Jesus Christ this was awful

>literally no logical reason to not sign the UN agreement other than easily resolvable muh Bucky misunderstanding
>Black Panther's entire motivation is based on same retarded misunderstanding
>most hyped Marvel fight of last 4 years held in boring sterile parking lot
>fight has zero stakes and emotional impact due to quipping every 4 seconds
>everybody's friends again at the end of the movie
>nothing of consequence happens

I'm honestly astounded how anyone can defend this shitflick.

Other urls found in this thread:

Slow day on Sup Forums

Captain America objected to it from a moral standpoint.

What misunderstanding? His father died and the man all evidence pointed to being the culprint was out there.

I disagree, it worked and the parking lot provide ample room without boring senseless destruction.

Except not really. There's an olive branch proferred, but Iron Man is still bitter towards Captain America and most of the team hates Iron Man.

The Avengers are irrevocably fractured, and the government will now be controlling or persecuting any superhuman who emerge. That's a pretty big change.

Why did a singular camera pick up Zemo bombing the UN?
Like he literally walks off screen after planting the bomb

Does the UN only have 1 camera? No one could track him on traffic cams or ones from the same building at different angles? . And no could figure out Zemo didnt match Bucky's height or general body shape?

Speaking of cameras, why wasnt the interrogation room tape immediately given to authorities to prevent Zemo from boarding plane?

The plot of this movie is nonsense. Its like 3 seperate movies jampacked together 1) Bucky shit 2) Accords shit 3) Zemo shit

So the Accords and the Wakandans dying was just a happy coincidence for Zemo and his plan to get Iron Man and Cap together in a bunker with Bucky to watch a tape?

>fight has zero stakes and emotional impact due to quipping every 4 seconds
This. I can more or less forgive everything else but turning what is supposed to be a TRAGIC scene between friends into a comedy is un-fucking-forgivable. I'm only okay with Spider-Man quipping since he has no personal connection to the other heroes.

>even stealing a poster design from the raid

>>literally no logical reason to not sign the UN agreement other than easily resolvable muh Bucky misunderstanding
You are literally fucking retarded if you believe this. Imagine every disaster and world ending scenario from the previous films, and imagine the Avengers just sitting in their base waiting for the UN fucks to sign their approval. And as argued by the non-signers, the UN is full of Sup Forums fucks.

The Avengers are a group of people that trust each other and know they're fighting for good. Why the fuck should they let pencil-pushers decide whether they get to fight or not?

>hurff durr some couple hundred people died this is so awful when the Avengers literally saved the fucking entire world

>how did Zemo know Wanda would fuck up in Laos
>why wasn't the vision in the first mission in laos?
>how come captain america didn't respect other nations sovereignty when it came to who they wanted in their countries?
>how come zemo knew 1991 was important?
>how come tony, who hacked into shield in the avengers, didn't find out about hydra?
>how come tony didn't realize or read through the documents that black widow leaked to the world and find out about 1991 before zemo?
>how did zemo know that cap and iron man would be split on the accords?
>how did he know that other avengers would be split on both sides?
>how come scarlet witch still doesn't have a visa?
>why are german police in Hungary?
>how did zemo know he would be the only one in the room?
>how did zemo know bucky wouldn't kill cap?
>how did zemo know bucky would get captured by cap?
>how did zemo know that cap would even have a vested interest in bucky? did he have footage of him not fighting him on the helicarrier?
>why did war machine even care about falcon? after being in that high of an altitude for a while, he'd need to go down, he probably just could've ignored him
>why didn't vision just shoot down the jet that cap and bucky where in?
>why didn't cap ask vision to meet him in the bunker?
>how did zemo know that iron man would get to the bunker?
>how did zemo know that tony wouldn't have brought friends?
>how did zemo know that footage of bucky killing tony's parents in the middle of nowhere even existed?

can some one answer these? that'd be great

Also, who's to say that HYDRA wouldn't manage to infiltrate the UN panel that oversees the Avengers, just like they did with SHIELD?

>don't think too hard about it man
>you're not supposed to think about it
>it's just a movie bro

>fight has zero stakes and emotional impact due to quipping every 4 seconds

seriously with any other movie this would instantly be hated, but because it's CAPESHIT it's alright infact it improves it! this is how deluded and idiotic capeshit fans are

And no one brings that up

But user, just recently in AoS, they /finally/ took down any remaining Hydra strongholds under Malick, there's no way they'll ever come back now kek

>When DCucks talk about how smart their movie is but literally can't understand the more simple and relatable conflicts of Marvel movies.

bucky was a microcosm of what civil war, or the UN agreement, was really about. The idea being that the supers would be under direct control of the state and used for nefarious means.

But yeah, no consequences kind of declawed this movie to filler status.

>No consequences

tfw no one realizes half the team operates under the accords and the other half have broken out of prison and will have repercussions of operating on the surface, so they can't

Cap's side does make sense. He feels that if a group, other than the avengers, are in charge of what they do, the group could be corrupted and use them (or prevent them from acting) for nefarious reasons. Just like how Shield was taken by Hydra. He doesn't want a political organization to tell them where they can or can't act. It's not that he thinks superheroes should do whatever they want without consequence. Only idiots who didn't pay attention to any of the Cap movies so far misunderstand that.

The airport fight, while marketed as the final fight, wasn't actually the final fight in the movie. It was just some people who worked together having a quarrel. Like fellow soldiers might get in a fight sometimes but ultimately work together toward something.

>literally no logical reason to not sign the UN agreement other than easily resolvable muh Bucky misunderstanding
Cap didn't want to be told who he could and couldn't save by beauracrats. This isn't subtext, this is all said in dialogue. Pay attention.
>Black Panther's entire motivation is based on same retarded misunderstanding
Black Panther, like Zemo and ultimately Tony, was driven by revenge. He didn't believe that Bucky didn't kill him father until Zemo confirmed. Pay attention.
>most hyped Marvel fight of last 4 years held in boring sterile parking lot
>fight has zero stakes and emotional impact due to quipping every 4 seconds
Subjective, but fair enough.
>everybody's friends again at the end of the movie
They literally aren't though.

>nothing of consequence happens
Tony retired and Steve is an outlaw.

Unlike BvS, this movies plot discrepancies are due to underwriting instead of muddled writing because director too busy cramming symbolism in frame instead of guiding actors. In BvS, its all there. Look under the surface of Civil War and you see fairy dust.

does no one remember im3?

fucker rebuilt a exploded crime scene to find dog tags in like 30secs, but they couldnt figure out muh prosthetics on zemo.

There has been face changing prosthetics since Winter Soldier. Remember what BW used to trick Redford?

Sup Forums everyone

>No logical reason not to sign UN agreement
When was the last time the UN did anything right, good, and timely? Being all three of those things is pretty much what Cap is about, and the UN hasn't pulled 2/3 off since Korea.

>he thinks Hydra can be stopped

I haven't seen Civil War and don't plan to.

Do they even mention registering secret identities in this film?

Wellp, if they where going to be outlaws anyway why not pretend to work for the UN?
Just ask, what whould big boss do?

3/10 I almost responded to the greentexts

Most of that I can look past with suspension of disbelief, but one thing still bugs me:

Why was there a camera in the middle of the woods, and how was it in the exact right spot to capture Bucky killing the Starks?

>literally no logical reason to not sign the UN agreement other than easily resolvable muh Bucky misunderstanding

With what happened in Winter Soldier, I can see why Steve wouldn't want a government agency telling them what to do. Ultimately though I was on Stark's side by the end of the movie.

>Black Panther's entire motivation is based on same retarded misunderstanding

He wanted to kill Bucky because he thought Bucky killed his dad, with all evidence pointing to Bucky. What do you mean by this?

>most hyped Marvel fight of last 4 years held in boring sterile parking lot
>fight has zero stakes and emotional impact due to quipping every 4 seconds

The airport fight wasn't supposed to be a super serious affair, it was just Starks side taking Cap's side in for breaking the law. And not even everyone was quipping, just the ones known for it (Stark, Parker, Lang, Barton). No one but Panther was in it for blood, so no shit there weren't high stakes.

The fight at the end is when stakes were high, and that was very emotional and tense.

>everybody's friends again at the end of the movie
>nothing of consequence happens

Okay, so you didn't see the full movie then. With half of the team pissed at Iron Man, Vision drinking alone in the compound over Wanda, and Steve trying to reach out to Tony.

If you're going to bitch, at least make it about reasonable stuff. Like Zemo needing Steve, Bucky and Tony in the Russian lab by some coincidence.

turn off your brain bro, this isn't a DC movie

>That's a pretty big change.
For you

>how did Zemo know Wanda would fuck up in Laos
I'm under the impression that the Sokovia Accords just happened to coincide with Zemo's plan to split the Avengers. Really, all he needed was one big event with a terrorist attack to pin the blame on Bucky.

>why wasn't the vision in the first mission in laos?
No idea.

>how come captain america didn't respect other nations sovereignty when it came to who they wanted in their countries?
He was tracking down an American criminal, so he felt it was his jurisdiction and responsibility regardless of the country.

>how come zemo knew 1991 was important?
As you state in your next question, I'm guessing from the HYDRA information dump in Winter Soldier.

>how come tony, who hacked into shield in the avengers, didn't find out about hydra?
It's possible any HYDRA-specific communication was done using other means besides SHIELD ones, as not all of SHIELD was under HYDRA command.

>how come tony didn't realize or read through the documents that black widow leaked to the world and find out about 1991 before zemo?
No idea. Maybe he was busy running his company and felt that HYDRA was Cap's thing.

>how did zemo know that cap and iron man would be split on the accords?
He didn't. His plan was to use Bucky as the wedge, the accords just happened to help.

>how did he know that other avengers would be split on both sides?
He didn't. He wanted to focus on splitting Cap and Iron Man, the two figureheads of the Avengers.


Was getting Bucky caught part of you plan?

Nope, but secret identities don't really matter aside from Spider-Man now.

>read negative reviews for Civil War
>some people saying it's bad because SIGNING IS THE ONLY RIGHT DECISION
>other people saying it's bad because NOT SIGNING IS THE ONLY RIGHT DECISION
>both these people claiming it isn't a valid disagreement because it's so obviously one side over the other


Tony had a access to SHIELD, the FBI, and the CIA's information so he had every detail about the crime scene for his computer to reconstruct.

They had one blurry shot from one camera to identify 'Bucky' from.

some fun facts:
The registration act had nothing to do with the fight and it lead nowhere.(it was all about Bucky and the other winter soldiers)
Spiderman and antman joined for either money atention or both.
they made black panther's origin as a subplot for a captain america movie, before he gets his first solo movie.
Tony's memory altering googles where pointless.
Tony sees that the video of winter soldier blowing up the car was a fake but gives no 2nd thoghts on the video of him murdering his parents and ridiculously posing for the perfectly placed camera afterwards.

first movie shit
second movie shit
sure the 3rd will be good!


>how come scarlet witch still doesn't have a visa?
Refuge status?

>why are german police in Hungary?
No idea.

>how did zemo know he would be the only one in the room?
I'm guessing you mean when he's pretending to be the shrink. This is a bit of a leap, as you think there'd be armed guards regardless.

>how did zemo know bucky wouldn't kill cap?
We never saw what orders Zemo gave Cap. Pretending to kill but not actually killing could've been in those orders.

>how did zemo know bucky would get captured by cap?
His assumption was that the government, with their near unlimited resources, could catch him, not necessarily Steve.

>how did zemo know that cap would even have a vested interest in bucky? did he have footage of him not fighting him on the helicarrier?
It is common knowledge that Steve and Bucky are true friends, and Steve's role in the events in Winter Soldier would be more than enough to say Steve would intervene.

>why did war machine even care about falcon? after being in that high of an altitude for a while, he'd need to go down, he probably just could've ignored him
I mean, they weren't really that high up at the time, and Falcon does have some ranged weaponry.

>why didn't vision just shoot down the jet that cap and bucky where in?
Vision not doing enough was actually a real hard thing to justify, in all honesty.

>why didn't cap ask vision to meet him in the bunker?
Because a few minutes ago Vision was trying to stop him.

>how did zemo know that iron man would get to the bunker?
Honestly, this is a huge assumption and no real reason other than plot.

>how did zemo know that tony wouldn't have brought friends?
Same here, although, as long as there was Tony and Steve, it might not have mattered who showed up or not.

>how did zemo know that footage of bucky killing tony's parents in the middle of nowhere even existed?
Again, this might have been in the HYDRA dump from WS.

>Tony's memory altering googles where pointless.
They set up Tony still having Trauma over his parent's death and not gotten over it.
>Tony sees that the video of winter soldier blowing up the car was a fake but gives no 2nd thoghts on the video of him murdering his parents and ridiculously posing for the perfectly placed camera afterwards.
Cap basically confirms that it was really Bucky that did it.

>Why was there a camera in the middle of the woods, and how was it in the exact right spot to capture Bucky killing the Starks?

It was a security camera. It shows him shooting it. The footage must've been recovered by HYDRA later.

For me, there were two unforgivable flaws.

First is Cap's extended silence over Hydra's involvement in the Starks' deaths. A lot of time had passed since the Widow released all those SHIELD and Hydra files and Cap got that dossier on Bucky. Them not at least mentioning to Tony that there was a good chance Bucky was involved just makes them both look like a couple of dishonest assholes.

Second is the Vision's plot-induced stupidity during the airport fight - taking down the tower instead of just disabling the jet and not changing his angle of fire to avoid hitting Rhodey.

The third would be the Falcon even being able to dodge an already-fired energy weapon, but hey, capeshit.

The fourth would be Zemo anticipating that the accords would automatically get ratified by the U.N., and most importantly, the Avengers' host nation, and that they would definitely create a rift between all these people he barely knows. It's also pretty out there that the precise three people Bucky's tape would effect be the ones who show up to stop him, but again, yeah, capeshit.

And aren't Cap and Co. hiding out within the very nation that championed the accords in the first place? Does that mean that T'Challa backed them out of them? By harboring Cap and the others, he's also in violation of the selfsame legislation his father helped to ratify.

Right, but why was there a security camera in the woods? If it was random, then it was supreme luck that it was in the right spot to capture that. If it was put there purposely to catch the event happening, it would have to have been put there by HYDRA, which means Bucky shooting it would make no sense either.

>I'm under the impression that the Sokovia Accords just happened to coincide with Zemo's plan to split the Avengers. Really, all he needed was one big event with a terrorist attack to pin the blame on Bucky.

but if the accords don't get put in place/debated, steve immediately calls tony to help him out

>No idea.

no idea

>He was tracking down an American criminal, so he felt it was his jurisdiction and responsibility regardless of the country.

it's not like he couldn't tell those countries that, and they weren't even tracking bucky when the accords where being debated


he specifically asks the man in Cleveland about the mission, it's clear he doesn't know what it is and he just guessed correctly

>Maybe he was busy running his company

he was no longer the active CEO of his company

>He didn't. His plan was to use Bucky as the wedge, the accords just happened to help.
>He didn't. He wanted to focus on splitting Cap and Iron Man, the two figureheads of the Avengers

how did he know cap still cared about bucky?

Wait did Captain or Stark not die in this film? What the fuck was even the point of having a civil war movie then.

>Steve's role in the events in Winter Soldier would be more than enough to say Steve would intervene.

again, how does zemo know this?

>His assumption was that the government, with their near unlimited resources, could catch him, not necessarily Steve.

if the gov captures bucky again, how does he get tony and steve to fight over bucky killing tony's parents?

>First is Cap's extended silence over Hydra's involvement in the Starks' deaths. A lot of time had passed since the Widow released all those SHIELD and Hydra files and Cap got that dossier on Bucky. Them not at least mentioning to Tony that there was a good chance Bucky was involved just makes them both look like a couple of dishonest assholes.
Cap straight up admits that he was in the wrong over not saying anything, and he felt that even if he was "protecting" Tony, he really was just covering for Bucky.
>Second is the Vision's plot-induced stupidity during the airport fight - taking down the tower instead of just disabling the jet and not changing his angle of fire to avoid hitting Rhodey.
The first part was kinda dumb, but for the second he was "distracted", which I took as him starting to feel more human and realize mistakes.

>The fourth would be Zemo anticipating that the accords would automatically get ratified by the U.N., and most importantly, the Avengers' host nation, and that they would definitely create a rift between all these people he barely knows. It's also pretty out there that the precise three people Bucky's tape would effect be the ones who show up to stop him, but again, yeah, capeshit.
His goal was always to split the Avengers by making Cap and Tony fight because of Bucky. The Accords just made it easier.
>And aren't Cap and Co. hiding out within the very nation that championed the accords in the first place? Does that mean that T'Challa backed them out of them? By harboring Cap and the others, he's also in violation of the selfsame legislation his father helped to ratify.
Pretty sure Cap's team is in Wakanda on the "down low" on purpose since who the hell is going to check up on the nation to see if they're hiding illegal supers.

>they made black panther's origin as a subplot for a captain america movie, before he gets his first solo movie
not a fact
they didn't touch on his origin story whatsoever
he was already the black panther in this movie, his father dying just sucked him into the plot

>Tony sees that the video of winter soldier blowing up the car was a fake but gives no 2nd thoghts on the video of him murdering his parents and ridiculously posing for the perfectly placed camera afterwards.
maybe he was upset

>but if the accords don't get put in place/debated, steve immediately calls tony to help him out
True, but what I mean is that the accords don't matter as Bucky still killed the Starks, which was the wedge Zemo was planning to use all along.

>no idea
No idea.

>it's not like he couldn't tell those countries that, and they weren't even tracking bucky when the accords where being debated
I didn't say it was a good reason; maybe Steve was too distracted from a personal aspect to make the right call.

>he was no longer the active CEO of his company
True, I forgot, but I still say that maybe he just thought HYDRA and decided to let others handle it.

>how did he know cap still cared about bucky?
The world knew the Winter Soldier was partially responsible for the attacks in DC, they also knew the WS was Bucky, and in turn, knew Cap was there trying to stop it all from happening. Between that and the museum exhibit, it could be reasonable that Steve would care enough about Bucky.

>if the gov captures bucky again, how does he get tony and steve to fight over bucky killing tony's parents?
Remember, Zemo wanted the gov't to capture Bucky so Zemo would know exactly where he was in order to use the brainwashing codes and get the information about the 1991 event where he killed the Starks. Then, use that information to split Steve and Tony apart, disassembling the Avengers.

>Cap straight up admits that he was in the wrong over not saying anything, and he felt that even if he was "protecting" Tony, he really was just covering for Bucky.
That's what I don't buy. It's basically plot-driven characterization. Captain America is supposed to be a bigger guy than that.

>His goal was always to split the Avengers by making Cap and Tony fight because of Bucky. The Accords just made it easier.
But that's part of the problem. Zemo had absolutely no way of knowing if Rogers had already spilled the beans, or even that Tony and Steve would end up on opposite sides over the issues raised by the accords, and he damn sure had no way of knowing that the three specific guys he needed present when he made his big reveal were going to be the ones to chase him down.

>Pretty sure Cap's team is in Wakanda on the "down low" on purpose since who the hell is going to check up on the nation to see if they're hiding illegal supers.
Now that, I can buy.

>submitting yourself to government bureaucracy because muh power muh responsibility

>>literally no logical reason to not sign the UN agreement other than easily resolvable muh Bucky misunderstanding

In the fucking LAST captain america movie what happened to shield again? Oh taken over from the inside by Hydra? Yeah lets have that situation happen again !

>That's what I don't buy. It's basically plot-driven characterization. Captain America is supposed to be a bigger guy than that.

He spends the entire movie bailing Bucky out and you think that characterization is contrary to Cap? Cap is not above lying.

>get the information about the 1991 event where he killed the Starks.

so he didn't know that that 1991 event was him killing the starks? or did he not know where to get the footage?

>True, but what I mean is that the accords don't matter as Bucky still killed the Starks, which was the wedge Zemo was planning to use all along.

I guess this makes sense, but it still rests upon the assumption that onlt steve, tony, and bucky are going to be there. if any of the other members show up, the fight gets immediately broken up

> it could be reasonable that Steve would care enough about Bucky.

so Zemo just knows?

>maybe Steve was too distracted from a personal aspect to make the right call

this is never implied, tony is the one who was supposed to be making the wrong personal calls throughout the film

All these replies to obvious b8
Well done OP

I think you're right about not knowing if Rogers had told Stark already, but I think the reasoning behind knowing which three specific guys is that he knew Rogers would try to figure out who framed Bucky.

It's not the plot that we're presented in the movie that's the issue. It's the fact that Cap had plenty of time between TWS and CW to have approached Tony about, yet he didn't. A smart guy would have done that. It gives Tony time to wrap his head around it, and it stops a guy like Zemo from making you look like a lying asshole.

This flick was shit

The Starks were rich and it was probably just some rich guy's estate that borders a wooded area and needed security cameras. Bucky shot at it because it was capturing evidence of the crime and the video was recovered and locked away by HYDRA.

Its hilarious how ass-destroyed DC fans are.

They have literally become screaming babies.

>A smart guy would have done that

In your opinion. You're basing this off of what you think Cap should have done. But it was well within the established characterization of Captain America to not confront Tony Stark about who killed parents if the killer were Bucky. Between WS and AOU, Cap was dealing with hunting down Hydra and getting the Avengers back while looking for Bucky.

That was my only guess. I missed it, but did the Starks say where they were going in Tony's"flashback?"

Mar deserves to die for ruining this film.

Personally, I expect more discretion from my brainwashed super-assassins. A professional would have engineered the accident out of view of previously reconnoitered surveillance cameras.

I also wouldn't find choking a crash victim to death an acceptable method if I desired their deaths to look accidental.

These are the things I expect from my brainwashed operatives, and I'm a professional supervillain.

I'm basing it off what I think a straight-shooting hero type would do. Cap's supposed to be about as straight-shooting as they come. He's also supposed to be smart.

I think Zemo found the information in the HYDRA dump hinting at the event but not giving the evidence. Zemo then went on a hunt for the tape and found the Russian. He wouldn't give up any info, but he just happened to have the Winter Soldier programming book. With that, Zemo tweaked his plan to get Bucky to tell him the location, get the video, and finish splitting them apart.

But yes, there are still a ton of happenstance, coincidence, and assumption in the film regardless.

>blaming the Avengers for New York
They didn't choose to have the aliens invade, and they didn't choose to have the fight in the middle of Manhattan.

>blaming the Avengers for DC
S.H.I.E.L.D. built those airships whilst under the control of HYDRA. They had to be destroyed before they became fully operational. What else could they have done?

>blaming the Avengers for Sokovia
That's entirely Tony Stark's fault for creating Ultron. No one else played a part in that.

>hey Bucky, killing these German cops is bad
>Ok, lets just give them brain damage and severe internal injuries
>sounds good to me, Captain American, the good guy

>what would the UN do in these circumstances if the peace accords were in effect?


everything is under control, we the government have not been infested by hydra

send them in! giant fucking rock!
or maybe just another nuke

The accords don't prevent them from acting, They only prevent them from acting unilaterally.

maybe vision wanted to hit rhodey to allow cap to escape, he was still at conflict through out the fight

>again, how does zemo know this?

He watched the movie you fucking retard

Gotta love the beginning of this film
>"I have a mission. No survivors"
>Perfect documented footage from 25 years ago that Bucky knew about and didn't destroy

10/10 DC BTFO

No witnesses***

>no logical reason
ok so you're a fucking moron
>black panthers entire motivation is based on some retarded misunderstanding
and when he realizes that he fucking stops
>most hyped marvel fight of last 4 years held in boring sterile parking lot
I literally cannot comprehend a reason as to why this could possibly matter.
>Fight has zero stakes and emotional impact due to quipping every 4 seconds
Sure in the airport there were quips from spidey and ant man but you must have left after that because Iron Man, Winter Soldier, and Captain America did not quip one fucking time during the final fight.
>everybodies friends again at the end of the movie
not really
>nothing of consequence happens
only valid point. This is literally every single MCU movie though so i dont know what you were expecting

>easily resolvable
Hahaha yeah right, they wanted him fucking dead even before it started.

>Avengers managed to contain the fighting to a few blocks
>Supes and Zod lay waste to the entire damn city

MCuck can't handle the bantz!

Cap very clearly articulates that he doesn't feel comfortable with a group of UN suits being in charge of when and how they intervene in world affairs. It's not merely a matter of the Avengers themselves being held accountable, that has some merit. It's about them potentially being used as tools to pursue shady agendas.

>grenade explodes inside a truck with non super powered black widow trapped inside
>the explosion safely blast her out of the truck

that was some 90s action movie shit

It looks nothing like the raid

I hate how they dropped the whole accords bullshit halfway through. The movie would actually benefit if they weren't even in there because it just feels like dead weight. The whole thing with bucky was the real driving force of the movie.
Plus, a lot of the characters didn't even care about the accords
>Hawkeye didn't give two shits
>panther just wanted to kill bucky
>Spiderman was just there for kicks
>I'm pretty sure ant man was bribed
>Scarlett witch was just tired of being in her room
>Black widow didn't care in the end
>Bucky just wanted to sell some fruit
And it ended like:
>Oh and btw, it's all the European's fault, because of course it is
I felt like the only reason why they introduced it was so they could advertise it as "DUDE GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS IN A SUPERHERO MOVIE??? THATS CRAZZYYY LMAO"

>> it could be reasonable that Steve would care enough about Bucky.
>so Zemo just knows?

he devoted every moment after AoU to studying the avengers.

Directors cut when?

Sometime in July, I think.

OP is just used to Metropolis getting destroyed to understand that

It's not our fault Metropolis wasn't built up to MCU building codes. If it was, its buildings could withstand the impact of hundred-ton space whales from hundreds of feet in the air, too.

To this day I do not know if Winter Soldier was created by the Nazis (HYDRA) or Soviets or both

Also Zemo came off as a common garden variety homosexual.

>>literally no logical reason to not sign the UN agreement other than easily resolvable muh Bucky misunderstanding
I agree on this one with Cap. UN is slow at times, and it follows its own agenda in real life. His question was right. What if UN decides that Avengers should do something that Avengers find wrong, or that if UN decides that Avengers should stay put, eaven if Avengers knows that they should act. UN today is pretty messed up.
>most hyped Marvel fight of last 4 years held in boring sterile parking lot
Where would you like it to be? Active volcano?

>>how did zemo know that iron man would get to the bunker?
He did not. I belive that Zemo went to Sibir to find the footage of Tony's father, and show it to Iron Man when he had chance. Fact that Iron man arrived was lucky coincidence.
I think he had no idea that eaven Cap would follow him there.

>Black Panther's entire motivation is based on same retarded misunderstanding
His entire motivation came from a bomb killing his father and Bucky being caught on camera planting the bomb.

filename related

>He thought a marvel movie would be good

what kind of camera was that on the highway? why did it zoom in on Maria Stark when she died?

He loses rationality when it comes to Bucky. He pretty much confesses this to Wanda after Lagos.

>The previous Cap film involved an internation peacekeeping agency being infiltrated and thoroughly corrupted, with Cap barely being able to avoid millions of death
>No logical reason for not wanting to sign up to the same deal again