What the fuck it actually was brilliant

What the fuck it actually was brilliant

I thought you idiots were joking this whole time but I really did miss out

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Welcome to the fold brother


you're having a stroke. call 911 now. I'm serious.

Nice try Zack.

You don't understand. I'm hardly a comic book fan and I utterly depose man of steel.

I went into this knowing the entire plot and calvalcade of memespouting and still immensely enjoyed it

The only thing that swayed my opinion was actually watching it. Fuck, I might even be inclined to watch the extended cut now. I don't know who I am anymore quite honestly.

We never meme about BvS.


Maybe I am suffering from brain damage, come to think of it



A story about neverending myths, gods and monsters walking among men, marriage of commerce and art, deconstruction not only of the genre but of current society.

Why was it bad, again?

it was 100% patrician


>Zack Snyder and WB fully knew they are going to alienate some moviegoers and critics by having a subtle narrative disguised as a superhero action movie because there will be some plot elements which might fly over the heads of some people and as a result they might not understand the story in its entirety (The Martha moment being the best example) .

>Secondly, this movie has a postmodern (deconstructive) narrative and this kind of narrative is meant to challenge our preconceived notions, beliefs, ideas and way of thinking. So, automatically a postmodern movie tends to be controversial by its nature but they took the risks and this shows their commitment towards the DC property.

because despite its use of capeshit characters and elements its not capeshit

Welcome brother. It's good to have you join us in the sun.

PRetty deep senpai
BvS is still shit though

More DCEU discussion happening here .

This is a fairly in depth and astute analysis of the film.

You could even remove the typical Sup Forums anti jew psychosis from it and make sense of it.

>What the fuck it actually was brilliant
No it wasn't, shithead.

it's always funny how people cite the cultural marxist boogeyman while singling out aspects of culture and critiquing the very same things those dudes in the 20's did, while also invoking ideas laid out by those same guys ie adorno, marcuse etc
in regards to the movie, i think its ambition is more universal that what those posts assert

um, it literally is

PROVE it isn't

It's a sure sign that you're in the spectrum, bro.
I'm so, so sorry.

>another person ignores the paid negative reviews
nice have you join us brother

You made the ridiculous claim, burden of proof is on you.

Verhoven puts in a Jesus reference and it's subtle as hell.

Snyder puts in Jesus references and they're so blunt.

Sup Forums everyone

Does anyone have the "KINO GOD" Snyder image?

Another one got redpill'd I see.

It's much better than the reviews would suggest but it's not "brilliant" you autistic fag.


Why do the Pedos go for those weird looking random lolis? They're not even cute. She looks like a gator

It has a 7.1 on IMDB
Civil War has 8.5 on IMDB

These are people that eat, breathe, shit, and sleep movies. It's all they do.

If even THEY say CW is better, you know it is. There's not a metric that BvS beats Civil War.

Appreciated lad

This. It's not terrible but it's not great. I legitimately think Eisenberg was underwhelming as Lex though

It's a solid 60/100 though. It ultimately feels rushed as hell and filled to the brim of ideas that couldn't fully be realized.

Could someone dig in on this?
Is there a meaning to the Beatles/Hendrix reference?

is that from the other chan?

reddit really has arrived

This, I agree on the 6/10 score.

It IS better than the reviews indicated
It IS above average
It IS NOT better than Avengers 1 OR 2, OR ANY of the Captain America movies. Period

It is at the very least on par with Age of Ultron, and I thought it was a little better. The others I agree with. If we're talking MCU, I'd at least put Iron Man 1 and GotG up there too. Possibly Ant-Man, I haven't seen it.

I agree

It's a 7/10 movie

Powerful themes, message and concepts. Execution let down by jumpy editing and pacing and leaps in character and plot development.

Directors Cut will elevate it to 9/10 Peak Pure Kino

i liked it. had flaws but whatever im not gonna get bent out of shape over a fucking movie.

the 4k fucked me up tho. havent been to a theater since the 90's and i was high as fuck. pleasant surprise.

I already got mine ordered.


I bet that was awesome.

I agree.

my niece was all excited about it and when it started i shared her excitement.
guess ill wait for 8k and go see batman 24 or some shit.


Because it's a good movie and while it's not going to please everyone it's literally a meme to hate it because of the critical response, which itself was an example of group think. Seriously, if it had gotten good reviews people wouldn't be so confident in it being bad, they feel their opinion is objective because the majority has hopped on the bandwagon.

BvS is an imperfect movie, but there's no reason any normal person absolutely can't enjoy it, and it did not deserve the response it got. In fact it's dumb I even have to chuck in the imperfect disclaimer, because what movie is perfect?

Have you added your review to RT yet? They could sure use your help :).

It is better than Avengers 2.

It's better than Ultron or any of the Thor movies by a mile.


what it again. It's not even comparable to any of marvel movies.

Welcome friend.

Rao be with you.

>I legitimately think Eisenberg was underwhelming as Lex though
I thought he was the best character in the movie. Why do you find him underwhelming?

>It is at the very least on par with Age of Ultron
I'll take a swing and a miss over the avengers taking the piss any day of the week.

AoU was torrid.

Hey there user, my name actually is Brandon Smith and I live in Plainville, Connecticut, United States of America, and I just wanted to say that you are an absolute cock-inhaling faggot of a human being who should go and shitfuck himself up the dickhole for having such genuinely retarded opinions. It literally seems to me that you may actually legitimately be a mentally handicapped person whose handler has accidentally allowed to access a computer. My recommendation is that you go out to your nearest freeway at your earliest convenience and insert yourself into the traffic such that motorists are forced to either swerve or splatter your being upon the hoods and windshields of their cars, traumatizing all those within them as you do, so that these sorts of inane and stupid shit thoughts that seem to just spew out of your anus of a mouth will never be seen on this board again. Alternatively, go to your resident barbecue and turn the grill on to its highest heat, then place your hands into the flames until they are roasted into unrecognizable stumpy, blackened appendages that will require years of treatment and therapy to heal into scarred lumps which will require a lifetime of medication to relieve the constant and permanent pain from nerve damage, in order to prevent yourself from ever typing such a dumb sentence ever again.


Another patrician is born this day

>Directors Cut will elevate it to 9/10 Peak Pure Kino
I actually believe this user.

as did I when I posted it

>tfw on second watching he had the more interesting scenes, always had more offscreen implications than any other character

Rush to the justice league

Once I realized Lex was manipulating everyone and everything ,the film clicked for me.

The fact that everyone is feverishly discussing the front he put on whilst refusing to acknowledge all the strings he pulled AND that he succeeded in defeating superman is what makes me love it. It's classic Lex and the audience fell for it.

Every Brandon I've ever known is autistic.

Looks like that statement still stands.

its a pasta you dip

This is basically how I feel, but
>I legitimately think Eisenberg was underwhelming as Lex though
His acting is spot on for the lines he was given, but those lines are trying to be three different characters and the whole thing falls apart. Is he
>tortured genius who lives in the shadow of his father and feels the world doesn't understand him
>metally unstable mastermind who is hellbent on world donination
>psycopath who just want the world to burn, as long as it's by his hands
He can't really be all three of these, but his contradictory actions and motvations point to all of them.


Thank you, absolute truth poster!
We shall stop discussing this movie now.

This is a shit meme


>These are people that eat, breathe, shit, and sleep movies. It's all they do.

It's been stuck in my head since opening day and I can't wait to see the extended cut. Welcome to the light, OP

Serious question, if this was the 90's would DC fanboys be in here trying to defend Batman Forever or Batman & Robin as good?

I'm a DC fan but not such a fanboy that I'll swallow whatever they toss out with their logo on it and like it. If something is shit so be it, call them on it. Otherwise all you get is more shit.

>Serious question, if this was the 90's would DC fanboys be in here trying to defend Batman Forever or Batman & Robin as good?

They have some aesthetic moments but none of the depth of BvS.



How did you miss out?

IT wasn't until 2000 that people knew about the jesus reference in robocop. that he confirmed it at least.

but compared to snyder it would look like that picture there.




Batman Forever had its legitimate moments. I thought Carrey was an excellent Riddler and Nicole Kidman was one of the sexiest women to see. Great finale scene, the first time we really saw a superhero movie do the clash of the titans type idea with both villains try to take down Batman at the same time.


this is funny but never post it again


More like Kino Cheese


>Based Hamill just uncucked DC

Just because it's about those things doesn't make it good when the execution is so terrible. I could record myself farting loudly for two hours and say it's a statement on the existential dread in the hearts of all men but that doesn't make it art.

4 4s

"Who Will Win" How fucking retarded is that questions it's either 100% batman or he loses there is no inbetween.

>The fat old guy whose paychecks come mostly from DC picks DC

You're goddamn right I'd pick DC no matter how shit it is if I was him too.

Is there a rip yet/

Yes, it's not like he's a major character in a Disney owned franchise.

Bri Bri was on The Walking Pleb until flowers

Maybe but he didn't even get to do much in that installment, meanwhile for DC he's doing voicework and doing the occasional Trickster guest spot on Flash where he really gets to have fun, that's what meant.

>are you a terrorist, general?
kek, who's responsible for this line?

It actually wasn't, it was an incoherent mess, Zack Snyder keeps lowering the bar of movie making, is it really that hard to keep a narrative going, I mean I never seen anyone be so bad at doing his job, it was like watching one of those perfume ads that don't mean anything, and the action was fucking stupid, I felt like I was watching one of those videogames cinematics, this guy clearly doesn't know what he's doing, he's like a retarded child with lots of money, I don't understand how can a "director" can fuck up so much.