I think a Shadow of the Colossus movie would be amazing
I think a Shadow of the Colossus movie would be amazing
Sup Forumsermin pls go
I think a Warcraft movie would be is going to be amazing.
i agree
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
it would, as a french or japanese movie
just hope hollywood keep their stinky paws off of it
Only if there's barely any dialogue and the majority of the 3 hour running time is the main character riding a horse and shoot lizards
Only if it was directed by someone who actually played it of their own accord and loved it
And isn't Guillermo Del Toro
No Ico would be better
you're stupid then. it could have some powerful imagery but so did the game and there'd be nothing else going for it as a movie
Videogames are for losers lol
CGI would ruin it and the only way it would work would be through CGI
Fucking love the game, but no dialogues man..
But we already have one
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Or you could just play the game dummy
op here
These are literally my exact thoughts as well, anything hollywood would do would corrupt it entirely
Is SotC the Dark Souls of its time?
or better yet, just kill yourself
No, it doesn't have the right pacing for a movie.
>some story introduction
>fight monster
>fight bigger monster
>repeat 14 more times
I have this for the Ps2 and it's been sitting on my shelf for years unopened. Should I play it?
It could be but I think there is a far higher chance of it being shitty. It would have to be big budget so the studio would have its hands over everything. The lonely beauty of it all would go away. There would be a lot of talking between the main character and some other cunts.
no just tell everyone on the internet you have it for nerd points like youve been doing.
It's a masterpiece
>Starring Daisy Ridley riding Melissa Mcarthy
Best we could hope for in Hollywood, but I'd still see it.
Movies need some comedy relief so it would need to be a talking horse.
You mean Dark Souls is the SotC of its time
The question is: how do you keep the audience interested for 16 different battles with the same outcome until the end?
>go find colossus
>kill it
>get transported back to shrine
It only works as a game I think.
>inb4 Disney tries to make a Kingdom Hearts movie
>tfw you can actually smell the manlets right through your screen
What's wrong lads can't imagine a world were you're even fucking smaller?
but it already has a movie, with adam sandler and the black ironman
Nah, it's boring and runs at like 15 fps.
Great ost tho
Anymore of that kind of art?
I like stuff where huge creatures are seen far away on the horizon, obstructed by clouds and mist.
I dunno. Watching the main character fight 16 giant creatures would be exhausting
It wouldn't be structured exactly like the game. That's not how adaptations work.
They'd probably just shorten it or combine some battles. Maybe have the giants fight at the end. Basically shit all over the source material and wonder why it didn't make its money back.
I'm guessing a movie wouldn't include all 16 colossi.
>not Bionis vs Mechonis
c'mon mate step it up
Nice quints friend.
Pretty easy desu
>Wander roaming the cursed Lands
>exposition and dialogue/character scenes are done as flashbacks to set up his love story with Mono in the villiage
>use the big/interesting colossi as fights
> small montage in between of him battling the smaller/lesser ones
>final fight
>heartbreaking ending
not really what you asked for but it's SotC related so
show 2 get killed in it's entirety, the other 14 get killed in a montage or off screen
This. I would want it to be a long movie, though.
Bird colossus is best colossus, loved that stage.
you ruined it with that save-the-cat formula.
SoC must be an scriptless, beautifully shooted FILM ala baraka.
you rekt them m8
>game that's good because of the gameplay should be adapted into a medium you can't interact with
If it were an art house film with little to no dialogue and intense fight scenes it could be decent.
The final boss was a total let down for this; the steam dude with the giant sword was great though
It basically has zero dialogue and no plot, i don't think it would translate that well. You'd be better off with Ico since you atleast have two characters and a general goal.
Limit it to say 5 Colossi. Each Colossi brings Wander some sort of emotional realization. Make Dormin a bigger presence and a bigger role given to the humans at the end who are there to stop Wander.
this was a half decent movie
It was OK but Adam Sandler was about to go Billy Madison several times.