Seriously this is top level kino. It didn't do well at the box office cuz shit advertising but seriously one of the better movies of 2016 so far.
Why the fuck is no one talking about the Green Room?
>le nazis are evil xB
>It didn't do well at the box office cuz shit advertising
It also had a really limited release
Not at my local, no rip. Fuck it.
Maybe if it were released in more theaters, more people would be discussing it.
That's sad. It was really good. Glad I watched it.
I might see it tomorrow. I'm not super interested in it but I'm seeing Enter the Dragon and Green Room starts right as that ends, I might theater hop if I'm not tired of sitting around by then
thats my blog and bump for you
I mean that's a pretty commonly shared sentiment. There was no cuck bullshit or any other political agenda in it.
I think you'll like it. Did you see the Blue Ruin? Same guy directed this if that means anything to you.
I liked Blue Ruin a lot, mostly for how it subverted typical revenge movies (which I normally can't stand) by avoiding any power fantasies and playing it like the meaningless gesture violent revenge really is. Green Room seems a lot more straighforward, and does look good, but not something I'd go out of my way to see
I've seen it marketed here A LOT. Why has the marketing team targeted this place, of all venues? Shit advertising indeed.
>mah nigga
It is a lot more straight forward but it's not wall to wall violence and gore porn. There's a shit ton of violence but it's sparsed out in a way that makes it more meaningful and has a bigger impact.
Where do you live? I only saw 1 trailer for it a while back. It was released April 15 and I had no idea. Only a couple theaters were showing it in my area.
It really was great. I thought it was even better than blue Ruin and i hope it starts to get some love with audiences.
Me too. Like I said one of the better movies of 2016.
loved the premise
found the film underwhelming, kind of shit itself in the last act
blue ruin had better tension, green room i stopped really caring about any of the characters after the first bizarre act of violence
surprisingly conventional film. . . some nice nods to 80s punk but it also felt a bit like hollow namedropping half the time.
shawkat and poots were cute, but i found the acting and characterization weak overall. couldn't tell if patrick stuart was supposed to be a 'just doing his job' type villain or a 'calm imposing psycho' type but either way it fell on its face and he just felt bored and unengaged
worth seeings if you're into indie horror and/ or punk i guess
I was planning on going this weekend. Guess that's a thumbs up from OP. Anyone else agree?
I wanted to see it, however it's not shown in my local cinema.
You got some pretty good points. It did lack in charactization, but I feel that it wasn't needed to understand what was happening. It was just four friends trying to stay alive. You don't really need to know their life story or what they're thinking cuz they're mainly thinking of survival. Patrick Stewart was a bit of both types of villains. I think he seemed disengaged because he was trying to play a calm old man who was taking a methodical approach to his situation. I mean he had a pretty strong psychological hold on all his henchmen. Almost all of them were die hard believers in the white power movement. I think that speaks to what kind of villain he was.
you won't have a bad time, just don't expect anything too out of the ordinary
it's the hateful eight in a cheesy punk makeover
It's not capeshit or waifu shit so it wont get any attention on this board.
I don't see how it's Hateful Eight with a punk makeover.
They're not trying to find out who the murderer is. Or who the bad guy is. They're just fighting for their lives.
Shame. I don't wanna say you missed out (it's good but it's not gonna blow your hair back) but you should check it out when it's online.
characterization doesn't have to be exposition. i would agree this film was best without exposition, but you need to make these characters humans i care about before you start torturing them or else i'm not going to care.
you can humanize characters in a film like this by giving them a dynamic character, or letting the viewer project onto them. mostly the band was made of stock characters (the brawler, the lanky dumbshit, the girl, the level headed one) that existed to let the audiance project onto them, but once they break a level of belief, that's out the door, and if there's no character or relationship dynamic left, you get anton yelchin running around in facepaint saying he's odin.
i get what they were trying to do with amber- ooo the cool brooding girl who doesn't say much, the detatched rooney mara schtick, all fine and dandy, a survivor character type, but having her and yelchin the only survivors for the film's final act forfeits the last character dynamic the film had, the band's own relationship dynamic. yelchin and poots were not interesting together because there was nothing between the characters, a self insert hero and a blank slate. i would have cared much more in the final moments if it had been yelchin and shawkat or one of the other guys, because at least there was that camraderie between them
anyhow that's just my thoughts ... don't mean to be too hard on the film, i enjoyed it, just can't help but consider these thigns when i watch a movie i like and want to like more
> Le evul nazies :DD:D
fuck off
in the real third reich they'd be the first to go
Are you dumb? Neo-Nazi Skinheads are a real thing
More good points. You honestly got me on these points now that I think about it. Still a good movie in my mind. But I agree, I did not like the final outcome as much as I would have if it had been like you said. But I think the shock value of the gore is what kept me interested. Mainwasn't just senseless violence in my mind. It was directed in a way that had an impact to me. Mainly because of how it was spaced out and not over done. Like they didn't just make it a blood bath for the sake of it. They made the violence believable to me. Same way as in Blue Ruin.
Mainly because it wasn't senseless violence*
Why did they even kill Emily? Cause she wanted to leave? Why was Amber with her?
>tfw its almost out in my town
>tfw its finals
I wanna see it but it seems like it won't happen
>Really want to see this
>Friends would rather go see Captain Capeshit 7373838 or Keanu
Life is suffering.
I'd explain it to you, but I don't know how to make spoilers on my phone.
Go by yourself?
But you are?
it's really not hard
>write the following w/o spaces to initiate
[ s p o i l e r ]
>write the following w/o spaces to end
[ / s p o i l e r ]
only plebs go to the theatre with their friends
like this?
like that
Alright so basically Yeah they killed Emily cuz she wanted to leave. But it's the reason why she wanted to. She found out Patrick Stewart was growing opium and making heroine in that basement which goes against the skinhead philosophy. They couldn't risk her letting that secret out, and even if she didn't the other skinheads would ask why she left which would be too risky. Her boyfriend Daniel (red jacket guy) also knew and wanted to leave with her. That's why his trunk was packed with all their shit and a picture of him and Emily together. If the skinheads found out that they were growing opium and making heroine they'd lose their shit. If you noticed Patrick Stewart kept saying stay away from that nigger dope. He was a huge hypocrite. That's also why the stage manager guy wanted to leave after he got his red laces. All the shit he cared about was a lie.
Mike said it was depressive, i don't like depressive movies, no kino without a happy ending
it has a somewhat happy ending
I thought she was cheating on Werm with Daniel and that they were just running away together, stealing that evidence bat as a bargaining tool so the skinheads wouldn't come after them? Werm found out and flipped, you hear Patrick Stewart say something about "this whole mess over a selfish act"
does it have a likeable protagonist that goes through a lot of shit but makes it out fine in the end?
i don't mind people getting killed off left and right as long as there is someone to root for that makes it out alright
I mean, I thought he was likeable but another guy in the thread said he didn't have any characterization. But to each his own.
aight might check it out then
fuck I forgot about the baseball bat. You're right that was leverage but I didn't see any evidence that suggested Emily was with Werm and was cheating on him with Daniel. Daniel's cousin at the beginning said he was coming over with his girlfriend so I thought they were dating all along. I thought Amber was dating Werm?
I think I need to watch it again, I really enjoyed it
I had this funny impression they were ratting to the cops. Like the end of Goodfellas, you want out, you gotta buy out. Amber says she's not a nazi, figured she was just Emily's friend maybe convincing her to leave.
Amber was qt
I couldn't find a single theatre that shows it, so I just went to see Civil War
[I don't feel like Emily and Daniel were planning on ratting to the cops. I think they just wanted to slip away and never be seen again. I think that's why Daniel's car was packed and nobody knew. Patrick Stewart came up to Daniel right as he was starting his car and Daniel came up with that bullshit excuse about turning the engine over cuz the rain or something like that. He was ready to get the fuck out of there with Emily but he didn't know she had a knife in her brain. But you might be right. But Amber was definitely in the skin head scene. She wasn't a die hard racist or a skin head but she talked about it to band saying how she got into it cuz of the shit she grew up around. I guess she was born into it and never got deep into the psychology of it. She knew everybody and knew they had guns and the layout of the bar
Fuck I fucked that up. There's no ending spoiler so I guess it's fine. Just don't read it if you haven't seen the movie.
good point. maybe you get killed for trying to leave. only how did they know about emily leaving and have plans to kill her but not know about daniel?
i think that other post about the hypocrisy of the drug dealing is absurd. skins regularly deal, it's how they get funding. when stewart says 'stay off the nigger dope' he's meaning pot. nazi skins love h. we see at the end one of the surviving guys shooting up in the open.
>ywn be 18 going to $10 punk shows drinking colt with your degenerate friends ever again
i didnt expect feels from this movie
I'm gonna have to disagree with you on the point about dealing. Remember American History X? Edward Norton got pissed and left when he found out the Aryans in prison were dealing. He was true believer. Werm and his crew knew about it, that's why Patrick Stewart gave some h to the stage manager guy to give to Werm. And Patrick Stewart didn't know Emily wad leaving. I think that's why Werm just fuckin lost it and killed her. It didn't seem planned to me
they had a specific song in the setlist when to kill her
>Remember American History X? Edward Norton got pissed and left when he found out the Aryans in prison were dealing.
when he found out they were dealing WITH blacks and mexicans
The most effective death in the film imo:
When Reece jumps out the window and gets stabbed soon as he lands. You don't expect the window to open, everything's locked, then wow, it works, and he plunges out and goes headfirst into being killed by a dumb kid who thinks it's cool as fuck. There was just something so claustrophobic and sickening about that. You expect him to get fucked over soon as he gets outside but not THAT soon, and then you realize - wow - it's obvious a guard would be at the only open window, and how easily he dies from such a stupid mistake. It really takes you on an emotional rollecoaster in tiny space of time.
I was honestly confused about the song in the set list. That wasn't one of Yelchins band's songs. But they were on stage when they killed her. Can you clear that up?
good point about the American X though and the niggers and spics. But if it's not a big deal to deal h why was the lab hidden? The whole compound was hidden and it's not like cops are up there regularly. I stand by my point about the hypocrisy of the dealing. Why else would the stage manager guy quit after he got his red laces? If felt he was being bribed by Stewart for doing a good job even though he didn't do that much and Stewart knew he knew about the lab
This guy gets it. Thats what I mean earlier about the overall violence of the film. It was hardcore but it wasn't edgy and it didn't beat you over the head with the fact that it's a violent film. The deaths were sparsed out perfectly.
you could be right about the drugs. i got the impression macon blair's character was just disenfranchised by the unnecessary violence. there was no glory in killing your own, and bringing in a bunch of innocents to die for no reason. (whites mind you, what are white supremacists doing if all they can manage is the murder of a lot of innocent whites?)
Why was it hidden? That seems obvious to me man, you hide a drug den, whether you draw the heat or not, you always hide a drug den. But even so I disagree with you on the point that cops wouldn't poke around there. A Nazi punk venue seems like just the place to have cops poking around regularly.
One more point, if the drug lab/drug trafficking was a secret dark enough to split up the group you'd think there may have been even a throwaway line or a single look of surprise from the skinhead goons they sent in. The red-laces! Yes, more loyal to Stuart maybe, but also more fanatical no? Wouldn't it be the red-laces over the jo blo Nazi punks to be truly offended by finding out their leader was hiding a drug den?
they were supposed to wait until Cowcrusher(?) played Meatwulf but Werm was too hasty.
But they brought her into the Green Room during The Aint Rights' set, you can see them brought in through the crowd during the Nazi Punks Fuck Off scene.
The song was supposed to be mean grinder. It was written on the napkin in her pocket and on the set list. And Poots said the song was their cue. This is the one aspect of the plot I didn't quite understand.
you could be right about Macon Blair. He just didn't seem too happy to get his red laces. And you're right about the red laces not getting offended at the hidden drug den. I guess I don't know enough about skinhead culture to have a concrete answer
desu i wish it was just a lowkey punk drama not a horror/thriller
Funny thing about the film is that I thought it worked better as a pure horror/slasher than it did when all of the plot was shoehorned into it.
If all of the nazis (minus Patrick Stewart) were nameless thugs and the last act was a lot shorter I think I would've liked it a lot more. Once the warpaint scene started is when the film started to lose me a bit.
Still a good watch overall though. Really edge-of-your-seat shit for the first 2/3rds then it started to meander a little too much toward the end. I think a film like this would've actually benefited from a downer ending where the whole band gets killed off though.
Really wish I could fucking see it
Fuck Limited release, Release a digital copy for fuck's sake
Tribal white nationalists are actual niggers. Look at Russian crime.
they didn't show it in my shithole, because like you said it's not a very popular / mainstream movie
and the torrents aren't out yet
not many people watched it yet, I assume
I think the film could have benefited from amber and sam hardcore strapon scene (sam sub obvi) w/ blood&piss-play all real no body double for authenticity Otherwise it's just not a mature and fully fleshed out handling of touchy issues like racial tension and violent hate groups.