did Sup Forums really dislike this? what the fuck?
Did Sup Forums really dislike this? what the fuck?
What's to like?
implied incest
>that look
anyone hope disney actual does push incest in the sequel and help society become less incestaphobic?
>being offended that people don't like Frozen
Are you 12?
u tried
>being underage and posting on this site
>being over the age of 18 and watching movies for infants
I honestly don't know what's worse.
being a redditor and posting on Sup Forums
who /anna/ here?
Reporting in
I remember reading a post somewhere that said Anna and Elsa are like white sugar and engineered to appeal to man's protective instincts because of their troubled backgrounds and are hyper feminine to boot. What do you think?
>appeal to man's protective instincts
>hyper feminine to boot
What does to boot mean?
It SUCKS compared to some of the older ones like Lion King and Toy Story yet it gets praised like its the fucking best.
>>hyper feminine to boot
Just means additionally
OUAT Anna is qt too
i want to say only homos disliked it, but then again, homos like flamboyant, fabulous things and musicals, so I am not exactly sure who could have possibly disliked Frozen.
It was extremely average and forgettable.
And no, fap material doesn't make a movie good.
Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens
Who /frz/ here?
Lasted till around thread 500 myself, all got too circlejerky after that
he is right desu
Did you go to Snowchan? Just noticed that place is now closed.