What did Synder mean by this?

What did Synder mean by this?
I think he was being a bit too subtle for me.

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Is there anything more cliche than jesus imagery?

Doing it in every single movie?

Yeah, Jesus imagery in reference to Superman. Shit's been done to death since the 70s.

He was. You're just too fucking stupid to see it and too arrogant to admit it even if someone explained it.


Having an entire scene for it?


I'm glad he refrained from using Jesus motif in BvS

It would be really stupid if they made Superman actually die and have him revive a couple days later



Holy fuck, Zack Snyder must be a hell of a hardcore christian

or he just do it because he knows people will react to it somehow? Kind like on madmen with Peggy's ad.

>every single...
you mean two right goy? One of which is just a shot for the opening.

I dare one of you fags to explain what it's there to convey, and why it might actually be important to upcoming events.


>what's it's there to convey
1.Jesus is the more human aspect of God
Everybody believes that Superman is God, if that was true he would be an asshole like God normally is, but he's not God. He's Jesus who's not an asshole.
2. Jesus sides with humanity
Superman sided humanity so many fucking times in both of these movies that would be stupid to list them all but at the top of my head there's him saving the drawing bus and then "WTF YOU OLD MADMAN SHOULD I LET THEM DIE?" thing and the "KRYPTON HAD IT'S CHANCE" scene.

>Why it might be important in upcoming events
I have no idea

He is seriously such a hack.

Reminder that DC/Warner Bros did not let this guy watch Batman v Superman before he died.

Well he was too subtle with the Übermensch and Prometheus/Frankenstein stuff in BVS. So he was right, without that ignorant americans would fail to understand that

They did him a favor

the funniest thing about that scene is that absolutely no one talks about the cross behind the person he's talking to

Memes aside, that genuinely broke my heart :(

Apparently he did get to see it.

Probably would have lived if he didn't.

>Having an entire scene for it?
Well the purpose of the scene was about having faith user. So a church is fitting.

He's not God. He's not even Jesus. The imagery is there to convey mankind's largely unconscious deification of a man just trying to be a hero when his nature and environment conspire to make him appear god-like.

That's why it's not just Jesus imagery. That's there too, of course, when people are seeing him in the role of a savior, but there's plenty of imagery that's more suggestive of what could be called a "solar deity" - a sun god. Pic related.

Lex Luthor even names two other sun gods in his speech - Apollo and Horus,

Starting from MoS forward, we're seeing Superman and the Kryptonian invasion presented as a "First Contact" scenario and mankind's reaction to it. Both Pa Kent and Perry White's characters address that very thing through their speech and their actions. This is how mankind reacts to a clearly more biologically and technologically advanced god-like being - they start thinking of him as a god.

So in the aftermath of Superman's death and resurrection POSSIBLE SPOILER, it's very possible that the deification is going to ramp up significantly and that Superman's going to come back possessed by the big bad, who totally is a god and totally does benefit from worship.

Hang on a second, Jew. According to this article, they DID screen it for him before he died.

I find "Superman = Jesus" is a sign of a writer that doesn't get superman.


That's true in BvS, but MoS doesn't have the society projecting their idea of Superman throughout. It's jesus or nothing.

lo, what a pleb

He saw it, it's just that warner didnt make a big deal about it.

I feel extremely dirty about jokes like that, because I believe in karma to an extent, but I still keked.

Huh, not all of Sup Forums is pleb


>Not knowing about the Jesus scene in 300.
And I'm sure there's some in Sucker Punch but that would require staying awake through the whole thing.

bvs explicitly ups the context to include all savior and dying/rising myths, snyder is well aware of the recurring nature of aspects of our heroes and the journey of superman specifically suggests a process of evolution

it's not that superman is jesus, it's that jesus himself is a superman of past, and that even what jesus went through is something that's more universal than it is totally specific to him
because as we all know, many if not the vast majority of the general aspects of the jesus story were already around in stories that predate him
to allude to that aspect of our culture is fitting concerning all the threads of ascension between both movies

That's very true. Up to and including the Once and Future King.

is her career dead ?

Every story every told is just a retelling of the story of Christ

Up to and including Christ's, honestly, elements of it, at least.

That's the point, is just another sun god, a myth every culture had

A good death is its own reward.

>it's a "allusions to Christian myth/theology gives my film philosophic depth" episode

i know it's a joke, but i wish the real meme would die

They already did that in Superman Returns. Hell in that movie they went one further having him float in orbit hearing the people crying for him. They are literally praying to Superman in the heavens in Singer's movie.

and that's where i'm very interested in seeing how this all turns out, because i think snyder and co have a chance of breaking through to some very interesting territory should they go all the way with pulling from everything and committing to the narrative that that would give them

at times in bvs it was almost as if they were actually close to sort of a pure progression of narrative ideas. like they are close to only showing what necessarily has to happen given what came beforehand.

She's so damn awesome. I hope she's alive in the Phantom Zone.

the fuck was her problem?

It's not a joke, but I know it's probably easier for you to think it is.

And it served literally no purpose in Singer's film other than the most obvious, yet he apparently gets a pass.

I hope exactly the same. Keep the faith, brother.

>he doesn't have a portrait of Antje Traue on his wall

why so pleb, Sup Forums?

She's in my bed instead

>She's in my bed instead

Do you think that's what killed him?

You're a heartless motherfucker. I knew your day couldn't be complete without hearing that at least once.

You're welcome.

That Superman isn't Jesus, or a god. Just a dude who doesn't always know what the right thing is.

It's a pairing of Jesus imagery and Clark doing a very un-Jesus like thing to get that point across.

His sister posted on Twitter/Facebook that they did screen it for him. They just didn't publicize it.

>Jesus is a woman rape victim who's an alcoholic who's also a whore
What did Snyder mean by this?