Why is this not as well liked as the other Star Trek shows? We can all agree it's at least better than TAS or Enterprise.
Star Trek
>better than TAS
>better than Enterprise
Hell no
It has the shittiest characters of all the Treks
>city of (you)
>in land of empty threads
TAS is good though, try watching it pleb.
Star Trek: Enterprise
Not TOS or TNG, sperg.
Why is Voyager the most drama-filled Star Trek?
>Jim Kirk had a huge ego and everybody hated working with him
>someone (Maurice Hurley?) harassed Bev Crusher in the first year
>Ben Sisko injected raw marijuanic cannabinoids directly into his bloodstream before shooting every day
>UPN execs were constantly interfering, shit like arranging for real life pop bands to play at the ends of episodes
>the writing staff's Native American advisor was actually an Armenian scam artist
>before the show began, Executive Producer Rick Berman told the human characters to act wooden, to make the aliens "pop"
>Chakotay hated how bland he became, so he kept demanding pay raises, hoping to be fired
>Chakotay dated 7 of 9 only because he demanded a romantic relationship
>7 was hired because Executive Producer Brannon Braga wanted to sleep with her
>Janeway didn't like that 7 was ruining her "feminist role model" vision, so Janeway bullied 7 on-set
>this only stopped when 7 began sleeping with Braga, ruining her marriage
>when her divorce details became public, her ex-husband lost the race for Illinois Senator to Barack Obama
>the bullying was so bad that Harry Kim bursts into treats and cries about it at conventions
>Kim and Tom Paris avoided the bullying by spending their off-camera time at the snack table
>they gained so much weight that the writers threw fat jokes into scripts
>the execs began hating Kim when he talked to TV Guide about Berman's acting mandate
>they were going to fire him, and only didn't because People Magazine named him among the year's Most Beautiful People
>instead they fired Kes, and her life spun out of control, so she fell into drugs and crime
>Tuvok has no life outside of Star Trek, and he's now the driving force behind Renegades
>Ron Moore joined as Co-Executive Producer, but left when he saw that the writers/execs "don't give a shit"
Were they cursed by vengeful spirits, angry at Jamake Highwater for his lies?
It's good but the final episode is fucking shit.
Is Star Trek Voyager any good?
Yes, Voyager is great.
Voyager may be the worst Star Trek, but even the worst Star Trek is better than anything else on television.
The general consensus is i has some pretty good individual episodes but most of it is mediocre to shit and has a weak cast in general.
There's also the anti-Janeway #JusticeForTuvix #TransporterAccidentLivesMatter spergs, but ignore them.
>its a Voyager episode
>Harleys & Indians starts playing
Oh, Chuck actually liked this one.
I liked it.
I've watched every single canonical Star Trek except for Voyager. My favorites were ENT and DS9. I am on season 3 of Voyager, and at this point I am finishing it as a chore rather than watching it with enthusiasm like the other series. The only way I think you can like Voyager rather than Enterprise is if you are completely inundated by Tumblr who are only cancerously obsessed with Janeway.
Enterprise may have had some bland characters and plotlines but at least they did some interesting things in the third and fourth season that wholly redeemed the series.
Voyager on the other hand was bland and uninteresting for seven fucking years and the only redeeming parts were the episodes focused on the Doctor and Seven. Pretty much all of the other characters were cardboard cutouts or stereotypes who never truly grew or changed over the course of the series.
Still wrong
Is this real?
Janeway made obama president?
No, but Jeri Ryan (7) did
I like the barkley episodes. But then again troi was in them too. Loved that.
you really shouldnt try to remember so many facts off the cuff
Oh no its all a borg plot
whats the most genuine opinion you hold? mine: i love star trek it is the best!
Lets be honest. Its a strong female captain and you didnt like that. If 7 was the captain you.would have loved it.
Its about time for another one and in the real future not enterprise future.
And that stupid theme song. That whole show felt so... post 9/11
>it's a "Star Trek on UPN was a mistake" episode
>Seven becomes captain
>It's basically a non-stop war show duking it across the universe even more
She would have went pirate and then it really would have been different.
The worst of star trek, but still a decent show. Janeway is an absolute cunt though.
It really picks up after they get 7.
Come to think of it. They would have been, but muh prime directive.She would have been like "irrelevant, destroy them."
because Hakoocheemoya
>>Ron Moore joined as Co-Executive Producer, but left when he saw that the writers/execs "don't give a shit"
he sure showed them with BSG
"Living Witness" was fucking based.
Every Star Trek has drama, but VOY has the most.
>everyone hated Kirk
>gay jokes hurt Sulu's feelings
>Uhura made up a story about MLK telling her to stay
>Chapel was Gene's mistress, network rejected Number One over his casting couch antics
>Hurley harassed Bev
>cast & crew didn't welcome Pulaski
>Gene wanted to fire Troi until Bev & Yar quit
>Gene was high/drunk/senile, his lawyer went power mad
>Ben was high, only close to Jake
>Jadzia wanted fewer episodes, Berman's ultimatum was 26 or 0
>T'Pol said Braga was good for T&A, shit at writing
>UPN execs had bad ideas, like real life pop bands ending episodes
>the Native American advisor was really an Armenian scam artist
>Berman mandated humans acting wooden, to make aliens pop
>Chakotay hated his blandness, demanded pay raises hoping to be fired
>Chakotay dated 7 because he demanded a romance
>7 was hired because Braga wanted to sleep with her
>Janeway didn't like 7 ruining her feminist vision, so she bullied 7
>that stopped when 7 slept with Braga, ruining 7's marriage
>when 7's divorce details became public, her ex lost the race for Illinois Senator to Barack Obama
>the bullying was so bad that Kim bursts into treats and cries at conventions
>Kim & Paris avoided the bullying by spending their free time at the snack table
>writers threw fat jokes into scripts over their weight gain
>execs hated Kim when he talked to TV Guide about Berman's decree
>they wanted to fire Kim until People Magazine said he's one of the Most Beautiful People
>instead they fired Kes, her life spun out of control and she fell into drugs & crime
>they still didn't let Kim direct an episode
>Tuvok has no life outside Star Trek, now he's the driving force behind Renegades
>Moore joined but left when he saw the VOY writers/execs "don't give a shit"
>Fuller says VOY writers/execs were disgusted by Star Trek, thought they were "better" than it
VOY was cursed by vengeful spirits, angry at Jamake Highwater for his lies.
Uhura made up that story? What?
Can you sauce that pretty please.
>no Tupac
Her story keeps changing with every year.
>all that VOY background drama
I'm honestly surprised the show is as good as it is, with all that bullshit.
>There was a PBS television show back in the 70's where she first started telling this charming story (it was a "Women in Science Fiction" special--the other two guests were Ursula K. LeGuin and Harlan Ellison). Back then she said she thought about quitting the show, then wondered what MLK would think if she left the show, and what he would do and how he would handle it, and she decided to stay with the show. In other words, it was just a hypothetical conversation, a reverie if you will. And I have it on an RCA VK-120 somewhere around here...
>In the 80's, it because an actual phone call between her and MLK. In the 90's, it became a private meeting between the two. So now it's a fawning MLK practically begging her to stay on the only show Coretta Scott King allowed him and the kids to watch? Wow.
>We can all agree
I think everyone will agree The Force Awakes is the best part of Babylon 6. When Starbuck killed the lord of the ring, I cried.
Indeed, Colonel O'Neil with one L.
Voyager will always be one of the most character driven and most beloved of all the Trek shows. Haters will always hate of course.