>yfw you realize Baneposting has finally died
Yfw you realize Baneposting has finally died
Then show me the body!
By a worthy successor, seagalposting is magnificent
That's a big lie
then I guess it's time to throw it out of a plane
Someone get this hothead outta here
was getting trips part of your plan?
If dubs banepostin is dead forever
That's a big image.
That's a big image
That's a big image.
That's a big image
Good, that shit was never funny.
4 (you)s
>Implying Baneposting can even die
4 (You)s
ETSUBATSU posting has well and truly taken over
>yfw OP is a falseflagging as a hothead
You only need to speak of the devil
wtf mate
who /foryoubigguy/ here?
For who?
Bane Posting Never Dies
>tfw your milf gf calls you a big boy
>yfw you realize all hothead threads are thinly veiled Baneposts.
It's not dead but it's definitely lost some of its meme magic. It can only be truly be great again if it is crossed with another fresher meme.
>having a gf
Post rare CIAs
>be you circa 2030 A.D.
>you've moved on with your life and left Sup Forums behind
>one day it pops into your head and curiosity gets the best of you
>somehow Sup Forums is still kicking
>decide to see what Sup Forums looks like nowadays
>very first thread you see
how do you react?
You think baneposting is dead, you fucking faggot? Well then ask the mods about the Bill Wilson affair one month ago.
Of courshe!
i'd lose my shit tbqh
Dust off my baneposting folder and get back to it.
of course
for you?
>you're dying
>it's the year 2100 AD
>your grandson comes in to see you
>"hey grandpa, you're a big guy"
>"for you"
>your plane crashes but the fire rises
>yfw you realize you get to bring friends
If I ever have kids, I vow to teach them about baneposting.
Promise you'll do the same Sup Forums, we must keep the fire alive.
was getting dubs part of yours?
Dump my bane folder and let the fire rise.
Of courshe
>yfw you realize you dont have friends
Dr. Pavel?
Was getting a single part of yours?
the ride never ends
Mind fucking blown
was reviving bane posting apart of your plan?
nothing... I said nothing
Make Bane Posting Great Again
Was getting dubs part of your plan?
just realized the ifunny logo.
Of courshe!
Hell be fine
>#BigGuyTwitter currently trending
What did Twitter mean by this?
mfw there are only 42 posters
Calm down user, now is not the time for grief. That comes later.
It was on it's last legs and then oficially died when the porno was made. All we need to do is start posting caps from Facebook and Reddit of people baneposting for the people on here to officially kill it
crazy how nature do dat
Will CIA return in the Batfleck flick?
not sure, but i think he might be in this
It died with Pratchett
I'd stream a live rendition of Bane Star
Segalposting is the new hotness, better ditch this dead reddit meme now
>flavour of the month will dethrone a meme that has lasted for 5 years
The meme is dead. Bury it.
How does 4u posting even work?
>For you!
>you're a big guy for you
>for you!!
>for the Mercenary
>for you!
I don't get it
for me?
for you.
Watch this: