What are some movies about middle-aged men living boring ass lives?
What are some movies about middle-aged men living boring ass lives?
Crazy Stupid Love
Your documentary
American Beauty
A Knight of Cups
Dubs man isn't middle aged nor does he lead a boring life
A Serious Man
yes he is and yes he does.
A Single Man
I'm young and do the bottom stuff.
Christian Bale is 42 in real life and his character is based on Malick's experiences as a freelance screenwriter from the ages of 26 to 30.
His lifestyle consists of meeting beautiful women and going to penthouse parties. Though it is true he does not find his experiences spiritually fulfilling I don't think anyone can consider that a boring life.
American Beauty is the definition of this, as well as how to conquer it.
The movie was boring t b h
World's Greatest Dad
Good thing that's not what OP wants.
I don't like you.
Pretty much. Old guys have no shame.
Y-you too
Box of moonlight. Great movie
A serious man.
Is it a generational thing, or do you just care less with age?
Whenever I had to see these guys with their ballsacks dragging on the floor, I used to wonder if they ever had any shame
I think people stop caring about certain things after a while
First you stop caring about your body
Then you stop caring about your bodily functions
Dicklet detected
American Beauty