Isn't it obvious by now that Disney is buying reviews?
Isn't it obvious by now that Disney is buying reviews?
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Bryan Singer hasn't directed a good X-Men movie to date. This isn't really shocking.
>Bryan Singer hasn't directed a good X-Men movie to date. This isn't really shocking.
What is Days of Future's Past and X2.
I guess Marvels the only company that released a good movie this summer.
Ignore the critics. Apocalypse is a great film as others are saying:
>Rated 4/5 stars
>"It was not perfect, I mentioned Apocalypse's look... I mentioned the length but it is pretty close to being just one of the best X Men movies that we have ever had on screen".
It was obvious the moment Tortellino talked about the mafia shit they pulled with a theater for Hateful 8.
Civil War isn't really a good example of that, post the RT page of truly awful shit like Iron Man 2 or Thor 2 for example.
>Days of Future Past
One good Quicksilver scene.
One good Wolverine scene.
nice confirmation bias
so why didn't they buy reviews for John Carter?
Summer hasn't even started yet.
>It was obvious the moment Tortellino talked about the mafia shit they pulled with a theater for Hateful 8.
There was nothing wrong with that. Disney booked all IMAX and 70mm screens in Los Angeles for a month in advance, then Tarantino starts crying that he can't show The Hateful 8 at the 70mm Cinerama theater because of that. Well maybe you should have booked the screen earlier, Quentin.
That was obvious when Iron man 3 got good reviews
Oh trust me user, it has.
>mfw Doctor Strange will also get at least 80%
>DCucks this mad
I can't even pretend to be shocked anymore.
>Well maybe you should have booked the screen earlier, Quentin.
It's what he did, that's the point. They just pushed it off.
u wot
did they buy off the audience too, OP?
since when has a marvel movie gotten less than 60% on rt?
Doesn't matter fuckface as long as the critics and rotten tomatoes are in their pocket.
mfw i enjoy the dc movie more
Dude no one is denying it anymore
>Thor 2 66%
>he doesn't realize he's proving himself wrong
It wasn't a billion dollar IP
Plus that was the flick that probably caused them to start bribing critics
But 66% is still above 56%
Lone Ranger came out after it, and also bombed.
>the worst MCU movie is still better than the best DCEU movie
The point being that atrocious shit doesn't deserve a 10% and no one can argue MoS is worse than that.
Hell BvS is miles above that. Your memepic shows the corruption you're denying bro
>a woman
>knowing anything about film or comics.
They don't go together.
>lol back in the kitchen XD
Lone Ranger wasn't even that bad. The reason it tanked is because nobody under the age of 50 gives a shit about the character anymore.
>The point being that atrocious shit doesn't deserve a 10% and no one can argue MoS is worse than that.
I can, easily
In Thor 2, an important character dies and doesn't come back
this. I admit to seeing Lone Ranger over Wolverine 2 in the cinemas and really enjoying it.
I enjoyed it, it didn't take itself too seriously unlike BvS and MoS... It was just fun! Plus, it was directed by based Branagh.
>In Thor 2, an important character dies and doesn't come back
>Marvel releases a people pleaser movie that appeals to the target demographic
>DC and Fox release more ambitious movies that aren't as easy to digest as popcorn flicks
>surprised by the review disparity
Disney isn't paying anyone, critics are just following trends. Marvel is "cool".
What about the Nolan films? It's more than that, it's fishy as fuck
Both were turbo shit.
I aint seen apoc but the other two in OP's picture seem legit, I'm a DC fan more than marvel and even I know that marvel do better movies, BVS was a complete waste of my time and anyone elses who has seen it for that matter.
Nolan Batman was cool. Batman Begins wasn't, but The Dark Knight got a lot of press because of Heath Ledger. That's how The Dark Knight Rises got to be so bad comparative to how it was received, basically got a free pass because it was trendy. Critics can be biased as fuck
Marvel just crafts better films. DC has had their share of enjoyable films but they clearly have no grasp on how to continue the few successes they've had here and there. Marvel figured out what worked for them and continue to do exactly that while throwing in some different things here and there
BvS was shit, and X-Men Apocalypse looked awful in all the trailers and promo material.
>X-Men Apocalypse looked awful in all the trailers and promo material.
pic related is 10/10 awesome
>good movie
>bad movie
>JLaw movie
Isn't it obvious that you're a retard?
Go leave the house for once. It's really warm outside.
I know right? Will WB ever get their shit together?
I live in the Caribbean, it's always warm outside.
>bad movie
>bad movie
>bad movie
Damn, that's just wrong.
well memed
Because Snyder is a hack.
>it has a pyramid, must be cool
Jfc what is that a cutscene from age of empires ?
Are there really people that are retarded enough to believe this "conspiracy"?
It's a pyramid.
It's okay I guess.
>My daddy made that shield! Give it!
>Nu-uh you don't deserve it!
stop being a fucking retard
MoS and thor have the same average rating, the tomato score is decided by RT, who is owned by warner brothers, the company who owns DC
There's nothing wrong with buying reviews.
We get your little opinion.
But Tony didn't reply to himself
When Hulk gets better reviews than DC, something smells shitty.
Yeah, DC.
nice word
not even the shills itt can defend that
you mismemed, google it again
That isnt the point faggot. DIsney isn't buy shit reviews for competition. All these movies are turd. Disney is buying reviews for themselves.
Also no toyline involved
>isn't buy shit
>these movies are turd
You need to buy yourself some Hooked on Phonics, son.
>Doesnt understand how rottentomatoes works
No toyline involved faggot
The sooner you DCcucks deal with this, the better
>You could call it “high-brow” comics, but to me, that comic book was just pretty sexy! I had a buddy who tried getting me into “normal” comic books, but I was all like, “No one is having sex or killing each other. This isn’t really doing it for me.” I was a little broken, that way. So when Watchmen came along, I was, “This is more my scene.”
>Everyone says that about [Christopher Nolan’s] Batman Begins. “Batman’s dark.” I’m like, okay, “No, Batman’s cool.” He gets to go to a Tibetan monastery and be trained by ninjas. Okay? I want to do that. But he doesn’t, like, get raped in prison. That could happen in my movie. If you want to talk about dark, that’s how that would go.
Imagine being like this. An Edgy 15 year old trapped in the body of a middle aged man.
And civil war was a snooze fest
It was really nice.
>batman should get raped in prison
It was mediocre, generic and predictable
Why the fuck was it called Civil War anyway? It was a temporary dispute between 8 guys at most
Black Lives Mattered.
Because movies based on comic events have the name of those events.
I don't think Disney is buying reviews.
I don't think they need to.
Everyone is raised with the Disney fantasy from basically birth. Most people don't outgrow that mindset, so they believe that anything made by Disney is high quality, and continue believing it until old age, where thy pass it on to their children and their children's children.
Disney capeshit
>it has some flaws and isn't perfect but it's fun 9.5/10
Other capeshit
>it has flaws and is therefore terrible 3/10
>This is the man DC fans call a visionary
Dr. Barton, I'm Slut.
oh, so up until John Carter and the avengers all the positive reviews they got are legit then, good to know!
also these came out after that, but let's conviniently ignore them shall we
dark knight rises 87%
x-men days of future past 91%
deadpool 83%
the wolverine 70%
>Civil War
>One of the best Marvel movies, which are usually of above average quality
>Overlong, boring, terrible casting (aside from Batfleck), downright confusing editing at times, downright retarded things happening nearly constantly, characters acting out of character
>X-Men Apocalypse
>"I know it's kind of weird that Mystique is suddenly the leader, she doesn't act like herself anymore, and she doesn't even have her signature blue look half the time, but HOLY FUCK, IT'S JLAW!!! THAT'S A BIG DEAL FOR SOME FUCKING REASON!"
>Tell that to Batman's raped asshole
Oh god, the possibilities are endless
Lone Ranger isn't a billion dollar IP
Plus some movies are so awful (Thor 2) it would be difficult to really bribe that many critics
And Snyder hasn't directed a good "original" movie to date. Not really shocking either.
>civil war
>one of the best
Honestly kill yourself. It was better than avengers 2. That's about it. It had too many characters with little explanation who they are. The fight scenes last too long and are poorly edited
The story is idiotic
All the characters have nonsensical motivation
And captain America's gf is ugly
>little explanation who they are
They've all been introduced in previous movies except Spiderman and BP, retard.
>>One of the best Marvel movies, which are usually of above average quality
Can you guys at least pretend you're not shills please?
I'm actually dreading when suicide squad gets released, the amount of shitposting on this board will be astronomical.
BvS and MoS were sloppy, pretentious, audience insulting dogshit. That's why.
No evidence bruh. How can a company this huge pay off HUNDREDS of critcs off every release, and be able to keep that shit from coming out.
You realize some critic out there would risk his job for the sake of keeping his integrity, and spill this shit and it would be blowing up everywhere. You can't keep something like this secret.
I really wanted to know what dumbfuck movie executive mandated the casting of Sansa Stark in fucking X-Men. She looks so hilariously out of place. It's so obvious a casting based solely on the fact she's well-known via GoT.
fucking this
some dc loving critic would flip his shit if something like this happened
>making fun of a daddy-related conflict
>when the DC movie conflict was resolved because their mommy's had the same name
Iron Man 2 and Thor 1 are Paramount
They are also okay movies and far better than Man of Murder (haven't seen BvS yet).
Just imagine the popularity you would get if you exposed the disney conglomerate it would make your career