Film-adaptions of The Lord of the Rings in the actual spirit of the books will never be funded by Hollywood because it...

Film-adaptions of The Lord of the Rings in the actual spirit of the books will never be funded by Hollywood because it would be seen as very boring by audiences and what we got from Peter Jackson was three very good action films that bear little resemblance to the books in terms of tone or atmosphere

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>Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?

>The war that Tolkien wrote about was a war for the fate of civilization and the future of humanity, and that’s become the template. I’m not sure that it’s a good template, though. The Tolkien model led generations of fantasy writers to produce these endless series of dark lords and their evil minions who are all very ugly and wear black clothes. But the vast majority of wars throughout history are not like that.

>'But if you’re going to write about war, and you just want to include all the cool battles and heroes killing a lot of orcs and things like that and you don’t portray [sexual violence], then there’s something fundamentally dishonest about that.

Tolkien btfo this is a spoof of the Bakshi adaptation made by spaniards. It is, i shit you not, the closest to the book we'll ever get

It could have been far worse

Holy shit Martin is such a pretentious cuck. GoT is fucking garbage.

> movies are never as good as the books

thank fuck you're here OP

>It's not good. Real books have more rape and chapters about shitting in grass.

jesus christ, and I thought Legolas was getting silly in the last LOTR movie when he took down the mumakil

the best portrayal of him is in Fellowship
bickering with Gimli
sadness and tranquility to him
an effective warrior when it came to it

he wasn't a killing machine
he sang songs, talked deep wisdom of Fangorn when they were there
and his friendship with Gimli was beautiful

now he's literally Spiderman

worse than i thought
i'll never watch the third one

You quibble greasy fingers over empty pages you absolute mediocrity.

You just had to post that particular picture, didn't you?

Tolkien looks comfy as fuck


Agreed. The best parts of the movies was everything that took place in the Shire, some of the stuff that happened in Lothlorien and Rivendell, and other stuff like Sam giving a speech or Faramir stealing Sam's speech about what really brought a "bad guy" there.

>But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy?

I'm not sure how anyone could take him seriously from this point onwards.

>Needing strict tax policy in Gondor
>Flood and famine
>Flood in Gondor
>Orcs genocide
>Baby fucking orcs
>Muh rape
>Why orcs didnt rape humans
How low can George Martin can fall, is he that retarded to actually take on Tolkien and not make a idiot of himself?
Are GoTfags deluded on such a level?

Yeah, GRMM is dumb. Tolkien didn't even write about it in that way for other reasons. And he literally built up an entire world that already answered tons of shit. And even then, even if he literally spent decades on it, he didn't want to show the public anything that was unfinished. (Which was A LOT.) Compare that to GRRM that can't even finish his retarded series about incest with dragons.

>Tolkien's trilogy is about the size of A Storm of Swords. I have far more characters, far more settings, far more of everything, so it can't be filmed.
This, this is all the answer we need I think, this proves how Martin is a self centered moron who thinks he created an undying piece of literature with a retarded attempt to immortalize himself

For good or bad I think he did manage to immortalize himself

Satan... did you make him sell his soul for fame?

Not even selling your soul would make his work immortal.
His work will never live after a century, he will at best be remembered among well endowed fantasy writers

HBO managed to turn his poorly written genre fiction into a massive hit. Though I suspect in 30 years it will be relevant only to hardcore fans.

he will be forever remembered as the fat man who took 20+ years to finish a fantasy book series

He will be remembered as the fat man who died from alcohol poisoning who failed to finish 20+ years to finish a fantasy book series

I think it would be boring, yes.

Tolkien's literary style is masterful but at the end of the day that makes no difference when you take into account how films work vs how books work.

When you're reading it the prose is so beautiful that it's never boring, but a film was never saved by just looking good in the same way.

Such is life

>he will be forever remembered as the fat man who took 20+ years to finish a fantasy book series

As opposed to tolkien who couldn't even finish his first book even though he started in the 1920s

>a film was never saved by just looking good
Film is a visual medium. A movie doesn't need action to be good.

>tfw he dies before he finishes the series

The butthurt would be amazing

Feanor might have been the greatest of the Elsat but he was also her creepy uncle. Whereas Gimli is a cute little hairy dude.

Professor Tolkien held 2 chairs at Oxford in Anglo-Saxon, English Literature and English Language he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and was made Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II. He was an officer in the British army and fought at the Battle of the Somme in the Great War. His two most famous works are considered classics in the fields of Childrens and 20th Century fiction. He also worked in the fields of Academic research translating works from Middle English and contributing to the Oxford English Dictionary.

George R R Martin was briefly an instructor at Clarke College in Idaho and wrote pulp sci-fi and fantasy that was nominated for the less than prestigious and now disgraced HUGO awards for genre fiction as well as being a writer for US TV series such as Beauty and the Beast for broadcaster CBS.

He fought the flab in the Great Social Justice Internet Wars of the mid 2010's. The flab won. His greatest literary work will never be finished.

>Tolkien actually fought in what was probably the worst war ever
>Gurm didn't want it ain't me to start playing
>Gurm lectures Tolkien on war

I'd be pretty sad honestly. It's not the best story but I'd still like to see its conclusion. Doesn't he have a ghostwriter or something?

Wow GRRM doesn't understand a single fucking thing about Tolkiens writings. Can't say I'm surprised

He fought in two World Wars during that time. What's GRRM's excuse?

Come back to me when GRRM invents two languages.

>But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy?

Can someone please link the description in any of GRRM's books of a coherent tax policy suitable for a feudal system? I've seen plenty of people post detailed descriptions from his books of people eating or taking a shit, but never a tax policy.

Gene Wolfe is better than both of them fuck you fags.

No, you're right, but I feel like the atmosphere and way Tolkien writes would he nigh impossible to translate to film without making a 40h-long series of films.

is this a deleted scene? I dont remember watching this abomination

what a pretentious cuck

if you seriously like the GoT meme you should be shot for being such a pleb. It's a garbage book series with shitty writing turned into a HBO meme series.

>cuck meme meme pleb

For fuck's sake, kill yourself already.

Hello plebbit

The music was the greatest part of the film adaptions of The Lord of The Rings.

saved, thanks friend

nothing will top this trilogy for decades

also he uses ctrl+f to find what he wrote about a character he created, dumb fat fuck cant event remember his own shit



He's so fucking retarded...Tolkien wasn't trying to write historical fiction, he was writing his own version of Northern European mythology. He thinks he's a genius because he read the wikipedia page about the War of Roses; Tolkien was a professor that spent years researching mythology to build Middle Earth. Gurm might as well ask what Beowulf's tax policy was, or why Beowulf didn't rape everyone after he killed Grendel. He really thinks writing passages with detailed descriptions of how a guy's cock enters a vagina means his shit is "more realistic", jesus what a fucking faggot.

i think he's trying to say that his focus and what not diverges completely from tolkien's books exactly because of Tolkien's mythological style
i don't think he's ragging on Tolkien, just saying that the guy had a different outlook

>But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy?

Says the man that describes his model systems as..."The lannisters are rich because they have lot's of gold mines".

what an absolute idiot