>LOL u just don't get it! it's just like an 80s movie it's so wacky and funny!
This is what normies who never saw any films from the 80s actually believe.
>LOL u just don't get it! it's just like an 80s movie it's so wacky and funny!
This is what normies who never saw any films from the 80s actually believe.
>The Kung Fury is bad meme
When will this meme end?
nice meme
>I think putting a shitty filter on is all that you need to make a 80s film!
How do you describe this sort of "art"?
Read up on what they said they'd do for their kickstarter for it and what they came out with
Shit bait.
Its a dude meme spoof of 80's cliches. Fuckin hell you meme spouting morons should love this shit.
>American ninja
>Raiders of the lost ark
>Big Trouble in Little China
>The Beast Master
>Lady Hawke
>Clash of the Titans
>Heavy Metal
>Weird Science
>48 Hours
The fuck you going on about?
I like this.
>The "I literally cannot have fun with anything" starter post pack
It's pure normie bait. No one with any actual taste can find anything good about it other than the mustache scene.
>implying this movie is fun and not a laboured, tryhard, soulless piece of excrement
>calling shit out as being shit is having 'no fun'
Just because some of us don't like the taste of shit isn't a bad thing.
>that deflection
>that overuse of Sup Forumsspeak
fuck off faggots, learn to have some fun for christs sake before you shoot up a school
Cool deflection bro
>literally n-no y-you response
kung fury did suck and is not even cringe worthy entertainment. but this is old, and i don't want it mentioned ever again so delete this
Why not? That's all you've done so far.
sure, believe whatever you want to you fucking idiot
I have literally not once heard anybody make that comment about this movie
>start with le ebin starter pack meme
>follow it up by saying others are deflecting while deflecting yourself
Even fucking Italian Spiderman did a better job in making fun of 80's low budget movies.
Basically just Danger 5 for plebs with ADHD
At least its short I suppose.
I bet you're a blast at parties.
I'm waiting
feels more a parody of 90's video games than 80's action movie
either way it's not funny and i thought people had already forgotten about it
If you could take one concept of 80's action movies, what would that be?
I have no idea what an 80's movie looks like so i just throw intenert memes XD: the movie
>Kung Fury was met with positive reviews from critics and audiences alike. Tyler Richardson of Latino-Review gave the film an A, commenting that "What Black Dynamite got so perfect about Blaxploitation films, this does wonderfully for 80's cop movies."[18] Jonny Bunning of Bloody Disgusting gave the film a score of three-and-a-half out of five skulls, saying that "Kung Fury is the Avengers Assemble if it had been made in the 90’s."[19]
Turbo Kid was 80s done right desu baka senpai.
Kung Fury was a fucking joke. Should have just been a youtube short.
Try Turbo Kid which is on Netflix streaming. It is a REAL movie and they did an excellent job making a current movie that really feels like an 80s B-movie. It is great.
Nice timing there
your gf said the opposite to me last night
well, boyhood has 98% on rotten tomatoes, so this doesn't surprise me
>ywn hold apple's hand and kiss her mouth and lick her circuits
Proof that lowest common denominator and adding a shitty vhs scanline effect in post is all you need
One thing that really bugged me is that VHS movies were nearly always in the 4:3 ratio, so right from the start having the movie in 16:9 lacked authenticity. Same with that 80s Simpsons intro they did recently. It's not a hard detail to get right, but they still managed to fuck it up.
>three-and-a-half out of five skulls
>features annoying SJW autistic girl with colored hair
This is why Sup Forums plebs prefer it to the superior Kung Fury
You're not even trying anymore
With reddit shit like Turbo Kid being called anything other than shit, I don't really have to.
i feel embarrassed for you
Wow, people didn't find this entertaining? Why do you hate fun?
The problem is that it bombs. The first five minutes made me think it was going to be decent, but thirty minutes in I could felt like it went to ass. I didn't finish it, maybe it concludes better.
Because the babies from Sup Forums think this flick was made with the intention to tell "this is literally how a movie from the 80's looks like, we're super serious"
Kung Fury intentionally exaggerates the dumb cliches from the 80's movies, that's the whole point.
>no new posters
don't reply to yourself
No, it's pretty clearly celebrating said cliches. There is no point.
do you even 4chanX?
Just the action and ridiculousness of it all makes it entertaining. The 80s aspect of it isn't even necessary to sell the overall fun of the flick.
Did we watch the same movie?
>the only thing defenders of this movie can say is that it's 'fun' and they can't even describe what makes it 'fun' or what in particular is 'fun'
No real surprise.
>Tyler Richardson
>describe what makes it 'fun'
Kicking the shit out of Nazis with ridiculous choreography in 2D sidescroller mode? Riding on a t-rex? Flying through the matrix on a hoverboard? A comical music video with David Hasselhoff? Like what the fuck *wasn't* fun about it? It was fun from start to finish.
I realize it's completely subjective, but if Kung Fury doesn't fall squarely in the category of "fun" I'd like some examples of what does.
Why do people want to not like things so badly.
Kung Fury is awful and only appeals to irony-obsessed hipsters who cream themselves over randomness and stylization.
It was putrid. Danger 5 season 2 did the joke better.
This is designed to appeal to the high school demographic.
There's just no point to it. It's not as if the 80s movies it's trying to parody weren't already parodies of themselves.
Literally everything you said could be a Family Guy cutaway gag. All of it. And it's fine to find that shit funny but it's literally mindless bullshit and not liking it or wanting it doesn't make you a "no fun allowed" contrarian.
>Kicking the shit out of Nazis with ridiculous choreography in 2D sidescroller mode? Riding on a t-rex? Flying through the matrix on a hoverboard?
If they're really mocking 80s stereotypes, what movies did anything even close to these things ever happen? It's more of a spoof of video games than 80s movies and culture.
I realize ADHD entertainment is the thing now, but at least recognize it fails as a pastiche.