i'm done with this nihilistic atheist piece of crap tv show
I'm done with this nihilistic atheist piece of crap tv show
its true tho
why? because a fat piece of shit liberal said so?
Didn't Berric say the same thing 4 seasons ago? Why are you still watching if you're so easily triggered?
It's probably because neither of them are meant to be dead. Especially in the case of Berric and Thoros they make it explicit that the guy who comes back is much more important than the guy who "resurrects" him. Jon didn't go anywhere because Jon's job isn't finished.
What about Dany's pleasant little jaunt into the afterlife?
him saying nothing doesn't make sense
there isn't some blank like he implied, it's an on off
Yeah from Jon's point of view it should have looked like that little fuck Olly literally stabbed him five seconds ago
Obviously he went into non-existence because his family is a bunch of pagan scums
If the gods in the ASOIAF universe really don't exist then how come all this magical shit does?
No one cares you enormous faggot, it's all fictional anyway. You really narrow your mind when you confuse TV and reality.
If you really were dead you wouldn't be around to experience "nothingness" or anything for that matter
Am I the only one who stood up and clapped when he said that?
Oh no ,now season 7 will be cancelled /o\
I threw my fedora in the air and did a jig.
the mexican hat song started playing in my mind after it cleared the bullring
>doesn't know about Lethe
It made perfect sense. He knew he was killed and there was nothing after that. He knows this because the last thing he remembers is ollie stabbing him.
Really guys... I know this must hurt your religibrain but don't go full retarded please.
>Christians on Sup Forums
religion of peace etc
What do you think there will be?
I'm convinced that this is a neckbeard atheist false flagging.
No human being could be dumb enough to get triggered by the lack of an afterlife in a fantasy show.
It must hurt your brain trying to understand that his next memory after blacking out from the stabbing would have been waking up on the table
It wasn't afterlife, but a dream induced by the warlocks of Qwarth, the greatest city that ever was or will be ™
Not when they asked what he remembered before he woke up retard.
haven't watched this shit yet, but did Jon get resurrected?
His last memory before waking up would have been blacking out retard
>implying you can perceive anything after your ability to sense has been destroyed
heaven exists, you just can't see it
lmao Triggered religifags.
sorry guys, no reward for being a dumb gullible fuck. you will die and rot in the ground like a dreamless sleep u never wake from.
There really is no afterlife. im fine with that. only little pussies bitch about it and try and liberalize it.
Its just fact dumb fucks
oh, woah, teach us master
no, olly is now lord commander
aww is the bubble bursting u triggered cuckservative? there is clearly reason to believe theres no afterlife or god.
not a single shred of evidence to suggest there is.
So tell me who is the one being gullible? because some fat conservative or child touching priest cuck said so?
>child touching priest
delete this please. this is not the time or the place.
lmao BACK TO DISNEYLAND you little fairy-boy fag
>show me the place...
>... where Father Cuckingham touched you
Who says the mortal mind is able to process and hold onto memories of the eternal? Who says he went anywhere, and that his spirit wasn't tethered to his body by unfinished business or whatever deity reigns? Who says it doesn't take more than a few days to 'pass over'?
Who says he isn't lying?
You can go many ways with it, and I prefer that to the amusing concept that a FANTASY world with actual demon-magic and worging is so tryhard.
Callong bait but I'm really curios what point does GRRM is making with Beric and Jon saying these things.
Its probably what he believes. Deal with it. The show has literal gods who can affect the world, it happens to not have an afterlife. You gotta be pretty autistic to care.
And what exactly is Berics purpose?
>You gotta be pretty autistic to care.
OK mister no fun allowed.
Apparently it was to res Stoneheart.
>Or anything for that matter
Soooooo nothing...?
Yes for I am also American and atheist
The fucker warged into Ghost.
In D&D's hes the antichrist.
There's no one by that name in this tv show
what could it mean?
I stood up, wiped a tear from my eye and tipped my fedora euphorically.
>physical body contains soul memories
magical powers brought him back from the dead, but there's no higher powers guys
fucking idiot
>nothing after they die
So what was the point of all this shit in this show?
If Heaven really exists then it shouldn't be a problem to prove its existence
>Make Davos a religious man, atheist in the show
>Make Stannis a atheist man, a religious zealot in the show
>Make the Sparrows who are the champions of the people into ISIS in the show
For what purpose?
have u died???
>the mexican hat song
It's called Jarabe Tapatío, sithlord
dragon science. don't need to explain shit
>For what purpose?
D&D shit writing.
>Imagine if he experienced the seven hells
>comes back with a perma shock face and refuses to kill again
>alternatively, sees his family in an afterlife.
>comes back as the preachiest fucker in the seven kingdoms
>starts his own cult out of castle black
This was the only way that allows the character to continue relatively unchanged by the death, while not eliminating the possibilities alluded to by the lore >the various gods and their magics etc.
he never went to what there after life is because the red god knew he w as going back. so he just waited around for awhile.
but the supernatural exists in the show
>I saw me father
>He kept his promise
Yeah and whats with all these GODS! everyone knows theres only ONE! and no one comes back except JESUS. This show is blasphemy
Could have been a muslim, or any other religion that supports the idea of afterlife.
How is it atheist? There are religions that believe in purgatory you uneducated American cucktard.
This is just stupid. There have been cases of people dying temporarily to the point of a total lack of brain function. And when they were revived minutes later they told of how they experienced floating above the city or other visions of afterlife.
Real or not the vast majority of reports from near-death experiences describe visions of an afterlife in one form or another. You can chalk it up to a dying brain creating Visions or some stupid shit, but it's just asinine to pretend as if nde's experience nothing.