>"... a number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially..."
Now will Marvel TV shills (both AoS and Netflix) stop complaining that their shows aren't getting any mention in the movies? There's their "blanket recognition" to keep them happy, take it or leave it.
>"Didju hear dat guise, they recognized dat inhumans do exist! I'm totally geeking out rn"
Henry Gomez
Link pls
Christian Sanchez
I'm confused, does this mean that the movies and the TV shows don't share the same universe?
Aaron Rivera
Fuck off
the thought of fans of the Marvel TV shows being cucked from the movies make me sad so just having this "blanket" recognition statement is good enough for me ;_;
Hudson Wright
I'm guessing based on the last of replies, Sup Forums doesn't watch capeshit shows so your thread falls on deaf ears (or blind eyes in this case?)
William Wright
It's become increasingly obvious as time has gone on that the continuity is one-way: The shows reference the movies, but the movies never reference the shows.
It's gotten worse as the divide between the two departments has grown.
Jason White
Those pipsqueaks won't do shit to Thanos anyway.
Christopher King
they mentioned enhanced in Age of Shitron too
Cooper Jones
I'd argue this is true now that the divisions are completely separate but wasn't true previously. The helicarrier in AoU was built by Coulson and show in AoS first. Stitwelll went from an episode of AoS straight to Winter Soldier. Dr List went from an episode of AoS into AoU. Tho yeah going forward with Perlmutter now removed from the movie side it will probably be one way only.