I'm watching all the MCU shit in chronological order, and I've just finished The Incredible Hulk and the first Iron Man.
Why are they all so boring compared to Captain America? The First Avenger was the best movie so far tbqh.
I'm watching all the MCU shit in chronological order, and I've just finished The Incredible Hulk and the first Iron Man.
Why are they all so boring compared to Captain America? The First Avenger was the best movie so far tbqh.
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Joe Johnston + period piece = max comfy
So your question is why are 2 movies more boring than 1 movie?
I think the reason why The First Avenger is better than those movies is because it isn't guns blazing BOOM BOOM EXPLOSIONS fucking constantly like in The Incredible Hulk for example. No quiet time at all.
You have patrician taste, my friend.
First avenger was shit tho.
Thor was worse.
Better supporting cast desu senpai.
Also actual character development and quiet moments like pointed out.
first Iron Man rules pleb
>First avenger was shit tho.
>Film with flaws but with a lot of charm
>Cool and down to earth Actor
>Nice setting
>Cute waifu material Main girl
>Average Joe turns to hero
>Great bromance
It's the best MCU film alongside ANT-MAN