Zack Snyder's Justice League

Leave capekino to us.

Leave it to me

I wish Alexandra Daddario was Wonder Woman so bad.

Another one to add to the list of True Cinema


the flash looks like such a fag

Why is filthy frank the flash?

>mfw he is literally a fag and still crushes more puss than you

they actually look the part very well. cant wait to see a picture of all the justice league standing together

Justice League and Batman are going to be fucking unreal. Marvelfags are getting more and more jealous.

Post more Ezra pls

>vertex cinema art
>adapted from children's picture books

why did you change watchmen and batman returns posters?

I wish I could force my cock down your throat to shut you up, you fucking nigger.

I didn't, another user did

I like this one better personally


you think Bryan Singer ever tried to casting couch this dude to get into that boipussy


>hey guys heres an idea
>lets hire the ugliest actor alive to play the flash
>bravo Zack

Jews win again. Why can't let us have anything?

nigga, I aint a fag and even I know the dude is a total fuccboi darling

>not liking hot twinks

Perhaps you'd feel more at home on leddit.

b-but Watchmen is a great work of art!

Too old

>justice legaue

more like the JUST League

Fucking idiot pleb, she should be Vampirella.

Why do you think you deserve anything in the first place?


What the fucks a twink
I read that today for the first time

Flash looks like a no fun allowed fuck boy

Gook moot's handsome twin.


Why? Gal Gadot was perfect and way hotter than any Marvel chick.

>Sup Forums suddenly likes Ezra Miller

What the fuck happened?

No Aquaman


Scrawny flat chested shitskin who can barely speak english properly doesn't exactly seem like the perfect Wonder Woman to me.

>way hotter than any Marvel chick

Completely subjective. But nice job showing you retarded DCuck fanboys can't take anything that even remotely resembles criticism without trying to deflect it back to the Marvel boogeyman.

>Wonder woman could have been cast better


Jesus Christ.

>can barely speak english properly doesn't exactly seem like the perfect Wonder Woman to me.

>Greek Princess
>Speak English properly

You do know you done fucked up right?

t. Disney shill

Why does he look like such a colossal faggot?

He looks like a homeless faggot who simultaneously robbed a men's warehouse suit store and a Michael Jackson impersonator


>speaks perfect english in literally every single incarnation except this one

>implying greek accents sound anything like hers

Yeah, sure user.


Stop this. You don't even know what it means. Try thinking for yourself instead of just parroting everything you see here.

shes too busy burning that coal

Makes sense Jason Momoa is Aquaman, being in baywatch and all

>implying you know what a greek accent sounds like
>implying Mediterranean accents sound any different from each other

You're right, I don't know what it means. But it appears to be a form of sign-off on a letter or email and I've seen other anons use it that way recently so why not?

>implying I don't go to a greek restaurant at least once a month

>implying greek, spanish, italian, turkish, israeli, etc don't all have distinctively different sounds

Regardless, she's never had an accent before, so why should she now? She's been traveling the world for hundreds of years, it makes no sense for her to sound like she's only been speaking english for a year.

Fucking kill yourself you cancerous cyst.

fucking marvelfags.

go shit up another thread and post chris evans laughing while your at it

Right, because this thread was just brimming with quality discussion before I called that retard out on his bullshit. You literally came here just to post "fucking marvelfags". Remind me who's shitting the place up again?

why the fuck does it matter if she has a fucking accent or not this isnt something thats gonna affect the comic character in any way, quit being a "not muh"fag

Is that Chris Fuckin Tucker
Book it

it literally was?
are you fucking retarded?

Why is my penis suddenly erect? Somethings not right here senpai I'm straight

>shes the perfect WW!

>no shes not, here's why


Fuck off retard.

>it literally was?

No, it wasn't.

>are you fucking retarded?

No, I'm not. I simply pointed out that she could have been cast better and then the DCucks came out of the woodwork because if you don't blindly praise every single detail of a DC film your're a Disney shill.

>No Green Lantern
Fucking why, they're going against fucking Darkseid, pretty much the strongest DC villain, they need another heavy hitter.

Maybe they'll shoe him in at the end or some shit who the fuck knows

There's a grand total of like 3 posts in the entire thread that are on-topic and not shitposts. Clearly you're the retarded one here.

God Kinograph Zack Snyder and Apprentice Kinograph Ben Affleck teaming up to make Justice League as good as possible.

The marriage in the two will result in the finest Cape movie we've witnessed yet.

- Zack Snyder has been described as very "focused" on the set on Justice League.

- Despite the negative reception of Batman v. Superman, the morale is pretty high on set.

- Ben Affleck will be working close with Zack Snyder on Justice League as he prepares for his solo Batman film.

- The goal for Warner Bros is to have another Batman trilogy.

- A Suicide Squad sequel is already in development.

- There are big plans for the Green Lanterns with the possibility of a Green Lantern centered Justice League film in the future.

- Justice League: Gods Among Us, Justice League: Gods and Demons and Justice League United are early working titles for Justice League Part 1.

- Darkseid is the villain for Justice League Part 1. Brainiac was discussed at one point.

- David Ayer wants Deathstroke and Bane for Suicide Squad 2.

>Ezra Miller
>Barry Allen

Why isn't he Wally West?

They will likely introduce him and Martian Manhunter somehow in JL and then they will have actual roles in Part 2.

none of the movies on the left are good

What did you want to have?

>Snyder's movies
Where did this meme come from?

From left to right, top row first;
>A great Batman, surprisingly. I don't even like they guy, to be honest I hate him after the Bill Maher stuff, but he was by far the best thing about BvS and I hope he makes a great Batman stand-alone in 2017. Outstanding batman. 9/10
>Looks like a gay anorexic asian Muslim. The flash is WHITE, this guy ain't. The guy from the tv show would have been way better, and I don't even like that show. His "beard" in BvS made him look like a terrorist speedy gonzales. Allah Flashbar. 1/10.
>Cyborg. Cyborg is black so this isn't blackwashing or forced diversity for once. Don't know anything about the status of the movie. He could be a good Cyborg, dunno yet. ?/10
>Man of Murder. Gloomy. Kind of sinister, a little creepy and threatening. Throw in equal mix emo and anger. Basically the opposite of what Superman should be in every way. I blame Snyder 100% and not the actor. 2/10
>Anorexic. Looks Israeli or Arab. Diana is traditionally a blue-eyed statuesque white amazon. Shes none of those things. She's a skeleton skinny semitic looking Israeli who got cast because she was Jewish. A terrible wonder woman and a disgrace. 1/10
>In this case I can get past the racial aspect of the casting. Aquaman is canonically blonde with blue eyes for more than seventy years, but he was so good in game of thrones maybe he can bring kind of a savage spin to the character. I'm optimistic but expecting disappointment with Snyder involved. ?/10