Isn't it obvious by now that Disney is buying reviews?
Isn't it obvious by now that Disney is buying reviews?
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Bryan Singer hasn't directed a good X-Men movie to date. This isn't really shocking.
>Bryan Singer hasn't directed a good X-Men movie to date. This isn't really shocking.
What is Days of Future's Past and X2.
I guess Marvels the only company that released a good movie this summer.
Ignore the critics. Apocalypse is a great film as others are saying:
>Rated 4/5 stars
>"It was not perfect, I mentioned Apocalypse's look... I mentioned the length but it is pretty close to being just one of the best X Men movies that we have ever had on screen".
It was obvious the moment Tortellino talked about the mafia shit they pulled with a theater for Hateful 8.
Civil War isn't really a good example of that, post the RT page of truly awful shit like Iron Man 2 or Thor 2 for example.
>Days of Future Past
One good Quicksilver scene.
One good Wolverine scene.
nice confirmation bias
so why didn't they buy reviews for John Carter?
Summer hasn't even started yet.