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Internet boys on suicide watch.
He's right, but that doesn't make the movie look any less shit.
I mean... He's a beta SJW cuck, but he isn't wrong about us.
I ain't scared of no fag.
His last name sounds like Fag.
what is geek culture anyway? I imagine it's putting gameboy boxes on your iphone and being ironic?
is it housewives who watch dr. who and GoT? whos the fucking geek culture?
>Less than five minutes up and already this much asspain
It doesn't mean anything anymore. Now that "geek" has been adopted by pop culture, it's a fashion more than a lifestyle.
Hey Paul Fag
geek and popular culture are one in the same now
What the fuck is "geek culture"?
>bank off faggot hipsters trying to act like they enjoy older movies with a shitty cashgrab remake you didn't even try to make good
>get mad when the people you're expecting to like it are just a bunch of fucking wastes with no money and the people who legitimately liked the series hate what you're doing with it
These are the stupid fucks we've given a voice.
The network of people who pride themselves in their purchases and brag about how well they buy into marketing. They also pay money to attend conventions where they are exposed to more opportunities to pay people for their brand. Really cool stuff
I'm actually happy that all this hate is starting to make the actresses and Feig this bothered. Like it's to the point where they can't handle it, and it's starting to dig under their skin.
The fact that their lives are miserable cause of this reboot makes it all a little better.
Oh look, it's the damage control everyone knew was coming. Fembusters is a guaranteed flop and they're going to blame it on "angry men" rather than their own incompetence.
What is this guy even defending?
A cheap cash-in of a classic franchise. Fuck him.
That's just consumer culture.
I don't care
this. its pretty fucking sweet tbqh
Holy shit did he learn nothing from the nigger from fant4stic about keeping your cuck mouth shut?
He just did it for the paycheck - probably didn't expect having to deal with internet trouble every day for the rest of his life.
But keeping quiet is better than defending in these situations.
Like there is a time when inaction is the best action.
He could just ignore it, or play it off like it's funny, but he addresses it head on like he can change peoples minds.
Why is he trying to negotiate with people who hate his work? You can't convince someone to like you, they either do or they don't.
It's whiny and needy and gross.
He tried to laugh it off for months, but a man can only take so much. Especially with it getting brought up in every damn interview. Anyone would get pissed after a certain point.
Just walk away from the screen nigga close your eyes haha
>works in Hollywood
>can't deal with a few assholes ON THE INTERNET
go back to pol
It's still weak. A strong man has no public breaking point. He champions it and laughs about it. If he doesn't...
You have this moment. A guy looking like a whiny girl. Sad.
>Make a shit movie
>Blame people for not watching it
I will not give money to Melissa McCarthy
She will only spend it on lard
I cannot have that on my conscience
I want to live in the world where 5 and 10 years down the line we can still give the likes of Feig and McKarthy a shitpie to the face just by mentioning this movie
"Unlike my safespace faux-nerdy SJW culture!"
He's literally not wrong though. I couldn't really care less about the new Ghostbusters, but holy shit are there some toxic spergs in the """geek community"""
How can geek culture also be a home?
How do these retards keep getting millions of dollars to make retarded bullshit?
>People around the world are murdering, raping, torturing, warring senselessly
>People who say a movie looks shit are the biggest assholes
Cry more
They get fooled by the echo chambers.
They don't realise that the people they pander to don't actually consume media; they just bitch about it when someone else tells them to.
Hopefully the pandering induced failure of such a massive IP will finally hammer the point home
To be fair he took a beloved franchise and helmed the bastardization of it right in front of its fans.
Probably doesn't help things that a good amount of GB fans know just how close a 3rd movie starring everyone but Bill Murray was to happening
Sounds like someone should've studied something other than arts that might actually benefit humanity.
>"Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy, designed to infantalize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control."
- Simon Pegg
>"A sweet-faced boy of twelve told me proudly that he had seen Star Wars over a hundred times? I said, 'do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?' He burst into tears. I just hope the lad, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of secondhand, childish banalities"
- Alec Guinness
>"I don't think they are making [comic book movies] an elevated art form, I think it's still just Batman running around in a stupid cape.. It's for kids, it's adolescent in its core. "
- David Cronenberg
>"I don't want to see or make films about super heroes that fly around in spandex and a cape solving the problems of the world. I think it's fine for children, children of all ages by the way, but it's not for me."
- William Friedkin
>“They have been poison, this cultural genocide, Because the audience is so overexposed to plot and explosions and shit that doesn’t mean nothing about the experience of being human.”
- Alejandro Iñárritu
>"Superman makes me vomit, Batman and all of that. That whole empire... this religion... It is so important that superheroes suffer... I don't give a damn, I shit on the United States."
- Alejandro Jodorowsky
>"To my mind, this embracing of what were unambiguously children's characters at their mid-20th century inception seems to indicate a retreat from the admittedly overwhelming complexities of modern existence"
- Alan Moore
more like damage control by feig
top keke
>butthurt manchild detected
Go choke on some tendies.
Hopefully now Hollywood will stop catering and promoting "geek culture."
>tfw I read it as 'Greek culture' at first
>Probably doesn't help things that a good amount of GB fans know just how close a 3rd movie starring everyone but Bill Murray was to happening
Did everyone forget about the sequel no one liked? Bill had the right idea, leave things well enough alone.
what happened to the black guy from fant4stic?
>Ghost Busters fails miserably
>Holkywood convinces itself that nerds are just too toxic to cater to, and just ignores them
>the normie SJWs that pretend to like nerd hobbies leave and attach themselves to capeshit
>nerds become catered to only by niche markets, and actually start putting effort into creation
>capeshit starts pandering to their new audience of people that don't actually watch it, and slowly alienates the normies
>capeshit slowly dies
>Hollywood finally realises the problem and vows to never cater to those faggots ever again
>the media, under the orders of their Jew bosses that realise they can't be milked for shekels, throws SJWs under a bus
A man can dream
Serious question: How do you say this asshole's name?
Paul Fag?
Paul Feeg?
Paul Fig?
Paul Faygue?
All he said in regards to the issue of Johnny being played by a black person was "people will still go see it anyway".
Somehow this made Sup Forums bleed from their eyes sending them into a rage.
What was he supposed to say, he's already committed to the movie and the role, was he supposed to shit talk it?
>If you don't go see my movie, you're a misogynist!
When's the release again? I want to see this tank so hard.
These smug idiots trashed an iconic piece of pop-culture to promote an SJW agenda, and they expected to get blow-jobs over doing it.
This deserved to get fucking shit on from every angle. It's a rare instance of justice and just deserts being given in the entertainment industry.
to be fair id make that assumption too considering how well superhero films are doing.
its not his fault that the fantastic four are boring as fuck when they arent interacting with other marvel characters.
>How do you say this asshole's name?
In an ideal world you wouldn't have to.
Paul Feig is well-known as being an effeminate, emotional twat.
He actually prides himself on going around and telling people how all the major influences in his life were women and how he's super in-touch with his feminine-side on everything and how he wants to promote women in everything he does.
No SHIT he's a hyper-emotional, impulsive little faggot that sounds like he's on his period. It's his entire identity.
>insulting your target audience
it's like they want this movie to bomb
why does sony hate money?
>pop culture
Grow up you undoubtedly fat piece of shit.
Careful, Tumblr.
Did a geek tell you that Rey was a Mary Sue and hurt your feelings?
>ghostbusters is geek culture
When Ghostbusters originally came EVERYONE went to see it. It wasn't some obscure niche thing nor was it Star Trek level fandom. It was a fucking event everyone went to see.
It is an action comedy after all. I can't even imagine why he thinks it has anything to do with geek culture.
You're forgetting the target audience now consists of thirsty nu-male cucks who react positively to abuse and manipulation, so it might actually work.
>Hopefully the pandering induced failure of such a massive IP will finally hammer the point home
It didn't happen with Fant4stic Four and it didn't happen with the Annie remake.
Liberalism in media isn't about the bottom-line of profits, unlike nearly everything else in media. It's one of the few things that ISN'T all about the money.
It's about religious dogma.
>kikes butthurt that they can't make shekels AND shill their degenerate agenda at the same time
Neck yourself my nigger.
B-b-but it's sci fi!
That means it's geek and I'm a real gamr grrl! tumblr told me so!
>Somehow this made Sup Forums bleed from their eyes sending them into a rage.
Oh look, the classic SJW tactic of accusing anyone who calls you out on your bullshit of being irrationally angry.
>I wonder how many buzzwords I can fit in one post?
Try making a movie that doesn't appear completely flat, amateur and without any chemistry between the cast members, you hack. Imagine cynically relying on people to support your movie and make it financially successful just by calling any detractors "anti-woman".
I hope it bombs, for no other reason than everyone who has supported the movie in any way has been every bit as obnoxious and confrontational in their speech as the people they claim are "assholes" for holding an opposite opinion.
I went to see it with my mum desu
A geek is someone who's into really into a certain thing, while lacking social graces. A socially inept fan, if you will. A nerd is someone who's got a broader range of interests and a generally inquisitive nature.
>religious dogma
Tell me more.
Fair point, but there were other issues plaguing those two.
The main problem in this so far all boil down to pandering, though granted that doesn't mean there aren't other behind the scenes clusterfucks going on
>Ghostbusters isn't a staple of the sci-fi and comedy genres.
Holy shit, why are you even on Sup Forums if you hate the history of film so much?
Yep, movies bomb all the time (The Lone Ranger). TV shows too for that matter. It's the type of place they can push their agenda like hell and if fails, oh well. On to the next propaganda piece.
If his response made you angry you are mentally unstable, that's just fact.
>fucking shitlords forming an opinion from watching a trailer
this is such a retarded rebuttal to the backlash from the trailer, the only reason we have trailers is to market movies and to have people form opinions about movies before release.
Except nobody was "angry". He was mocked for saying something incredibly smug and stupid, as has happened to COUNTLESS other celebrities that do the same thing.
Again, this is SJW's rewriting history because they're mad a nigger said something stupid and people called him stupid for it. Oh, and his movie bombing didn't help.
You wanna know why this is so funny to me. Because this is what the fans earned.
Nobody thought to just tell Dan Aykroyd to shut the fuck up whenever he'd bring up Ghostbusters 3 and claim he thinks Bill will finally cave and do it. Then Bill has to come out and definitively say "NO!" to put the rumors to rest, but it's too late. The demand is there and the studio smells money. They had to make something, and this is what you get. Because manchildren couldn't just let something die in peace.
They have no one to blame but themselves for this.
The original movies were kid's movies, stop being so deluded over your nostalgia shit. They don't hold up to older audiences. The new movie isn't targeted to older audiences either, it's a kid's movie. Of course you hate it, you're comparing it against something you loved as children, despite not being children anymore. This is some actual manchild shit, like caring about Stephen Universe or MLP after having entered puberty.
I saw it with my parents and their friends and all their kids and it was in a god damn Chuck E. Cheese's and most of us kids sat in the ball pit while watching it, it was the most awesome theater experience ever. But those animatronic animals scared the shit out of me back then.
It's why the cast a gorilla in one of the lead roles.
Kids love gorillas
thinking that only applies to people watching scifi is moronic, more like "everybody watching anything on a screen is being infantilised"
>born after 2000
You're not an asshole if you think a movie looks like shit
Not our fault your trailer did a fucking awful job trying to sell your movie
>If I say it over and over again in the thread, it will become true.
It's not working.
How the hell was it incredibly smug and stupid?
He thought the color of a character's skin really wasn't that important compared to every other aspect of the movie.
>normies try to "geek" culture palatable and marketable
>discover why we were outcasts in the first place
To be fair the GB game was pretty damn good and was what got Ego and Dan writing a script for a 3rd movie.
Unfortunately Bill wouldn't bulge then Egon died and Sony being Sony wouldn't let something stay dead
I'm speaking strictly about on Sup Forums, faggots like you got super mad about it, there's no articles bashing him about, just you pathetic fucks wringing your hands that he dared to tell the truth.
Smug and stupid? It's just facts, but keep crying about DAH ESSJAYDUBYAHS, you big crybaby.
Why is Don Cheadle in a glass box?
i still jerk off to lindsay weir so theres no way i could hate him