>all those namedrops and direct nods/references to other MCU movies brought up in casual conversation >all that extra shit which probably 50% or less of the audience knows or cares to know about At which point does the average moviegoer's ability to watch these films become nullified because they can't keep up with how interconnected the universe is becoming?
Can't imagine what it'll be like come Infinity War.
Elijah Johnson
How hard is it to watch 1 or 2 movies per year?
Evan Roberts
>watching the third movie in a series you are unfamiliar with
David Cook
>watch these films become nullified because they can't keep up with how interconnected the universe is becoming? you don't need people to follow the plot. in fact you don't need a plot at all. remember transformers 4 made a billion bucks.
Dominic Jackson
They mentioned The Hulk and Thor. Are you fucking retarded or something?
Elijah Long
>implying your not raking in more money because people just binge stuff on netflix every year
Juan Allen
yeah, because I'd know who Tony Stark, Hawkeye, Vision, Scarlet Witch, etc. just by watching the previous Captain America movies.
that's kind of my point
Cameron Sanchez
That proves my point. What the fuck are you even trying to communicate, faggot?
John Russell
You don't have to know who they are
Colton Jackson
If your not caught up on those characters chances are that you aren't who marvel is directing their movies toward bud.
The continuity is spread out amongst dozens of movies.