Was it really that good?
Was it really that good?
>Wolverine 2
The opening white house scene is GOAT
also Best Magneto
Back when Rogue was relevant, Jean was smoking hot and no JLaw. Good times.
It was pretty good for its day, but nowadays the action feels subpar and stuff like Magneto leaving Charles to die feels a bit out of character.
Still decent
>Back when Rogue was relevant
Was she? I don't even remember what she did in this movie, flirt with bobby I guess?
she kinda flew the plane to the good guys at the end.
How do you go from this...
...to this?
Future Wolverine actually arrived in a alternative universe where all the female X-men are fat fugly cunts
X1 > X2 > X3
So this is all CGI here?
Did she actually refuse to wear the costume or whatever?
Can actors make demands like that? Wouldn't they just fire her?
Fucked up biiiiiiig time.
Any good shots of Jennifer Lawrence or Rebecca Romijn's butt lips or pusy slits?
Fucking based Brian Cox and Ian Mckellen
Top tier action scenes
Memorable music
Decent plot
Best X film, X2>DOFP>First Class>X1>The Wolverine>>>>>>X3>>>>Wolverine Origins
her face is the only thing painted now for Mystique scenes since DOFP, the rest of her is a bodysuit.
I unironically like the third movie better.
Yes, it was. And it still is very good. My favorite X-Men movie.
Best capshit ever
Someone made that up and it spread.
She didn't "refuse", she had told them her skin was irritated by it and it took them half a damn day to get her in her makeup, so they found a quicker way to do it.
Poor JLaw. She shouldn't suffer one bit to make millions.
Basically. Irritated skins annoying mang.
Same. I like the X-Men because it's a huge ensemble that focuses on cooperation. Watching everyone work together while Wolverine goes off on his own... that's what the movies should have been from the start.
>Story was still shit though.
>dat Nightcrawler
>dat mansion takeover
>those Blackbird scenes
yeah tbqh
DoFP>>X1>FC>X2>>>>>Everything else
>Magneto leaving Charles to die feels a bit out of character.
That's a problem with the recent movies.
Magneto has always been a shithead like that, he's done that numerous times in the comics, they may have been friends/allies at one point but if you're actively going to oppose me fend for your fucking self.
Yeah, the story didn't matter too much to me. I just liked the interaction between the cast/characters. I actually did like the concept that the government was finally coming up with some sort of plausible defense against Magneto, though that could have been done better, too. I couldn't decide whether it was fucking stupid or actually good that Magneto INSTANTLY had a way to render the cure weapons useless after they had worked so long to come up with them. I guess it has to happen since the scene before showed that they were crazy effective against low to mid level mutants.
Honestly, after seeing humans being largely portrayed negatively and powerless vs the mutants, I kind of like that scene where those soldiers at prison BTFO out of that first wave of mutants and came pretty close to wiping out the rest of them.
I also liked that despite Magneto being even more big bad than usual, he still revered Xavier. Those two made that fucking trilogy.
Tell that to the Tin Man you slut!
Magneto is a fucking jerk.
Best scene in capeshit history
that kinda seems correct 2bh
I remember hearing that the scarecrow makeup was the bad one. The guys face would start bleeding when they removed the makeup.
It still is.
comparing these shots is literally night and day
wasn't wolverine going to fuck storm at one point?
storm don't need no white man
I forgot how beautiful the music was
Best Jean coming through..