It's a_______________episode

>It's a_______________episode

"she was asking for it"

>It's a "strong indypyndynt female Assistant District Attorney gets away with rape" episode

>It's a Law & Order: Special Victims Unit episode

It's a "take a story or theme from recent news regarding rape and or women being treated badly and make a ham-fisted attempt at commentary while at the same time not having a clue as to what you're talking about" episode.

>It's an "Ice T knows about esoteric sex acts or subcultures" episode

>its a Elliot walks in on a transgender boy undressing episode

>It's a Stabler gets accused of taking steroids episode

It's a gam3r episode

>It's an Elliot is missing from the cast episode

>tfw Elliot will never beat up a perp for a confession again.


>it's an op can't think of an episode for arguably the easiest show of all time to think of an episode for episode

It's a Speed Weed / Dick Wolf collab

It's a Speedwagon episode

>it's a Jennifer Love Hewitt is raped once a year, every year, for 15 years in a row, no matter where she goes or what she does to try to prevent it episode

its an ADA Barba works some courtroom magic and saves the day episode

>it's an all white men are rapists episode

>it's a change the races of a "ripped from the headlines" crime so whitey is the bad guy episode

its another detective says maybe the victim should be held accountable for their actions and benson and rollins gawk at them episode

its an andre braugher the racist attorney helps a rapist walk free because there are too many blacks in prison episode

Would wouldn't rape Hewitt if they got the chance?

its the foot fetish episode where Novak talks about her feet

>it's the robin williams episode

>its an ice T helps louis CK gather up fecund white females for the IRBG episode

>it's an Stabler, Cragen and Munch are all missing from the cast episode

It's still impressive that he was basically Rape Batman. His dick was an irrevocable JLH-seeking missile. I was waiting for them to say he hid a GPS system in her uterus while he was banging her.

>it's a DUNDUN episode

>It's a "ambiguous ending" episode.

its a Munch episode
fuck yeah


How does one put on that cowl?


Watch any Law and Order series
>its a Munch episode
Watch Arrested Development
>its a Munch episode
Watch X-Files
>its a Munch episode
Watch The Wire
>its a Munch episode

this show makes me cry way too often.
It is a great show but I can't watch it because I Have lost a child.
The writers and directors are great but I can't watch some of the episodes because they hit too close to home I guess

>it's an Olivia believes a woman who says she was victimized automatically with no evidence because men are evil episode

Do you feel grateful she was spared?

>its an Abbie is best ADA episode

She raped someone?

you dick

Casey was the hottest ADA.

The hubris it must take to yank a soul out of non existence, into this, meat. And to force a life into this, thresher. Yeah so your daughter, she uh, she spared you the sin of being a father

she guest starred as a female rapist, then she got recast as the ADA


Is it weird that I find it hot when Benson was always raped?

Women cant rape so.....

The actress who plays Rollins now played a rape victim in an earlier season

SVU does a lot of recasting and just hopes that no one will notice

No. Powerful women being subjugated or overpowered is a god tier fetish. Rape, cannibalism, murder, etc

Hopefully President Hillary will drive it back underground though because its gone too mainstream.

Her screams made he hard.

>it's a based Stabler episode

I miss him. Munch is gone too and Fin is the only good character left

Good man.