Fucking take a day off
Fucking take a day off
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It will never surpass Dawn of Justice, marveldrone.
Why is there so much discussion about how much a movie makes nowadays?
Are they really just trying to reel in investors?
Stay mad DCuck, it surpass what BvS achieve in 2 weeks.
who cares how much money they make? are you an investor?
it was bad, but bad in a different way than BvS
that's all
>it was bad
Hahahahahaha. Is that what you tell yourself so you don't hang yourself DCfag?
What's the fuss about having a image titled image.jpg? I've been lurking on this board for a while and I still don't get it.
iOS devices upload any image as image.jpg no matter what the title is. So originally image.jpg meant it was someone posting from a mobile device, not using their home network, so if they got banned all it took was turning airplane mode on and off. Then when people realised other people got triggered by seeing image.jpg as the filename, they started renaming every image image.jpg just to fuck with people.
Lmfao wtf? Origin stories from Sup Forums are sooo fucking weird I swear.
like I said, I thought they were both bad. But none of us is directly involved with the production of these movies, or making money from them, and they'll all get sequels (or reboots) no matter what, so what's the point of dicksizing over box office?
A bad movie can make a lot of money. A good movie can make no money. Whether they're good or bad is separate from how much money they make.
I don't like comic books. I only go to these movies because my wife's son wants to see them.
Based off of how you type, it's clear you do not belong on this website. At the very least, stay in Sup Forums with the rest of you faggots that find out about this website from ebin Facebook greenbelt screencaps.
No, the reddit EPIC MEME part of Sup Forums gets caught in this Studio wars.
I remember the south Park episode about console Wars, must be something like that.
Americans will literally find any excuse to be disgustingly competitive
Because studios have so ingrained that measure into the community due to them valuing it so highly.
but why should we care? we just WATCH the movies? I understand, for example, being pissed that a franchise you enjoy didn't make enough money to get picked back up, or a show getting cancelled due to low ratings, but that isn't the case with capeshit, they're just going to keep making movies based on these properties until we're all dead.
I wanted another season of Hannibal and low ratings were part of why that didn't happen, but a low grossing Marvel or DC film won't prevent Avengers and X-Men and Batman films from being produced forever and ever.
I liked CW more than BvS but I think it's fair to have reservations as to whether CW can beat it overall or in America. BvS' opening was *massively* front-loaded, and even though the drop-off after that was pretty big it had already made a splash by then.
OTOH this is the year that Deadpool cleared a billion, so fuck knows how this is gonna pan out.
If you're looking for some answer beyond people are bored and stupid I don't have one.
>Greensleeves was all my joy
>Greensleeves was my delight
>Greensleeves was my heart of gold
>And who but my lady Greensleeves
Based on watching the TC I think we are almost done with about half of these actors. Marvel probably realizes they can make these movies without having to pay Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. so much.
I think we all are invested in the cinematic universe and its characters. The success of the mcu means the concept of interconnected storylines means we can exceed the usual 3 movie limit of most cinematic universes.
"We"? You mean the millions of children and their indifferent parents who want to see superheroes go pew pew?
The interconnected storylines actually make it easier to jettison expensive actors like RDJ.
>The interconnected storylines actually make it easier to jettison expensive actors like RDJ.
That is a good thing. Alot of CUs have been killed due to greedy actors. There is alot of content to explore in establish CUs.
It'd be good if the movies were imaginative or interesting. I don't know how an adult can really convince themselves they like Marvel movies. They are successful at what they are supposed to be, which means we get boring movies that don't take risks. DC at least tries to make interesting movies with Snyder but right now they're only one for two. I'd rather have one for two of something interesting and new than 10 for 10 of boring shit.
I think Winter Soldier was alright though.
>haha my board is le speshul snowflake
>fuck those Sup Forumstards mirite fellas?
Your memes are as old and stale as they come, friendo.
>DC at least tries to make interesting movies
Haven't had a good laugh like this in a while. Only on this God forsaken website would I read someone comment on DC's blatant "we want the Marvel audience" mad dash to get this slop to trough like you did here.
Jesus this board is beyond delusional.
What do you even mean by risks? If the movie is entertaining and people like it, then it's a success. What else should it be?
You know what's weird? Cap suddenly not using the magnet thing he had on his shield. It was so useful.
I thought it was good. And I've been let down by most capeshit movies recently. The sudden plot turn at the end was a good change of pace from what everyone was expecting. I only wish they hadn't finished the movie on such a cheery note after the drama prior.
Huh? It's almost already done it, goober.
>DC at least tries
This is just shitposting. I respect that this is a film board and elitism should be encouraged but BVS fails in every way as a comic adaptation. I'm a huge batfag and I'm disappointed that we're stuck with Snyder's bullshit auteur stories instead of actual comic movies. The people who praise it as kino aren't cucks or hipsters, they just don't deserve to be pandered to if this is the kind of thing they praise.
>Marvel does it again
>DCucks btfo
>this and more after the break
>millions of children and their indifferent parents
Stop this meme. Plenty of people like the MCU. And before you say it, "manchildren" are and always will be a minority.
They're children's movies, dude. It's not a meme. Have you seen the age demographics for this? 81% of theatergoers are either under 15 or going with someone under 15.
Who do you think the other 19% are?
forget demographics, go to any movie theater in the country, even a Sunday night showing at 10:30PM, and take a look at who is in the audience.
Families with children. People who like these movies, as adults, have some maturity issues.
>BvS was massively front-loaded
but cw has the bigger opening?
DCfags btfo
I'm waiting for the aXXo rip
The reason the competing box office numbers are interesting is that they reveal the depth of Snyder's fuckup. Other people have already said this, but it's worth repeating: a movie where BATMAN and SUPERMAN meet and fight for the first time, that ALSO has Wonder Woman in it, should have easily grossed a billion. This is the high tide of capeshit, that movie should have printed money.
The fact that it didn't, and that it didn't even hit $900 million, shows how badly Snyder fucked up. He took the easiest moneymaking movie ever and JUSTed it. He is a moron.
It did well in China because it was filled with Chinese product placement. The phone brand they used is a chinese brand that doesn't even sell products in the USA.
children's movies about children's characters
y'all should be ashamed to be in the 19%
based evans