T-The Absol-ute Mad-man!

I-I'm Shaking!


What the fuck did I just watch, he's really lost it hasnt he...

Probably butthurt about the capeshit crazy and him not getting to direct a single one.

Smokin the hoo ha

Holy nepotism Batman

Where's Will Smith?

Deep's daughter look like a skelletal ASR.

Good description. Smith's spawn looks like squashed Banana Thorne.

Kevin Smith is completely irrelevant... He's one of the biggest hacks in Hollywood. That looked terrible.

>Kevin Smith: In this scene, daddy needs you to put on these really tight pants and use you butt to squish the naughty bad guys!
>Harley Quinn: Dad, can you please stop referring to yourself as daddy?
>Kevin Smith: Honey, daddy doesn't want you opening your mouth until the vore scene.
>Harley Quinn: Why do all these little guys look just like you?
>Harley Quinn: b-but you wrote the script, dad...
>Kevin Smith: JUST SIT ON DADDY.

Odds on him and that reptilian witch fucking their daughter? Or the witch fucking her and him only being allowed to watch?

There's some really creepy shit going on with them, isn't there?

>movie about nazi bratwurst
>he thinks it's not supposed to look terrible

I plan on watching it, tbphfamalamadingdongs.

>dad director cast daughter """"debut actress""""
can you literally somehow even JUST your kid more than this

>tfw I paid for Tusk


looks good

this is reddit this is memes

Dat ass tho

Idk Tusk was my shit.
Can't beat Mister Moustache

OMG kevins smiths daughter looks ugly as shit

Can't even tell what the stupid movie is about.
Like, what?
I don't even...

>let's put that on instagram
*cut to title*

Oh God, just nuke us already.

I liked the previous version of this pasta

What the fuck did I just watch?
They're fighting bratwurst men with yoga power?


Your post's iffy but I'll not regard it as bait and respond anyway. You clearly have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, dude. First of all, what do you think Hollywood is, mate? Some sort of artist meca full of creative people? Hollywood's a pile of shit collapsing on itself, obsessively producing cancerous content.
Kevin Smith makes whatever the fuck he feels like doing and at least he stays genuine to his ideas. This dude came out of nowhere and only seeks attention from those who share his views and taste. Michael Bay is a hack, just another gear in the big slimy tumor. Kevin, I really don't think so. He's not a genius, but he loves what he does.

Hello KevinKevin

>Girls on yoga pants sitting on tiny men
A fetish I thought was too specific to make a movie of.

Make another loser comedy with an uncomfortable amount of dialogue already you cuck.

a neeƱor narny?

>getting uncomfortable because of dialogue

>not cringing when the lead and his friend go into a 5 minute diatribe as if they were arguing with someone on an internet forum

So a narcissistic director isn't a hack because he loves what he does? OK, guy...

Before internet shopping made the dream of never leaving your mother's basement a reality, people actually did have "irl" conversations.

Just let it go Kevin, you've had your run as director and now you are a has-been capeshit reviewer

This actually looks somewhat entertaining. I wish his daughter wasn't in it though. Saw her in "Holidays," and she is legitimately one of the worst actresses I've ever seen in a movie.

That was legitimately one of the shittiest fucking movies I have ever seen.

The scenes with Depp draaaaaaged and the whole thing just had an auro of nothingness about it.

His entire segment in Holidays was one of the worst things I've ever seen in a movie.

Hi Kevin, I like your podcasts.

I wanna fuck your daughter.

Why does Bran get his headshots done at Sears?

His daughter is not attractive.

Doesn't mean she's not fuckable

on this special episode of comic book men:

Holy fuck this is so bad

>complains about the Kardashians nepotism on his podcast consistantly
>has his daughter star in his own movies

I like Kevin Smith, but this looks stupid as fuck and not in a fun or funny way.

I don't even know what audience he's going after other than the cunnyposters, which I assume is by accident because it's his daughter.

>complains about the Kardashians nepotism on his podcast consistantly
...When has he ever criticized them for nepotism?

Hi kevin. You're a massive faggot.

Kevin I know you're in this thread, and I hope you take a moment to realize that it's not just "haters" and "trolls", but that you are truly Will Smith/Charles Foster Kane tier at this point trying to push someone into stardom that doesn't have the talent for it.
Also I like your podcasts.

Kevin, calm down. Don't take posts on a filipino flipbook website so serious.

I also want to fuck your daughter, fyi.

Kevin knows this and Tusk are retarded concepts for movies. He is capable of making good movies though, I mean he's made two in his career, Clerk and Red State.

What angers me the most is his cringe worthy online persona. Crying like a little bitch on his podcast about Alan Rickmans death or batman cartoons. And he has for years blogged about eating out his wife and how proud he is of his kid for becoming a movie star. Just want to hit him in the head with a bat.

there is a line between so bad it's good and unenjoyable on any level

the looks like the second

What is this shit?

Red State was good until he went full retard with the ending.

Yet people still defend BvS.

Johnny Depp's daughter at least has like a "Hollywood" kind of face, even if she does weigh like 78 pounds. Harley Quinn is just unfortunate looking and they look weird side by side as the two leads. I don't feel bad for saying she's ugly, either, since she totally whores herself out on instagram and seems to have a high opinion of herself.

Nice to see he put his stupid wife in the movie, too.

why is this allowed?

that has little to nothing to do with this movie

Doesn't it though?

I don't feel like anyone in this thread has reacted appropriately yet. Wtf is this even about? How can a trailer be so unfunny? This makes the new ghostbusters look like fucking movie of the year. Wtf is smith thinking?

There was a huge thread earlier. People were asking the same questions you are.

im generally confused whats happening

to think there was a time in the early 00s when Kevin Smith was the shit.

You are thinking of based TESD.

>Claim that you work hard while smoking pot
>THIS is what you come up with
Seth Rogan ruined this man.

hes just fucking given up on it huh


if he isn't on suicide watch now he will be when this gets ridiculed for months before it even flops

someone please fucking kill this hack


I wanna do ass 2 mouth with J. Depp's daughter

I stopped reading after "iffy"

Still better than Civil War.

Neither Clerks nor Red State were good movies. I'll give you "decent" at most.

Why are most of his films taking place in Canada all of a sudden? Smith is a strange man. There are Francophones, Anglophobes, Nipponphobes, etc. Out of all the countries/cultures Smith ended up falling in love with he goes for the most boring and basic one.
That seems to be a recurring problem with his films. At first the trailer had some promise. It was kind of nostalgic reminded me of something that would have come out in the early 00's. Then the trailer goes into full shit mode, I dunno whether he is trying to emulate B-Movies now or what.

better than capeshit by miles still

Look at the girls tho

that's the typical kevin smith fan right there

>Michael Bay is a hack, just another gear in the big slimy tumor
>big slimy tumor
hello 16 year old

>Red State is good

I want this meme to end

Jesus, he never really struck me as a greedy jew. He's made shit movies, but it always felt like he at least was making what he wanted.

No way he thought this was a good idea, well written, that he still connects with the youth, or legitimately wanted to make it. Nigger just wants a pay check at this point. Does he not have enough already. It's pathetic. Bow the fuck out. It's like he's determined to be remembered in an Ed Wood kind of way.

I wonder if she inherited the acting chops



>brainwashing your daughter to take on your cartoon waifus name and identity

someone stop this sick bastard





Why do you guys hate him so much?



Because he's a fat neckbeard that made his dreams come true and they're fat neckbeards that have nothing and wish they had his life. There isn't a single person in here bitching about him that wouldn't trade lives with him right now. inb4 I AM LE 6'4 AND BUFF YOU FAGET I CRUSH PUSSY ALL DAY ERRYDAY REEEE. Kek, sure you are tubby. Go back to /redditninethousand/ and kill yourself.

Damn Kev, you for real?

Welp, she's definitely visited Sup Forums.

I like Tusk. I can tell he is up to something.

But I can't tell what's up with this shit

Too salty, dial it back a smidge.

I have mixed feelings on Kevin Smith. I respect him for Clerks. He put it all on the line to make that film. He took out $20,000 in loans and filmed it at night in the convenience store where he worked. I respect him risking it all to make his dream a reality, I love Clerks because of what it represents.

On the other hand, the guy has clearly lost it. He's become a cringey nutjob who posts about his wife's butthole on social media unironically. A lot of the things he does nowadays are weird and kinda pathetic. I wish he had more self respect and stopped acting like a lunatic, making shitty movies.

That is just such a stupid statement because who the fuck is going to pay to watch this? He's barely going to turn in a profit, and I'm sure we was aware of this when he made it.

He's a very disturbed individual.


Why are man children allowed to make movies but Sup Forums is not?

Seems like most people think this looks fucking stupid. Are the people interested in watching this just mindless consumers of whatever Kevin Smith makes?

The only place most people have to go nowadays is the grocery store, maybe the movies, out to eat, and to work. Outside/social time has been mostly replaced with home screen time, it'll do fine.