writing their own stuff to read books. Absolute bullshit and you can't improve creatively if you aren't engaged with works other than your own.
>Not everyone is a Marlon Brando.
What do you mean by this?
Sure it was a really well made but boring and uninteresting slasher flick in space. Doesn't really compare to the science fiction masterpiece that is Aliens though.
>thinking tv shows arent b grade movies
I guess we shall agree to disagree there, I just think Alien is engaging because it's so well made and drew me in really well.
I honestly thought it was nothing special
But I also watched it very late. Like 7-8 years ago.
anything outstanding in this movie besides giger design?
Michael Mann has abysmal taste.
He's a great director (or was) whose films are terrible (mostly) because he has Michael Bay tier taste. Goddamn.
Asshole who hated the industry he worked in. The stories of him are absolutely hysterical and all, but if you knew him in real life or worked with him I think your opinion would be different. Reality is different than looking back at scenarios.
Many of the boards on Sup Forums, if not all, turn pessimistic towards their hobby. Spending all day with autists nitpicking and eventually loathing 95% of whatever thing they "enjoy" isn't good. It just makes a bunch of elitists that don't even work in whatever field they are criticizing. There is nothing wrong with liking the majority of films this board despises.
Id be curious to find out what the 90s directors favorite films are (Smith, Tarantino, Rodriguez). Probably some stinkers in there too.
They regularly list and talk about their favorite movies.
The one that stood out to me was Tarantino putting Temple Of Doom in his top 10.
I think Good/Bad/Ugly was his number one.
Tarantino's early lists are hilarious too.
There are exactly zero (0) American movies in the top 20. The best movies ever made are all from foreign directors you probably haven't even heard of you fucking PLEB.
t. shitposter
>Movie that the director even acknowledges has terrible cinematography
Can it really be top 20 with that handicap?
You really don't know what Tarantino's favourite films are? He makes his tastes known in every interview and his lists are everywhere.
Tarantino will always be okay in my book for being a Jack Hill fan
The entire middle of Aliens is a snorefest
Never really read about him much.
What I hate most about Aliens is the characters, they're all obnoxious