"... a number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially..."

>"... a number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially..."

Now will Marvel TV shills (both AoS and Netflix) stop complaining that their shows aren't getting any mention in the movies? There's their "blanket recognition" to keep them happy, take it or leave it.

Other urls found in this thread:


>"Didju hear dat guise, they recognized dat inhumans do exist! I'm totally geeking out rn"


Link pls

I'm confused, does this mean that the movies and the TV shows don't share the same universe?

Fuck off

the thought of fans of the Marvel TV shows being cucked from the movies make me sad so just having this "blanket" recognition statement is good enough for me ;_;

I'm guessing based on the last of replies, Sup Forums doesn't watch capeshit shows so your thread falls on deaf ears (or blind eyes in this case?)

It's become increasingly obvious as time has gone on that the continuity is one-way: The shows reference the movies, but the movies never reference the shows.

It's gotten worse as the divide between the two departments has grown.

Those pipsqueaks won't do shit to Thanos anyway.

they mentioned enhanced in Age of Shitron too

I'd argue this is true now that the divisions are completely separate but wasn't true previously. The helicarrier in AoU was built by Coulson and show in AoS first. Stitwelll went from an episode of AoS straight to Winter Soldier. Dr List went from an episode of AoS into AoU. Tho yeah going forward with Perlmutter now removed from the movie side it will probably be one way only.

>enhanced persons
>can't say Mutants
cracks me everytime


They can, they just don't want to.

They literally can't, Fox owns the right to call marvel characters mutants

Maybe Spiderman will make a change, he's pretty much on streetlevel too, just like DD and JJ.

No they don't. There are no "rights to call marvel characters mutants". There is no legal obligation to not use the words. They simply don't use it because the higher ups at Marvel don't want to acknowledge the existence of properties they don't own the films rights to. It's the same reason comics like Fan4 and X-men are either hidden in the basement or outright cancelled.

I'm kinda glad the mutants are their own separate universe at any rate

Are you retarded? That's not how trademark and copyright works. You can't trademark or copyright a word used in a certain context.

>The helicarrier in AoU was built by Coulson and show in AoS first.
The whole "not canon" meme started when Whedon explicitly said that AoU was written without AoS in mind.

>Stitwelll went from an episode of AoS straight to Winter Soldier.
He was cast in the movie first.

>Dr List went from an episode of AoS into AoU.
He was in TWS first.

Sitwell was actually around all the way back to the first Thor movie. Then showed up again in Avengers to then being in AoS, it wasn't till Winter Soldier that he got prominent since he was a Hydra/Shield Agent.

Not correcting you guys, just pointing out how curious it is that minor characters like that can be in the shadows till they actually have some plot relevant stuff.

That's the beauty of the MCU baby

Technically, that's not true.

If you look at the characters with origins, pre-Iron Man and ones post-Iron Man, it's not exactly true.

Post-Iron Man:
>War Machine
>Agents of Shield People
>Luke Cage
>Jessica Jones
>The Purple Man
>Scarlett Witch
>Ant Man
>Black Panther

Now, those who have been around Pre-Iron Man
>Destroyer Armor
>Captain America
>Black Widow
>Aldrich Killian (started Extremis before Iron Man and thus was already enhanced)
>All the Dark Elves
>Hank Pym
>Hank Pym wife

21-11 if you go by groups as singles.

At the very least, that is not exponentially. That is ~2/3 of known enhanced having appeared after Iron Man became known.

I just find it hilarious that none of the Avengers turned into Inhumans.

I guess none of them take fish oil pills/eat fish kek

Like Gary Shandling being a Hydra guy after being a prick in Iron Man 2?

>Black Widow

>At the very least, that is not exponentially. That is ~2/3 of known enhanced having appeared after Iron Man became known.
You're also comparing decades/centuries to 8 years.

For all intents and purposes, I'd consider her part of the club. Anyone on the Avengers is enhanced.

True, but it's not growing exponentially.

Now if they included GotG, that's another story, but I doubt anyone on Earth has the slightest idea about what's going on out in space.

Not all enhanced persons are mutants whether it be through technology or some other source of their power.

Well will get daredevil mention by captain america ... I hope ;-;

>laughing at your own unfunny, nonsensical joke that nobody but you gets


>Anyone on the Avengers is enhanced

No. She and Hawkeye are just normal humans. They aren't enhanced in any way, just humans with extreme training.

Yeah, they have enhanced abilities. I'm not saying they're fucking amazing but clearly Nat and Hawkeye are not normal people

He was hulk before his movie it opened with him already on the run
>Agents of Shield People
Agents of Shield already existed in universe as Coulson was in iron man 1 trying to recruit tony
>The Purple Man
All their origins where in their childhoods really
>Black Panther
The mantle of Black panther has been passed on in Wakanda for ages

Not that user but do you even watch AoS?

>Agents of Shield People

He means the Inhumans who emerged in season 2.

If agents of shield was cannon the accords would have been about the fact that people eating the magic fish oil pills were gaining superpowers all over the world and it would have been making them register like the comics, but it wasn't

who were shown to have been around for ages beforehand, daisys parents were them. Squidward is older than hydra

Training a skill to above average doesn't make you an "enhanced" individual in the MCU retard. The term specifically applies to people with abilities beyond the human limit, be they natural or technological. Quicksilver is enhanced (hence the word being used for the first time in the MCU to describe him), Ironman in his suit is enhanced. There is nothing "enhanced" about Black Widow or Hawkeye.

No. Most people here don't watch that trash.

I honestly don't care for recognition. It's not needed

Why the fuck would anyone?

>Perlmutter shit


Still, most of them didn't become powered until after 2008

I'd like to add on that Vision also says that there has been a rise of world ending events as well.

Take it as you will (whether that just refers to the Chitauri invasion, Thor:DW shit, Hydra's worldwide assassination, or Ultron's attempt to inact the apolocalypse) but this could also be a metaphor of Feige saying that sure the Avengers may recognize that more shit other than the stuff in the movies went down, but they're not going to step in.

So you basically have Hive doing his own shit that could be catastrophic to the whole world, and yet the Avengers won't do shit because of a silly playground argument

Holy fuck this made me laugh and I actually watch AoS

Actually the link between AoS was that crossbones was wearing the powered suit that was introduced 2 episodes ago

I actually missed this whoa.

I mean, it's inconsequential but still...

how the fuck did you miss that, it was fucking glaring

and I only watch AoS ironically because I hate it

Context, episode?

The episode where they encounter the inhuman who can give people visions of the future through touch. I think it was called Spacetime? Malick wears a power suit that he uses to beat up Daisy with. That said I don't remember there being any connection to Crossbones suit other than the same basic principle.

Are you ?
Because is an asshole if they're trying to say the exoskeleton Malick found was the Civil War tie in.

Why doesn't she just carry a knife? That is seriously the stupidest thing I've ever seen. I don't even want to watch Marvel movies now because of it.

Oh yeah, and scalpel blades go dull really fast. So this is stupid on like 3 different levels.

>SHIELD was called in to deal with this

Nope, no idea what that guy is talking about just inferring what episode he's talking about.

And they're pointed the worse direction. Like she would be swiping towards her face instead of away from her body. holy shit it just gets worse

Because of her

I'm literally stating that the exoskeleton was the civil war tie-in

>Those early season three episodes where she was in a tank top all the time

I hope you just have an asshole friend that convinced you of this. The tie in is tomorrow.

Hawkeye is someone who literally NEVER misses, if thats not superhuman idk what is

Nigga the movie is already out, we already know what the tie - in is

>never misses

When he was fighting Black Panther, he was weaving and bobbing his arrows kek

To be fair, none of the people they're referring to *are* mutants. They're mech-augmented (Crossbones, Deathlok), alien-augmented (Scarlet Witch, Inhumans) or altered due to exposure to exotic materials (Spider-Man, Daredevil).

I still don't understand how the backstories of people like Cage/Jones and whoever the fuck is in AoS are supposed to fit into the MCU timeline.

kek, well played

TV fags are so mad that their irrelevant tv shows are irrelevant.

Just like Star Wars. But don't tell that to Sup Forums, lel

>Yes Alex I'll take "What are the X-Men?" for 500

The X-Men are mutants. But none of the people they're referring to are mutants. So while there's some awkwardness that they have to leave them completely out, nobody they're referring to has inborn powers other than *maybe* the Inhumans, but that still is alien in origin.

>He doesn't like Daredevil
Ahh look its a DCfag in guise couldn't make fun of marvel movies any more so he has to pick on tv shows even though they are better than DCtv

I like Daredevil, best shit from the MCU actually, way better than the movies in fact. I just think it's funny that people still want to pretend that the tv shows matter at all, when the people involved in the making of the movies have no clue wtf is going on in those shows.

Also, nice company wars reflexes, fan boy faggot.

Nigga, you're fucking retarded.
What, you think because the AoU tie-in was to set up the movie that Civil War has to be too?
Are you forgetting that TWS also came before the SHIELD tie in episode?

But besides your own fucked up reasoning, it's been a known fact for a few weeks that Emancipation (tomorrow's episode) was going to deal with Civil War.
Here's a clip numbnuts youtube.com/watch?v=0gj4yluCmcs
A few seconds on google also would have gotten you Clark Gregg talking about it last week.

How did you get so rooted in such an obviously wrong position? Prick.

>tv people wants\ to pretend they are part of the story that goes in the movies

I'm out.

(Just let them have this "victory" of being vaguely mentioned in Civil War just once, deep down they know they're not shit anyway)

Can't believe none of you guys caught this this amon kind of has a point with this.

I think what this could also mean is that no matter what incidents go down in the TV shows, whether they'll be world ending or not, it is assumed that the Avengers simply acknowledge or be aware of it (in the dark) but make no effort to interfere or help out.

Kind of shitty for those hoping to be more overlap like seeing them help SHIELD take out Hive or Daredevil's and Stick's war against Hand and Black Sky but there you go.

makes my dick enhance

Not arguing with you there


He works at a street level but he's got powers that are world class.


All I could think of when I saw that there were ninjas in Daredevil was where the future were these niggas when New York was getting destroyed by aliens.

He shot 18 hole in ones. Hes not even golfman, its just an extension of his powets. That's superhuman.

do you know how to use google?

Easy, they just fit in without having anything to do with one another.