Why did he wait just in front of the door...

Why did he wait just in front of the door? Putting a 45 degree angle between him and the door would've gave him an advantage over Chigurh since Chigurh would've had to turn and shoot while Llewelyn would've just had to shoot straight at the entrance

He should've also laid on the floor imo


Plot hole scene.

well maybe he was under pressure and didn't think about it, but i'm just saying he could've wrecked Chigurh at that moment


Because there's no way chigurh would have survived if he wouldn't have blasted the lock
Chigurh lucked out

Yeah you're right, the door number thing

Okay, so he should have been laid on the floor, maybe under the bed? At a 45 degree angle? What else?

That would be a terrible idea.
He should have taken cover behind the bed.

Why under the bed?
If it's an attempt at making fun of my post, i don't really see the irony, 45 degree would've worked best, obviously.

Okay so taken cover behind the bed at a 45 degree angle?

Calm down bro I'm just trying to then see how it would be filmed in my minds eye. Keep your skirt on.

Well in that case, he should have been doggy styling your mom too

well i thought he was at the window so he'd hear anything going on outside also fastest way to escape

he wasn't at a 45 degree angle because he wanted to be close to the window

but he could've been both

I don't think he could have waited at a 45 degree angle because then he couldn't have seen chigurhs shadow under the door

i don't see how logistically

any closer to the window and he could be identified and shot from outside

Yes he could, light is projected equally under the door, he could've seen his shadow literally anywhere in the room except in the direct corners of the door

I don't know, it's a pretty small room, the gunfight seems more important to me than the time it would take to flee out of the window

See I don't think any of you guys can agree what he should have done!

>narrowly escapes chigurh
>killed by mexicans offscreen
>the money is never found

Mexicans found the money I think